Advisors say Carson is having trouble with the Middle East

Harry Truman was a master of government spending and domestic policy. He ran a committee that rooted out waste and fraud among military contractors. When he became president he had very little idea of current foreign intrigues of FDR. He didn't know about the atom bomb but he was called upon to rise to the occassion. Not a bad president for a guy with no college and no real experience outside his work in the Senate.

Carson has so much more going for him and advisors are a dime a dozen in DC. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Chaney, and Rumsfeld would be happy to help him out.
I'm well aware of what the OT is about. My comment was referencing the use of the OT by modern christians to support their retrograde views on certain subjects; homosexuality, etc. Originally Posted by WombRaider
The Apostle Paul isn't too kind to Homosexuality either. But then, he was equally hostile in his Epistles toward Fornication, Adultry, Whoremongering, and Idolitry.

In Christain Doctrine, I have always understood that God does not differentiate sin from sin. Sin is sin. Period.

The truth is, most Protestant Doctrine teaches that the only sin that can condemn a soul to eternal torment (Hell), is the sin of disbelief.

The big controversy between the different Denominations centers around just what constitutes disbelief. Baptist believe in the acceptance of Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior takes care of the disbelief issue. Others think you still have to add in "works". This is where all of the talking in tongues, handling of snakes, no dancing, not cutting your hair, etc comes in. But even Jesus said your works are as filthy rags in the eyes of God.

The Catholics believe in absolution through confession and holy communion. But, it seems you have to continually do it in order to stay in the good grace of the Church, and God.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 11-18-2015, 06:50 PM
Carson has so much more going for him and advisors are a dime a dozen in DC. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

WHAT does he have going for him to be president (not to be a nice man or a surgeon, but PRESIDENT)?

When HIS ADVISORS are saying things like this:

“Nobody has been able to sit down with him and have him get one iota of intelligent information about the Middle East,” said Duane R. Clarridge, a top adviser to Mr. Carson on terrorism and national security.

why do I want THAT kind of keen mind in charge of foreign policy?

Be a republican. Be a far right fringe republican. Like Ben Carson as a good man. Like him as a biblical literalist. But get past your Obama hatred and admit Carson is a very scary candidate for president.

And you know what is the scariest thing about him? Those quotes in a Clinton ad campaign look just as scary as the mushroom cloud in the anti-Goldwater ads. And they were damn effective because even those who are not politically involved will be scared.

What good is hiring/appointing good advisors if you are to obtuse about the subject to understand what they are telling you?

Want to ensure President H. Clinton? Nominate Ben Carson.

WHAT does he have going for him to be president (not to be a nice man or a surgeon, but PRESIDENT)?

When HIS ADVISORS are saying things like this:

“Nobody has been able to sit down with him and have him get one iota of intelligent information about the Middle East,” said Duane R. Clarridge, a top adviser to Mr. Carson on terrorism and national security.

why do I want THAT kind of keen mind in charge of foreign policy?

Be a republican. Be a far right fringe republican. Like Ben Carson as a good man. Like him as a biblical literalist. But get past your Obama hatred and admit Carson is a very scary candidate for president.

And you know what is the scariest thing about him? Those quotes in a Clinton ad campaign look just as scary as the mushroom cloud in the anti-Goldwater ads. And they were damn effective because even those who are not politically involved will be scared.

What good is hiring/appointing good advisors if you are to obtuse about the subject to understand what they are telling you?

Want to ensure President H. Clinton? Nominate Ben Carson.
Originally Posted by Old-T
Well, your Muslim communist community organizer made it so WTF?

Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 11-18-2015, 07:52 PM
Well, your Muslim communist community organizer made it so WTF?

Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
As usual, you are being too dense to even understand the point. Or to brainwashed to admit it. Not sure which is a bigger condemnation of your stance.
As usual, you are being too dense to even understand the point. Or to brainwashed to admit it. Not sure which is a bigger condemnation of your stance. Originally Posted by Old-T

Old-0zombie marinate in my world...
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  • Old-T
  • 11-18-2015, 08:08 PM
IIFFy, logic is not your strong suit, is it? You are now claiming a picture of Trump the seamstress somehow makes Carson's ignorance of basic international situations acceptable? Are you saying (1) At least Carson isn't as ridiculous as Trump?, or (2) Carson will appoint Trump as his national security advisor?

Which is it?
IIFFy, logic is not your strong suit, is it? You are now claiming a picture of Trump the seamstress somehow makes Carson's ignorance of basic international situations acceptable? Are you saying (1) At least Carson isn't as ridiculous as Trump?, or (2) Carson will appoint Trump as his national security advisor?

Which is it? Originally Posted by Old-T
It's like trying to teach a chicken geometry. Give it up. He's a fucking idiot.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
He's actually THE Idiot of the Year.

Win the vote, despite his obvious intellectual challenges. (That's how we say RETARD nowadays.)
LexusLover's Avatar
Or to brainwashed to admit it. Originally Posted by Old-T
At least Carson knows how to wash a brain, knows where it is, and has one!

One should probably refer to the "ADVISORS" who were allegedly quoted as being "former advisors" ...... and you should probably reread the article ...

.. the "advisors" were wrong ... so was the author of the article ....

..the Chinese were "in Syria" before Carson spoke .. so Carson WAS CORRECT!

And the Israelis confirmed it, BEFORE Carson spoke. The ONLY disturbing "thing" about the revelation is that the current administration didn't know about the Chinese carrier being in the area and making a call to a Syrian port while providing "advisors" and military assistance to the Syrian Government .... But perhaps that is because this ADMINISTRATION created a vacuum in the area by having to pull out the only U.S. carrier in the waters off Syria for "refitting" and maintenance which has reduced our operational carrier fleet to a dangerous level at a time of war, so the French came in with one of their own. And before you "WIKIPEDIA" the issue:
Yssup Rider's Avatar
If Carson was correct, it wasn't on purpose.

Does he have your vote, LLephantMan?

A simple wave of your trunk will suffice.

(Ps - is that why no Houston provider will see you? Are you THAT grotesque?)
LexusLover's Avatar
At least Carson knows how to wash a brain, knows where it is, and has one!

One should probably refer to the "ADVISORS" who were allegedly quoted as being "former advisors" ...... and you should probably reread the article ...

.. the "advisors" were wrong ... so was the author of the article ....

..the Chinese were "in Syria" before Carson spoke .. so Carson WAS CORRECT!

And the Israelis confirmed it, BEFORE Carson spoke. The ONLY disturbing "thing" about the revelation is that the current administration didn't know about the Chinese carrier being in the area and making a call to a Syrian port while providing "advisors" and military assistance to the Syrian Government .... But perhaps that is because this ADMINISTRATION created a vacuum in the area by having to pull out the only U.S. carrier in the waters off Syria for "refitting" and maintenance which has reduced our operational carrier fleet to a dangerous level at a time of war, so the French came in with one of their own. And before you "WIKIPEDIA" the issue: Originally Posted by LexusLover
Thanks France! For taking care of OUR BUSINESS.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Thanks France! For taking care of OUR BUSINESS. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Just like France thanked us for taking care of THEIR business after 9/11?

Does that mean we can start calling our Freedom Fries French Fries again?

You are one seriously stupid hypocrite, LLephantMan!

LexusLover's Avatar
..the Chinese were "in Syria" before Carson spoke .. so Carson WAS CORRECT!

Originally Posted by LexusLover