WOW BS from the Guy THat Wants bbfs

Well I was just saying how I felt about . . I dont mind big men just find it funny how you can say I have a pooch but I have a webcam so you can see for yourself .. dont mind at all .. ass & tities can be seen as well just pm for a free 30 sec show lol. Im alot of fun but when you come in and you tell me about your request after we already got started & I say well I dont do that "BBFS" then you say Well you just have to try since you cant ask on the phone .. Well get a clue.. Im not looking for aids syphillis or any other stds. My #1 Goal is to make my clients love me & come back but I have a hard time faking it . .So If you have a good time its def because I enjoyed your company. And thanks ladies for the replies. Appreciate it. Everyone have a great week
( KiSSes ) COurtney
Boltfan's Avatar
I have not been a member on this site with this handle for too long, Originally Posted by clawsonmills
Fixed that for ya...
Well I was just saying how I felt about . . I dont mind big men just find it funny how you can say I have a pooch but I have a webcam so you can see for yourself .. dont mind at all .. ass & tities can be seen as well just pm for a free 30 sec show lol. Im alot of fun but when you come in and you tell me about your request after we already got started & I say well I dont do that "BBFS" then you say Well you just have to try since you cant ask on the phone .. Well get a clue.. Im not looking for aids syphillis or any other stds. My #1 Goal is to make my clients love me & come back but I have a hard time faking it . .So If you have a good time its def because I enjoyed your company. And thanks ladies for the replies. Appreciate it. Everyone have a great week
( KiSSes ) COurtney Originally Posted by Courtney
Looks to be a smokin' hot body from what I can see from your Showcase pics. Besides, at my age getting to see someone like you without your clothes is always a treat!
Socially Irresponsible's Avatar
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  • 200K
  • 09-10-2012, 08:40 PM
Courtney, when I read the review, I figured that it was BS!
You are a well-reviewed lady, so it was really out-of-place! Your pictures are sexy, and beautiful! You seem calm about the bs review, so I have to reason on your side!
It's all about attitude! (and some sexyness on the lady's part-you got that!)
Not that we'll ever meet (we won't), but I don't have a "pooch," honey.

I also don't have 2 "No" reviews (nor a handful of questionable ones on top of those).

Not that any of that matters, since I'm a client rather than a provider. The distinction is not a small one. When the money starts flowing from you to me, then those points become relevant. But not until....

Fort Worth Punk's Avatar
While I don't agree with some of the OP's comments I do believe that the Hobbyist's appearance can impact how the Provider responds to her partner's appearance. Originally Posted by txcwby6
Impossible. The ladies in the thread about attractive clients insisted it had zero impact. Are you saying they were lying?
LazurusLong's Avatar
Hey ... mine is not a pooch ... its a belly. Originally Posted by pyramider
Mine was previously called a 'liquid grain storage container".

I don't have a 6 pack any more. I now have a pony keg.
I very seldom ever comment if at all. But Gentlemen she has every right to criticize if she desires to do so. Don't get all defensive. Keep in mind that attractions are a two way street. So man up! Lol! Keep it moving and quit sounding like a bunch of, well u know! Lmao!
Blubba's Avatar
Er, no, baldbrotha. She is getting paid for this service so she does not have the right to call her clientele fat. That is pimping 101, brotha. She can choose not to see any of these fat bastards and not take their money, but other that that needs to keep her opinions on their appearance to herself...
Lucky 1's Avatar
While I don't agree with some of the OP's comments I do believe that the Hobbyist's appearance can impact how the Provider responds to her partner's appearance. Originally Posted by txcwby6

I agree that the hobbiers appearance matters....its one of the reasons I work like hell at the gym 4 to 5 days a week...I may be an "older guy" but there's no "pooch" on me and my excellent physical condition (read muscular) is often commented on by providers.

Over the years I've gotten on friendly personal terms with several providers who told me all about the customers who were stinky.....demanding of services in a creepy kinda way......needed a hair cut....needed to shave...needed to brush teeth and gargle....needed a freaken bath....had dirty butt's (and wanted tuma) and were fat and out of shape to the point of hardley being able to do anything......

Before a session I bath and scrub and treat it like I'm going on a date with a real girlfirend.There's no doubt in my mind that my person hygiene, physical shape and attitude of treating them respectfully gets me better service.

Just like you guy's that have issues getting excited with a un-attractive provider, ...imagine dealing with several clients a day and having to perform (and act like you're enjoying it ) with some of the duds these girls have to see....they are after all, human just like the rest of us........
Texasquest's Avatar
Er, no, baldbrotha. She is getting paid for this service so she does not have the right to call her clientele fat. That is pimping 101, brotha. She can choose not to see any of these fat bastards and not take their money, but other that that needs to keep her opinions on their appearance to herself... Originally Posted by Blubba

Errrr no Blubba. As like alot of other business she does have a right. She also like any business has the right to refuse service. Airlines can charge overweight people for 2 seats or refuse to let them fly. SOne business have DRESS CODES. Etc. So by your standards of her being a BUSINESS. SHE has every right to comment or refuse service. It may not be in her best interest to do so. But she does have the right to comment on your looks. She even has the right to refuse to see you on the grounds of you being a self proclaimed asshole if she wishes. It's her business and her choice. Just as it's your choice to see her or not.
pyramider's Avatar
Blubba's Avatar
Errrr no Blubba. As like alot of other business she does have a right. She also like any business has the right to refuse service. Airlines can charge overweight people for 2 seats or refuse to let them fly. SOne business have DRESS CODES. Etc. So by your standards of her being a BUSINESS. SHE has every right to comment or refuse service. It may not be in her best interest to do so. But she does have the right to comment on your looks. She even has the right to refuse to see you on the grounds of you being a self proclaimed asshole if she wishes. It's her business and her choice. Just as it's your choice to see her or not. Originally Posted by Texasquest
Errrrrrrr, no Texasquest. Sadly, you have failed to read properly my posting and to comprehend it. Yes, it is her right to refuse to see any fat bastard who comes waddling up to her door. But, it is not good practice to smile, take the money, let the heavy slob rest his clammy belly on her, then comment online that he was obese.
Texasquest's Avatar
Errrrrrrr, no Texasquest. Sadly, you have failed to read properly my posting and to comprehend it. Yes, it is her right to refuse to see any fat bastard who comes waddling up to her door. But, it is not good practice to smile, take the money, let the heavy slob rest his clammy belly on her, then comment online that he was obese. Originally Posted by Blubba

Errrr Blubba it looks like your the one lacking in comprehension skills. You originally said she had no right to comment on someones looks. I said she did but that it would probably not be in her best interest to so. But she does have that right. Now it looks like your just trying to waffle on your own posts so that you dont loose your WARRIOR status. You originally said she didn't have that right. She was just take your money shut up and be happy. Now your saying she does. (go back and read what you posted) One time you say she doesn't the next time you say she does. You have a hard time making up your mind???