What are your Quirks or Peccadillo's?

sixxbach's Avatar

If that means getting to see you in your underwear again, count me in!

haha, oh man. this booty only gets me into trouble
Peach and Klovve, you girls can have a pillow fight with me anytime Woohoo!
VictoriaLyn's Avatar
- I have to have both locks on the door are locked
- No wrinkles I can feel on the bottom sheet when sleeping
- I dont wear underwear Feels funny to me
- Have to sleep naked
- pants come off as soon as I walk in the door
- Doors to bathroom and closet have to be closed to sleep
- Soda in a can not a cup with ice unless at a resturant
- Toliet paper roll goes under
blenderhead's Avatar
I can't wear pants at home. The minute I get home I change to shorts and a t-shirt.

Food has to be super hot, drinks have to be ice cold.
1) After washing my hands in a public restroom,I use my paper towel that I dried my hands off with to grab the handle of the door to leave so I don't get new germs from it.

2) When I buy bananas at HEB I wait til I'm about to check out before I put them in the plastic bag then put the price label on it. I know fruit,especially bananas, ripens rapidly in plastic bags and I don't want it to "age" while I'm shopping in the store.

3) I've been a collector of "things" all my life. As a child, I had tons of crayons and marbles. As a young boy, I started collecting pocket knives. As an adult years ago, I was a machine gun collector and dealer...all legit and legal of course. I had more armament than most 3rd world countries.

I've since gotten rid of everything and don't miss any of it. Any and all material "things" with never buy you happiness. The only thing I want to collect now is my social security check one day before the Fed runs dry.
sixxbach's Avatar
I always wear socks
I do not like male waiters to serve me
Big on being on time
Always tip my haircut and goatee trimmer gal 50%
Hate my back against everyone at a restaurant
Have to have some sort of blanket on me at night
Only drink Coke Zero from a can

yeesh's Avatar
  • yeesh
  • 11-10-2010, 05:10 PM
I start every morning with two cups of coffee (half caff w/ milk). Then no coffee the rest of the day.

I absolutely CAN NOT stand dirty dishes in the sink. I'll even wash a glass as soon as I'm through with it.

Also, I must always have a book in my bathroom (usually an Uncle Johns' Bathroom Reader- go figure).

I only plug in my coffee pot and toaster oven when I use them. Otherwise, they stay unplugged.
*I have an iHome in every single room in my house. There is ALWAYS music playing.
and a nice wonderful mix of music it is
*I scream at my T.V when watching sports. And if I'm home, I'm usually in my underwear.
i think that is all women SHOULD wear around the house

*I am obsessed with strawberry condoms
now thats just gross, lol
*I am very anal about my dishes and my towels. If they are put away incorrectly/folded wrong I will go back and redo them. It will literally drive me crazy thinking about the misplaced glass in the wrong cupboard. Aside from that I am totally normal!!
lol....she said 'anal'. JK.
Ha! There you have it Originally Posted by klovve
i am not the cleanest person in the world...i dont vacum, sweep, dust or mop enough....but i cant stand a dirty kitchen. nasty counter tops, unrinsed dishes sittin in the sink full of nastyness is just gross. unfortunatly for me...my new roommie is ok with all of the above. I sleep in my home about 4 nights out of the month....and it STILL drives me nuts!

i hate clutter in general
i dont know why hot chicks are always messy and have cars that smell funky.
panties and pillow fights....oh man, this is now one of the hottest threads on here.

and wtf...seems everyone is just a bunch of OCD havin fools
bubbajay, if i remember correctly you have heard the ENTIRE "get it" playlist. so glad you enjoy it

panties and pillow fights..ladies come to my lovenest
And i really did enjoy the music a nice eclectic mix...but the boyz II men song was just out of place!...because...it was HAMMER TIME get it...boyz II men...hammer...same decade...nvmd lol

OMG that was so corny...but i just LOL'd at myself
atxbrad's Avatar
- Toliet paper roll goes under Originally Posted by VictoriaLyn
OMG, I forgot about that one. My TP rolls must go over the top. If I see an under roll I have to take it off and change it over.

I also only shop from groceries at HEB and everything else at Wal-Mart............never shall the two mix. There are some boaderline items like dog food. Its food so it should be HEB, but its for my dog so Wal-Mart gets it by default.
My right shoe always goes on first.
If my key is not in my left pants pocket its lost even if its in my right pants pocket.
I find it hard to sit still which can annoy others in a meeting.
Do not set anything on my pool table and keep the rack and balls off of it when not in use.
I "trial run" almost everything I make.
Joel Goodson's Avatar
Almost forgot, I keep a full-size fabulous furry frog suit in my closet for no apparent reason...