I'm trying to help

And this is why research is important. You risk more going through channels like EG, and have more success with verified and reviewed providers who you know are safe. This site, along with many others have information about providers.

I was about to see a provider in my home city and found out through a review that she had contracted something nasty, and she was still posting. Regardless, it's important to do your research, read, look up numbers, look up names, hell look up on PH or OF to see if they're real. Only costs you a couple bucks to find out what you're potentially getting yourself into.

The providers have access to the reviews sections, they can just as easily look up our names and see what kind of experiences we've had and reach out to references to gather their experience. Research from both sides = safe.
MarcellusWalluz's Avatar
I was about to see a provider in my home city and found out through a review that she had contracted something nasty, and she was still posting. Originally Posted by Skorla86
She swore it wasn't communicable !!!
Biggie_Smalls's Avatar
Lasted three days. *shrug*

On another note. Just do your damn research, trust your gut and do not think with the little head. Period.

Anyways. Next.
Lasted three days. *shrug*

On another note. Just do your damn research, trust your gut and do not think with the little head. Period.

Anyways. Next. Originally Posted by Biggie_Smalls
Herein lies the problem. Why do you'll watch me so hard. Trust me.....I don't reciprocate
Ear wax test, once she’s naked, place your finger into your ear and rub some ear wax onto it, slowly insert you finger into her hole so as to smear wax around, if she’s sporting a sore(s) it will burn, sting or irritate her down there, she’ll react while you run away. You may lose your funds, but you’ll not take anything extra with you either.