Serious Question

Lucas McCain's Avatar
You were smart to bounce. Not worth the risk. I respect LE, but I will avoid them if there is a 1% chance they can get me on anything. I've never been to jail and I plan on keeping it that way. Better to be safe than to be sorry.
me thincks Dorfy didn’t write the op

not enough wrong words and typos

ps: good work watchin those monitors
First off, I'm glad you're safe! Fuck thinking that you were overreacting. You used your wits and you stayed out of trouble.

That was definitely a questionable situation at the very least and you should be proud that you didn't let greed or a misplaced sense of duty get you in over your head.
SCBOY's Avatar
  • 02-09-2017, 10:40 PM
Answering your questions
No, you did not over react.

Yes, I would let the provider know if LE was in the parking lot & if they asked me questions?

I'm glad you are safe darling. You did the right thing.
Better safe than sorry, i wouldve done the same!
me thincks Dorfy didn’t write the op

not enough wrong words and typos

ps: good work watchin those monitors Originally Posted by GlobeSpotter
Thanks to my mexican mother I'm always watching for something...
Thanks for everyones input I honestly didn't know if I was wrong thinking the way I did or not.. I'm glad I have those to tell me the truth when real shit happens..
  • pxmcc
  • 02-09-2017, 11:57 PM
That's an adrenaline rush right there. Hell I felt it just reading about it. I learned the hard way, when shit don't feel right, just bounce. (Wasn't LE in my case, but pimps.) There's a reason it don't feel right. Cause somethin' aint right.
Sooo.... who's the hobbyist ..............? Call the fucker out on it!

We got your back

TryWeakly's Avatar
Read.... read... the answer lies within
jojodancer15's Avatar
That was handled well, notels suck for that reason. Great thread, we should discuss more things like this to keep everyone safe. I'd definitely not stick around once I saw LE and let the other party know. Stay safe!!
  • pxmcc
  • 02-10-2017, 01:04 AM
Was it W.E.? Something don't feel right 'bout that boy.
Where the heck is NaMo when you need her? Wait, did I just say that? Nawww, can't be. ha ha.

Oh ya, forgot politics stops at the border. ijs.

When it comes to China, dems n pubs are of 1 mind, imo. The South China Sea and the stockpiling of weapons on man-made islands looks equally like a clusterfuck to both.
TryWeakly's Avatar
LexusLover's Avatar
I peeked ... travel time is doable ... BUT .... I have mentioned this before IMO, and you are familiar with the area if I recall, LE north of BW8 between 59 and 290 have a cozy relationship with notels AND have electronic savy and resources ... I've had similar experiences along 45N ... and IMO neither one were involving any intentional behavior on the part of the person I had planned to both instances I left without getting "on the air" until I was way out of the area so that I could not be stopped on a "pretense" traffic stop and my phone examined.

In each instance the other party appreciated the late info and explanation ... I waited to be contacted by them subsequently to advise if anything further had happened.

IMO you did the right thing, but next time leave "quietly" and clear the area .... do not worry about anyone criticizing you for protecting yourself first ... especially when the asshole didn't alert you to the presence of LE AT THE PLACE ... and LE had actually contacted him.

You say it was someone off the board, but was it someone's name being used?

You have to assume now that who it was is looking at this thread!
saints & spinners's Avatar
Vice would not drive a vehicle with Constable on it.
Unless you're walking the streets, you would not be arrested by a Constable.