What little things do you appreciate most?

Eccie Addict's Avatar
Hope you guys don't mind me visiting I've had some really good times with some of the ladies from Dallas and wanted to chime in here.

For me it's really not a time thing or anything. Like "tips", they are never expected but appreciated when recieved. For me is when I forget it's a session is when I really want to see the lady again. There are numerous ways to do that from having similar outlook on things to where your conversations while together just flow or you at least believe that they really "want" to be with you.

Another thing that will get my attention is when a lady actually reads my p411 profile and sees what I like. It doesn't bother me if they accomodate it or not but the fact that they know impresses me. No different then the ladies like when a guy does his research before contacting them.

A little reading and research on both parts can make all the difference on how the session will go.

Let's not forget, a sense of humor I sure hate to see when a lady or guy from the board ends up jaded to the point they lose their sense of humor.
Papacorn's Avatar
Smiling frequently, laughing easily, clearly enjoying the fact that I came to visit (again?). Using names if that has been shared, taking the time to ask about non-hobby points discussed either online, or in a previous visit.

Bottom line is creating the illusion of not just passion, but pleasure, happiness, an excited partner anticipating my visit. I always get butterflies when I visit a lady - either as it is someone new (will we click), or someone I already know (God that last time was hot....). If I am number 3 that day, I would rather think I am number one, at least for our time together....
GiveNReceive's Avatar
Illusion of passion
Considerate. There has not been many instances where the lady was not for me.
Smelling and tasting clean
flanker1017's Avatar
Even though these have all been noted, the big ones for me are lots of smiles and making me believe that you are happy that I am there and letting your personality shine through. Then the capper, wiping me off with a warm wash cloth. That is the perfect finale.
EA kind of touched this one, but I recently saw a provider who had clearly done some research about me through my posts on ECCIE, review history,etc. We talked about some of those things during the session, and it helped to break the ice before we ever met each other in person. It made me feel like I wasn't just client x for that day. She invested time in understanding who I was, and that only helped the session.

A hug can alter my whole day, and anytime a lady gives me a long embrace before and/or after our time together, I always appreciate it.

I saw a visiting provider who, when I laid down next to her in bed, looked me in my eyes and said softly "you're so cute." Simple words, but I needed to hear them for a number of reasons. She then proceeded to rock my world sexually, but that one moment was the highlight of the session.
Guest062512's Avatar
You oughtta know most of what keeps me coming back. You do it so well. You're about to drag me back into this game, I think. However, to share with everyone else in this thread (a nice thread indeed, BTW) I'll list a few things here. Many of these have already been mentioned eloquently by previous posters, but here we go.

Most importantly, I need to think that the lady is genuinely interested in me. Real or imagined, I need that feeling.

I want her to be happy to see me (and not just the envelope).

I totally LOVE hearing from my "friends" between sessions just to gab and to share.

I, too, like it when a first-time lady reads my P411 profile and/or my board posts to find out a little bit about me before our session.

I like the lady to enjoy our sessions too (or at least make me believe she does).

I like to be trusted (at least after a visit or two) - enough that we can share a thing or two from our civvie lives - enough that she knows the envelope is full without having to count it while I'm there.

BCD - I'd have to say affection is the most important thing for me. If the affection seems real and I feel valued and appreciated (and not just serviced), then I'll most likely be back.

I'm not a "pound-and-pound-just-wanna-get-my-nut" kinda guy. What do I want out of a girlfriend experience? I wanna be treated like a boyfriend - not just a client.

All-in-all, That thing that Traci does?... That's what I like.
Donnie Brasco's Avatar
I really appreciate when the lady responds promptly to my appointment request, even if she is not available. It's sounds very basic, but you would be surprised how hard it is to get prompt replies. Originally Posted by BigEddie
HUGE, in my book. My ATF remembers that I like stockings and high heels during our encounters. DFK to the max and, doesn't make me at all feel rushed. We talk from time to time on the phone and she makes me feel tlike we click, I think we do. She turns my Wynter into Spring every time I see her. She of course very well knows that I'm referring to her now.
Now, if she only let me put my tongue up her, well that's a different story for a different day.
1. Speak my name.
2. Lots of smiling.
3. She gives a Provider OK without me asking for it.
4. The warm washcloth treatment.
Providers, if you want to melt me, speak my name in a golden moment (if you get one!)
Cool thread, Traci.

Most importantly, I need to think that the lady is genuinely interested in me. Real or imagined, I need that feeling.

Ditto as a lady, I like to feel the reason you are seeing me is you are genuinely interested in me.

