ntxguy's Avatar
We will definitely know if or when VIP Mya Michelle or several of the other notorious Oh2 ladies are allowed to be members. Lol
Wile E Coyote's Avatar
Actually, having a provider member refer you as a member is a good thing as opposed to anyone with an internet connection (Leo, guys that do not really see providers, but just sign up to be trolls, ect.) can sign up as a member.

It sounds the same as initial membership referral on p411.

We will definitely know if or when VIP Mya Michelle or several of the other notorious Oh2 ladies are allowed to be members. Lol Originally Posted by ntxguy
If provider members can only refer clients, then probably client members can only refer providers they have been with or know. I doubt Mya Michelle would be invited by anyone to be honest!
TrulySummer's Avatar
Actually, having a provider member refer you as a member is a good thing as opposed to anyone with an internet connection (Leo, guys that do not really see providers, but just sign up to be trolls, ect.) can sign up as a member.

It sounds the same as initial membership referral on p411.

If provider members can only refer clients, then probably client members can only refer providers they have been with or know. I doubt Mya Michelle would be invited by anyone to be honest! Originally Posted by Wile E Coyote

We are trying to be fair to which providers can join. Some providers have been invited by clients and some providers have been referred by other providers. We are checking each provider out to make sure they are legit and established.

We hope to keep the drama and trolls out or to a minimum. As with anything new, we are going to have growing pains. I would hope everyone would have some patience and understanding. I guess that will tell us a lot about the ones who do not.
TrulySummer's Avatar
Then how do we know which providers are on your site so we know which ones can give us a reference?

Also, how are you vetting the ladies you allow to join? Or are you just allowing any lady to join? Originally Posted by ntxguy

I would suggest reaching out to your favorite provider or one who you have seen a few times to see if she is a member and ask for a reference/referral.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
six days. bahhaaaa

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they can uninvite me
CG2014's Avatar
We are checking each provider out to make sure they are legit and established. Originally Posted by TrulySummer
Yes, we are so glad the creator of the paceproDOTnet site is on top of things, she who hasn't had

We will definitely know if or when VIP Mya Michelle or several of the other notorious Oh2 ladies are allowed to be members. Lol Originally Posted by ntxguy
Or the annoying Kushella and that British Girl that CK loves so much she is under his personal witness protection program
Wile E Coyote's Avatar
We are trying to be fair to which providers can join. Some providers have been invited by clients and some providers have been referred by other providers. We are checking each provider out to make sure they are legit and established.

We hope to keep the drama and trolls out or to a minimum. As with anything new, we are going to have growing pains. I would hope everyone would have some patience and understanding. I guess that will tell us a lot about the ones who do not. Originally Posted by TrulySummer
IMO, supposed hobbyists who have thousands of posts, yet barely double figures in reviews if not single digits or none and just pay for access are the guys I would be very leery of entry, even if a provider referred him as that is usually indicative of a troll.

As far as drama queen providers go, the ladies really do not post much on this site. I am sure you can get a good idea from the ladies areas of OH2 and Eccie with who posts alerts on and has shitty opinions of hobbyists and spreads them to whoever will listen who they have never seen or met, she thrives on gossip and suddenly after a bad review on them, makes up lies about the reviewer as a form of vendetta.

Just some friendly suggestions. As you site grows and like Eccie, you have a great deal of frequent posters with "BANNED" over their avatar, you can be sure that most of them are the type of folks I said in the above paragraphs.
Bald Bryan's Avatar
You seem pretty worked up by this. Care to share with others just what it is that has you going in all caps/multiple exclamation point mode?
LustyBustyGina38FF's Avatar
Give the site a chance ..Will You ?
TinMan's Avatar
It will be slow to develop, since it’s private and by invitation only. As long as folks are aware of that and not in a hurry to grow the membership, it will be ok. Oh2 had a small base up until eccie made its changes, and it did fine in the few cities it focused on.
LustyBustyGina38FF's Avatar
It will take sometime to get going as getting memberships
But it's a new place to post ADS ..

That you can go and checkout ..
I will refer some gents I have seen from ECCIE or OH2
Wile E Coyote's Avatar
It will be great if pacepro takes the good of both sites (Eccie and OH2) defines it better and leaves the negative of both sites behind. The bad part about that is when you have the same members, especially if they have some of the same staff members, you are usually going to get the same results.

It will be all about the staff over there and how they run that site. Will all members actually be treated equally or will they play favorites? Will they single out members for whatever reason giving points/bans to play power trips? Will trolls be able to insult and stalk other members with impunity? Of course, there are many other questions as well.

It is just like a gym/health club membership......There are lots of facilities out there with the same equipment and services, but the difference is always going to be, the people there that run it.

Who you allow on the board and how you treat members will ultimately reflect the type of members you attract and maintain as members. A good example of this is do you have many different participants in discussion threads on the site or are most of the membership simply lurkers that rarely if ever post?
Kayla Foxx's Avatar
Well I was one of the first few members. I'm just glad there are other options being created. Plus, the mindfulness to consider safety is always 🔝 priority for me! Glad to be apart & wishing much future success. See you guys & gals there 😽!
TBONE's Avatar
  • 06-23-2022, 09:59 AM
I've known Summer a long time. She threw some fantastic socials back in the day.
Sure she took some time away.
She won't do anything half assed-if it doesn't come to be she'll turn it off.

TrulySummer's Avatar
I've known Summer a long time. She threw some fantastic socials back in the day.
Sure she took some time away.
She won't do anything half assed-if it doesn't come to be she'll turn it off.

T Originally Posted by TBONE

Thank you very much! I take this as a compliment coming from you. It is good to see you are still around my old friend.