Do you have a problem?

yardape's Avatar
Best I can observe from a distance, some age, and a mix of experience, Mrs. Woods knew her man was nailing strange and largely looked the other way. But when one in particular (who resembles Elin) started occupying more of Tiger's time and mind than the W could tolerate, she blew her stack. Make no mistake, grown women have a sixth sense about this stuff. It's a shame we can't park 'em at the deer lease to keep poachers out.
Chevalier's Avatar
Personal opinion, cheating is a selfish act. Originally Posted by Nicole Preston
I tend to agree, and I suspect many of the ladies do as well. Understandably.

Which I suppose might create a little ambivalence for some ladies -- disapproving of the behavior but also knowing that a sizeable percentage of the clientele from whom she makes her living engage in that behavior.
boo-boo bear's Avatar
Well, since I am not married, (never been, came close but she strayed while I was at sea. Still, would not rule it out in the future.) I have no problem with my hobby life, but still do not let others know. While guys may nod their head in agreement around the table with the ladies, what they are really thinking is "damn! lucky bastard! now why can't I do that!?" Tiger was, IMHO, out "playing the slots" due to his ego, and the inability of those around him to tell him no. I agree with Nicole Preston's comment as well.
Guest012211-3's Avatar
To me, Tiger was selfish in way that he couldn't see beyond his own impulsive need to have affairs with over 12 women. He couldn't step outside of his own ego for a moment to weigh the consequences of his own actions? That's selfish. Just like people who suffer from substance abuse only think of themselves and their addiction, it's the same pattern for maybe he does have a problem.

As for cheating, most women can get over the "act"'s the lies/deception that it is hardest to forgive.
aussie317's Avatar
You are correct Nicole. Tiger does have a very big ego, and it did get the best of him. I'm sure he was thinking with his little head and not his head. Now he will pay for his mistakes for a long time to come.

As for me, if and when I plan on having a relationship with a lady I will be quitting the hobby. But as a single guy for now, it's all about having fun and meeting new people.
  • npita
  • 12-29-2009, 09:49 AM
As for cheating, most women can get over the "act"'s the lies/deception that it is hardest to forgive. Originally Posted by Nicole Preston
I don't presume to judge a person in this regard, since I don't have to live that person's life. I suspect that cheating falls into two categories: (1) Those who are in a sexless relationship, who choose to remain married for some reason that they can reconcile with their desire to have sex occasionaly and; (2) Those who simply want to have sex with many women, despite a perfectly adequate sex life at home.

I understand the actions of the first category, because divorce may be a detriment to both the husband and wife. But, the wife is being a little unreasonable if she is not having sex with her husband who desires it and she expects her husband to remain celibate. I don't really understand the second category, probably because I'm not wired that way. In any case, the decision to stray is a personal one which primarily affects the person straying, in struggling with his choice, so I try to not make any general judgment about that sort of thing. I have not been in a situation where I had to make such a decision, so I can't really judge those who have, based on only cheating vs. not cheating.

Personal opinion, cheating is a selfish act.
At the very lowest level, all actions are selfish. That is why you never see an athiest martyr. Martyrs martyr themselves for the rewards they perceive their martyrdom will gain them in the afterlife for being an heroic person in this one. Ultimately, martyrs are the ultimate egotists. Altruists are altruists because their acts of altruism fulfill a personal need that their altruism satisfies. Selfishness which accomplishes socially acceptable goals are simply more socially acceptable than selfishness which tends to benefit only the actor and possibly a few cronies.
cookie man's Avatar
Several people referred to the "God fearing" verbage in my original post. I could have easily used "masses" or "general population". I just threw in "God fearing" as a term for judgemental middle America.

My thought is that most morals we are taught as children is based on religious dogma, and the fear of God is used to keep us in line. However even if you don't believe in God, surely you believe in ethics and "right or wrong".

Man is basically an animal in conflict with himself. The side of him that wins out is the side that ultimately leads him to his fate.
Guest012211-3's Avatar
First, let me begin by professing my love for Cookie Man! He knows why...

Second: Remember High School Literature? There were three basic themes...Man vs Nature, Man vs Man, and Man vs Himself...

Ain't nothin' new under the sun, right? We will forever wrestle that age old question of "right vs wrong"...It's up to the individual to decide what he/she can live with...

You always have a choice
  • npita
  • 12-29-2009, 02:20 PM
You always have a choice Originally Posted by Nicole Preston
Just for the sake of argument, there was also the high school philosophy question of free will.
Guest012211-3's Avatar
Yes, and I believe Henry David Thoreau was the supreme expert on the subject...
cookie man's Avatar
I have my hands so full with my own life, I don't have time or energy to think about Tiger Woods. Who am I to judge? It's really between him and his wife, after all. Originally Posted by Dharma

We, the people, love to gossip about celebs. Something about watching them squirm like the rest of us.
Check out this article on the impact of Tiger's transgressions. It's a financial amount. The effect on his wife and kids can't really be measured in dollars. Although lawyers and the public will try.

I know a buttload of money will help her pain. Still I'd bet she would rather have a husband who could keep his dick in his pants than have to be embarrassed in front of the whole world and pack up her kids and take them out of their home.

quote Nicole...
"First, let me begin by professing my love for Cookie Man! He knows why..."

Ahh shucks Nicole. The free cookies right? I profess my love as well, but everybody knows why!
xperiment's Avatar
I am god fearing but here is how I look at marriage. I have no problems with people having extra marital affairs as long as both in the marriage have communicated those feelings before hand. Now if the marriage is on premise of being exclusive to each other then that is where the problem is. The trust factor goes away.

With Tiger the reason this is a big deal is due to his polished clean good boy persona that has been painted on him. He is the poster child of good hard work, strong family upbringing and overcoming racial adversity. If this was any other athlete it would been no big deal at all. Race I think is also the double standard. If he was a football player no big deal either but since its the clean cut and polished sport of golf which is white dominated it is a huge issue. I would even say if a white person in football like Tom Brady or Peyton Manning was found cheating it wouldn't have had such a huge impact. The double standard here is terrible and that is why so many are shocked about his affairs.

Just my 2 cents.
paladin55's Avatar
Who is Tiger Woods?
ODN25's Avatar
  • ODN25
  • 12-29-2009, 07:39 PM
Who is Tiger Woods? Originally Posted by paladin55
I like your style.
TexTushHog's Avatar
I don't have a problem. I see women and I want to fuck them. No problem.