I may be an ass but....

Tiffany, no, for many years, if a guy mentions anything on the phone besides name, rank, and serial number, there is an acute hang-up by the typical lady (note I'm using the word typical, which connotes different meanings). Certainly, trust issues are present for safety sake, but there is a great tendency to error on the side of the provider, understandable if you are one. If you're on the other side of the query, then all you get is knowledge of who you won't be seeing, important if not disappointing in its own right. However, there are those ladies who know how to handle such situations with grace, though fatigue and anxiety can get the best of any of us. I'm afraid there's no talk or banter at the cabin these days.

Along Dawg's line of thought, I've often thought about wearing a t-shirt saying "Interested? Just ask for my number!" I imagine the shirt would be threadbare before I got any offers.
Ok, I gotta share my two cents here.

Honestly, I don't see the point of guys posting threads asking who is interested in seeing them. That is why we run ads after all. So it stands to reason that any lady who is running ads, has reviews, etc, would be happy to see you. If connecting with a lady is as difficult as some men make it out to be, well, perhaps you are calling the wrong ladies.

Hugh - to respond to your point about asking questions over the phone, I'm going to be blunt. Any woman who answers explicit questions is clueless and begging to be arrested at some point. Further, it makes you sound like LE. For my part, even if you aren't LE, I still don't want to see a man who asks those questions. Eventually you are going to talk yourself right into a pair of handcuffs, and I don't want you having already seen me when that happens. That is what reviews are supposed to be for - to answer those questions before you contact a lady, and save you from having to incriminate yourself or her.

Guys, keep it simple. You are overthinking this. Check reviews, contact well reviewed ladies with reputations for punctuality and professionalism, and you will save yourself alot of headaches.
Ok, I gotta share my two cents here.

Honestly, I don't see the point of guys posting threads asking who is interested in seeing them. That is why we run ads after all. So it stands to reason that any lady who is running ads, has reviews, etc, would be happy to see you. If connecting with a lady is as difficult as some men make it out to be, well, perhaps you are calling the wrong ladies.

Hugh - to respond to your point about asking questions over the phone, I'm going to be blunt. Any woman who answers explicit questions is clueless and begging to be arrested at some point. Further, it makes you sound like LE. For my part, even if you aren't LE, I still don't want to see a man who asks those questions. Eventually you are going to talk yourself right into a pair of handcuffs, and I don't want you having already seen me when that happens. That is what reviews are supposed to be for - to answer those questions before you contact a lady, and save you from having to incriminate yourself or her.

Guys, keep it simple. You are overthinking this. Check reviews, contact well reviewed ladies with reputations for punctuality and professionalism, and you will save yourself alot of headaches. Originally Posted by SinsOfTheFlesh

I like her!
Can't blame a guy for posting. But with many of the providers, it's hard enough to get them to respond when a guy is either replying to THEIR ad/showcase/e-mail/voicemail.

Would be interesting to hear if this approach yields any better results
If I had a dollar for every time I heard "mailbox full try again later" or no answer at all I would go on a binge that you all would talk about for the ages. Are we suppose to be psyic and know what providers are doing at the time we are trying to get in touch?? It is a mood killer to have a provider with a cell phone glued to her ear during my time I am spending my bucks for.
As for reviews what world do you live in to think every encounter is going to be the same?? The list goes on and on of mood killers.
If the provider has allready done her reference checks what difference does it make what we talk about on the phone???
I have heard there is a legit business that caters to this fetish.
Yes, ladies can post in that section... my goodness, is there not many ladies in Kansas that actually talk and banter with you men?? Originally Posted by Tiffany Cums
I'm sorry Tiffany, did you say something? Ummm... I was to busy stareing at your beautiful ummm... avatar.
lol yes, bbell, I was saying something....but don't worry, there's no test on it afterwards...

It's too bad there's not much bantering around here. I'm started to see why some of your fellow hobbiests pops their heads over on the OK side once in a while.
KCQuestor's Avatar
Didn't Cheaper2buyit do this at one point? Or maybe it was Lookin4fun?

Guys, keep it simple. You are overthinking this. Check reviews, contact well reviewed ladies with reputations for punctuality and professionalism, and you will save yourself alot of headaches. Originally Posted by SinsOfTheFlesh
Stacy, this assumes that everything a guy would want to know is available through a lady's showcase and reviews. That's not always the case. I could see this being a useful tactic if the guy was looking for something specific -- either a particular physical characteristic, skillset, or activity.