I want her to be happy to see me (and not just the envelope).

ditto, not just another kitty to crawl into

I totally LOVE hearing from my "friends" between sessions just to gab and to share.


I, too, like it when a first-time lady reads my P411 profile and/or my board posts to find out a little bit about me before our session.

+1 - view my website, leave me a note, talk with me.

I like to be trusted (at least after a visit or two) - enough that we can share a thing or two from our civvie lives - enough that she knows the envelope is full without having to count it while I'm there.


BCD - I'd have to say affection is the most important thing for me. If the affection seems real and I feel valued and appreciated (and not just serviced), then I'll most likely be back.


I'm not a "pound-and-pound-just-wanna-get-my-nut" kinda guy. What do I want out of a girlfriend experience? I wanna be treated like a boyfriend - not just a client.

I really enjoy the Boyfriend experience the best ....
Originally Posted by Crossroads
  • Stag
  • 01-18-2011, 09:59 AM
We can't say enough how important it is to smile and laugh a little. A genuine smile is the single biggest turn-on in the world. Of of course, having a woman give me the little soft not-necessarily-sexual touches (in my arm, neck, cheek, back, etc.) are wonderful. And it may just be me, but I LOVE for a lady to "get acquainted" while sitting in my lap and stroking my hair.

And understand that there can be subtle differences between words that mean the same thing for the most part. For example, in two "first time" meetings, one lady asked me "So, how can we have fun today?" The other asked, "So, what kind of stuff do you normally like to do in a session?" Both were semi-polite questions to elicit what my sexual preferences might be, but one was subtle and sexy, while the other was perfunctory and mechanical. Guess which one turned me on?

st929's Avatar
  • st929
  • 01-18-2011, 10:07 AM
Awesome thread and many good post. I really don't have much else to add. It is always nice when a lady takes the time to read my post and get to know me to ask me what I like before we meet. Like many have said it's the connection with the lady that's important and hearing from her occasionally just to say hi is important (and not to ask me to do a quick session so she can pay her hotel/cell ect bill)

Oh and wearing a man's dress shirt that always blows my mind when they have read that and actually do it.

Back to my corner.
Awesome replies everyone. I really appreciate your input.

The thing I find interesting, is there are a few things (in this thread and other places) that I've seen multiple people write exactly the same, and then I've seen things that are exactly opposite for two people. For instance, some gents LOVE when I let them undress me and take their time with it, and others are disappointed and a little put-out if I don't jump out of my clothes right away.

This hobby is so incredibly varied, which is both wonderful and frustrating, lol. I'd have to add open communication to my list of desired qualities. I find that the clients that are very open with me about what they like and want are usually the ones that leave most satisfied, and I feel most satisfied by a job well done. And also I would have to add patience and compassion to my list. The ones that forgive my little mistakes, my awkward moments, my quirkiness. The ones that really understand that I'm a person, and a relatively young one at that. I don't have it all figured out yet, and the ones that are patient and compassionate are the ones I LOVE to see, again and again.

Sometimes I think we forget that everyone has ATFs (even providers), but we can't all expect to be everyone's ATF. I really believe that ACTING like an ATF is the best way to become one. Ladies, pay attention and remember what he likes. Make him feel welcome and comfortable. If you want him to come back, give him a reason to. Gents, do something that makes you stand out to her, in a positive way. If you want to be treated like her ATF, then act like it. Bring her little gifts that let her know that you KNOW her, and what she likes. Be considerate and understanding. Talk to her like she's a PERSON. Be a tipper (it doesn't even need to be a lot. Even just an extra $20 can be the highlight of my day, because it makes me feel like he really enjoys me and feels like I am valuable, and recognizes that I don't just try to give the minimum acceptable effort). All of these things are some of the ways my ATFs got their status.

So, shout out to my ATFs. You know who you are, and you know that I just adore you and appreciate you! You are the masters of my hobby universe, and the reason I love my job. <3
The bottom line for me being happy with a session is at least the illusion that I'm appreciated for visiting. I've had a lot of hobby fun in the last couple of months and one reason for the escalation in my hobby romps is I've connected with some amazing providers who make me feel like they were glad to see me. Sure, the sex was good and I had a great time but when I feel the "love" so to speak, it makes me want to go back again and again.

I just got a PM from a provider I saw recently thanking me for coming to see her and letting me know we need to get together again soon because she had fun and enjoyed our time together. You can bet your ass she will be seeing me again.
1. a pleasant personality, warm and open
2. someone who likes to "give" as much as I do
3. I am a sucker for guys that are really funny
4. really good hygiene