CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Nothing changes that Obama is a lying piece of shit and there will be a congressional investigation into Benghazi. President Biden??? Now that is scary. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Actually, JD is right about this one.
Nothing changes that Obama is a lying piece of shit and there will be a congressional investigation into Benghazi. President Biden??? Now that is scary. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Nothing changes except nobody was buying your bullshit made up story. Fuck you.
Actually, it doesn't. My new business will thrive under Obamacare. I'm still going to fight for freedom, but I expected this, and prepared for it. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Well, shit. It all works out for you. Just like I've always said. You're just a whining piece of shit looking for something to cry about. Why do we need to pay any attention to you at all?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Barleycorn, you couldn't be more wrong. Obamas victory doesn't make anybody look better. But it DOES make you look like a fucking loser dipshit.


I usually pray for healing after nights like this, but you can go fuck yourself, you traitorous piece of donkeyshit!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
And COG, you no longer are relevant.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Nothing changes that Obama is a lying piece of shit and there will be a congressional investigation into Benghazi. President Biden??? Now that is scary. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Nothing changes the fact you lie about everything. Your service, your profession, the number of cocks you've swallowed or the number of cocks you have yet to swallow.

Your clock is ticking.

You're right about one thing. Foxes role in lying about Libya does need to be investagated.

You may go now.
You fucking douche-bag.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Why do we need to pay any attention to you at all? Originally Posted by timpage
You don't have to. I don't care.

  • MrGiz
  • 11-06-2012, 11:10 PM
Allow the vociferous urbanite mob, their victory... and let them revel in glee... they deserve everything they have voted for!

We... collectively... as a country... DESERVE our chosen Government!

I am much like our President... I could easily be defined as narcisistic... everything is all about ME... and I plan to USE the next four years to my advantage!

Congratulations to all who are filled with glee and pride tonight... you DESERVE your revelry! ENJOY.... I plan to...
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Bring it boy. But bring it correct!
Nothing changes that Obama is a lying piece of shit and there will be a congressional investigation into Benghazi. President Biden??? Now that is scary. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
One thing that changes is that you can shut the fuck up with your election predictions.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Nothing changes that Obama is a lying piece of shit and there will be a congressional investigation into Benghazi. President Biden??? Now that is scary. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
I'm cool with Biden!
One thing that changes is that you can shut the fuck up with your election predictions. Originally Posted by timpage
I had forgotten what a good thread this was.....


I'm going off-grid for the next few days, or at best, I'm spotty on internet access.

To all liberal/progressive brothers and sisters, I wish you a wonderful Thanksgiving.

To all the shitbirds on the other side....I wish you a wonderful Thanksgiving as well. Use your time off to consider your lack of humanity to your fellow Americans while you suck food into your fat bellies. Enjoy!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I had forgotten what a good thread this was.....


I'm going off-grid for the next few days, or at best, I'm spotty on internet access.

To all liberal/progressive brothers and sisters, I wish you a wonderful Thanksgiving.

To all the shitbirds on the other side....I wish you a wonderful Thanksgiving as well. Use your time off to consider your lack of humanity to your fellow Americans while you suck food into your fat bellies. Enjoy! Originally Posted by timpage
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Ah, yes. Only government is generous. Only government cares. We must all bow to government and give thanks to them for their beneficence towards us. We have failed, government is our Savior!

Dear Leader: The peace of Government be with you,

Slaves of the state: And also with you.

Our Thanksgiving Prayer:

All: "We give thanks to you, O Mighty Government, for this meal we are about to eat. We didn't make that, we know, but for the generosity of government, who takes our money, and spends it on what only You, O Government, know to be best for us. Without you, Dear Leader, and your saints in Government, we would be nothing. We could not give to others, were it not for you, taking from us and distributing as You know best. All Hail Thee, Almighty Government! May we be truly thankful for what we are to receive from Your Bounty. Amen."

Let us now join hands and sing that great Patriotic Hymn, America the Pitiful, But For Our Government.
  • MrGiz
  • 11-19-2012, 11:17 PM
+1! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Jeeeeeeezus Keeeeeerist.... I had almost forgotten what idiots we have around here!!

I've been too busy, taking care of myself, and those close to me..... y'all aught to try it sometime.... you might gain some respect for yourselves!!