"I want a girl who can wiggle her ears. Anyone?"
"Any ladies out there able to speak fluent Estonian?"
"I have a thing for painting a woman's toenails. If you would be willing to let me do that at the start of the session, please contact me."

You can't find that stuff out from showcases, and calling/e-mailing/texting a bunch of ladies asking if they meet your criteria is a pain. And since lots of ladies won't respond at all if you ask sexual questions, it is much easier to do that here and request they contact you.

"I am looking for a one-hour date with MSOG. I want you to wear glasses and let me cum on your face. I also really like showering together afterwards. Please PM me if you are willing."
This is why I wish they had chat rooms for every area. It would make it sooooo much easier to find a quick encounter for both parties. Plus I know our area would have a very lively chat room. LOL.
This is why I wish they had chat rooms for every area. It would make it sooooo much easier to find a quick encounter for both parties. Plus I know our area would have a very lively chat room. LOL. Originally Posted by Allie_Kat

Allie_Kat Yes Yes Yes we need 1 for sure.
Lone Oak's Avatar
This is why I wish they had chat rooms for every area. It would make it sooooo much easier to find a quick encounter for both parties. Plus I know our area would have a very lively chat room. LOL. Originally Posted by Allie_Kat

Yep... I wish they did too. Maybe "tech" reasons why it's not possible.
Ok, I gotta share my two cents here.

Hugh - to respond to your point about asking questions over the phone, I'm going to be blunt. Any woman who answers explicit questions is clueless and begging to be arrested at some point. Further, it makes you sound like LE. For my part, even if you aren't LE, I still don't want to see a man who asks those questions. Eventually you are going to talk yourself right into a pair of handcuffs, and I don't want you having already seen me when that happens. That is what reviews are supposed to be for - to answer those questions before you contact a lady, and save you from having to incriminate yourself or her. Originally Posted by SinsOfTheFlesh
Stacy, no problem, blunt is fine ... unless trying to cut steak! I agree with what you said above. Whenever I've seen you over the years, for instance, it was just a simple phone call. That's the way it should be if everything were perfect in this area of life. However, I think the issue happens mainly when guys are fishing on BP for ladies who have little in the way of background information. Someone has specific desires, limited resources, and wants to zero in. But you're right, requests for specific information will make a lady as uptight as a turkey at a turkey shoot, and understandably so in this world.

Stacy, this assumes that everything a guy would want to know is available through a lady's showcase and reviews. That's not always the case. I could see this being a useful tactic if the guy was looking for something specific -- either a particular physical characteristic, skillset, or activity. Originally Posted by KCQuestor
Again, as Q mentions, many guys have specifics they are looking for and don't want to waste funds and time just to find out face to face that what they desire isn't on the menu. Some guys, though, have more general wants and have a broader range of what's OK for them. A gent who absolutely has to have a TV dinner with green beans should check the package to make sure it's included before checking out. If there's no indication on the package, or if the packaging merely suggests there might be green beans, he will likely not be happy at dinner. The guys just want to minimize their disappointments and maximize their successes, though life happens like false advertising and YMMV. The ladies want the same min/max, while LE may be falsely advertising themselves as potential clients.

There are no guarantees regardless of information gleaned. But in this consumer-driven society, I can't blame people liking to know as much as they can before making purchases of goods or services, whether green beans or otherwise. And vendors always want to check IDs before accepting a strange check. This whole issue of guys wanting to know and ladies being afraid to say has always been a tough one. Ne'er the twain shall meet? I hope not. Or maybe we should all just be happy with what we get? Well, happy and satisfied are two different stories.

Please note: Thinking about the recent Hank Jr. debacle, I'd better add that I am not directly comparing ladies with turkeys or TV dinners with or without green beans. Any comparisons are indirect and for explanatory purposes only. Having said that, I can now remain blameless, even if still clueless. On the other hand, COG, our official lightning rod (OLR), is standing on deck.
KCQuestor's Avatar
Of course the downside of posting a public "Looking for date" request is that everyone who reads that section will know what you are into. I can't imagine too many guys would be brave enough to post "Looking for a provider to wear an Osama bin Laden mask and fuck my ass with a strap on".

The best thing would be a forum where the settings allowed anyone to create a post, but only ladies could read and respond.
Enchanterlingum's Avatar
You want me to wear an OBL mask with glasses, fuck you in the ass w/ a strapon and shower with you afterwards?

I'll do it for $17.52 and a 6 pack of Boulevard Pale. And it better be cold dammit.
KCQuestor's Avatar
Sir, that would be an illegal act, and I will not discuss it in public.

(and dear god don't send me a PM)