Provider Profiles

How often should a provider be suspended and/or banned/unbanned to be considered reliable? Originally Posted by NoahScape
Damn Noah, what the hell is wrong with you! I have not met Sins but talked to her many moons ago when she lived in Topeka. Ours schedules never meshed.

I am so glad you are banned and I hope you never return, I for one will not miss your vile you spew at this hard working ladies.

Mods thank you for banning this low life piece of garbage
And what would Stacy's showcase changes have anything to do with reliability? She is very reputable and INTELLIGENT. Take a note or two you silly little t%*-+#. Originally Posted by Gemma34
Hell yeah beautiful! Thread winner right here!!!
There are many that could learn a thing or two from this intelligent woman right here. Only the ignorant would base their opinions off of the responses on a silly hooker board.
There are many that could learn a thing or two from this intelligent woman right here. Only the ignorant would base their opinions off of the responses on a silly hooker board. Originally Posted by Gemma34
Very true! Very true.

And I might add if you want to see more up to date photos, I have a novel idea wait for it wait for it


Yes I have paid for photo sessions, personal hygiene products, I have given rides to those select few I have trusted ( you know who you are) and I have even put my needs aside to pamper a lady who was having a rough day.

Am I made of money, I was once but I cherish each moment I have spent with ladies in this hobby and at clubs.

So instead of complaining their photos are two amateur or out of date, step up be a man and take her or offer to pay for a photo shoot.
I will openly admit, friends are hard to come by in this hobby.... But Grizzly is a true friend. And for nothing in return. He is a person I wish I knew in high school; a real friend. He could go to jail and I would bail him out right now.... Just goes to show who your true friends are.
bcdstudios's Avatar
So instead of complaining their photos are two amateur or out of date, step up be a man and take her or offer to pay for a photo shoot. Originally Posted by Grizzly
I can't agree more Grizzly! Nothing says I LOVE you like a free photo shoot with an amazingly talented photographer who loves women of all shapes and sizes and can see the best in them! (pointing at myself)

I believe most providers who commission pro pics should update 2-3 times a year or if she changes her look (hair style) or likes to alway keep her fans interested should do it more often. Heck most ladies I know who have updated their photos raise their rates immediately - their return on investment is well spent!

Plus whats the down side? She thanks you for paying for her photos - and I mean REALLY thanks you (not with a hand shake)!!

I have a few clients (who shall remain nameless) who refer their ATF ladies in to shoot with me - we all have a great time and it seems to really be a gift that keeps on giving! I also offer custom packages to those who are needing something memorable! (I try to always over deliver to my clients!)

A new girl just off of the blocks (who has gained some experience) really should consider a pro photographer to shoot their photos - it's simple marketing - Advertise your best products in the best possible light. If you build it, they will cum.

Of course I'm kinda biased!

KCSmutMonkey's Avatar
I just made two small changes to my showcase. Brownie points to whoever spots the update Originally Posted by SinsOfTheFlesh
I'll take a crack at it. Weight and Grooming?
Weight and body type

I changed my weight from 145 down to 135 (per the scale at the Doc's office, so its trustworthy) and went from voluptuous to average build

Although I do not recommend the method, I dropped about 11 pounds in about two weeks. Now the trick is to keep it off LOL
JRLawrence's Avatar
Damn Noah, what the hell is wrong with you! I have not met Sins but talked to her many moons ago when she lived in Topeka. Ours schedules never meshed.

I am so glad you are banned and I hope you never return, I for one will not miss your vile you spew at this hard working ladies.

Mods thank you for banning this low life piece of garbage
Originally Posted by Grizzly

I don't understand this, and don't want to. This guy has been on my ignore list for so long I forgot when I put him there. Sounds like the same old thing. Sometimes we are better off just ignoring certain people. The ignore list feature is great, give it a try.

How ofter should a provider update her photos? Who profile needs to be updated? Originally Posted by shy_one_today
I'd say update the profile when the profile advertised is no longer accurate.

Advertise photos that are a fair representation of what the client can expect upon meeting. If the photos don't look like you, then get the fuck rid of them.

I don't think it matters how recent the photos are, as long as they are accurate. If you look the same this year as you did last year, by all means, keep the photos. But if you gained weight and visually you don't look like the photos, then that means they need to be replaced. Get rid of them. If you were 18 in your pictures but now you're 35, may want new photos. Your body may be the same as far as height, weight, bust size, etc. But you are no longer a teen, why mislead people?

I think there are clients looking to see providers of any age, any height, any weight, shaving off too many pounds and years just isn't fair. If the client can't hold the picture next to you, cover up your face and tell it is you when you're positioned similarly, then may want to consider deleting those.
Honestly, I say update photos if you drastically change in appearance or just want to place a threAD. Otherwise, we don't change too much in looks. Oh, except, I've gotten hotter as I've gotten older. Hell yea!!
bartipero's Avatar
Yes to the above two for sure. Accuracy is the biggest thing. If you're over your ideal weight or have some other issue, hiding it in the photo isn't going to endear you. The big thing I see is hiding the midsection and over emphasizing the tush, usually to hide the former. Look like who you are--it's that simple.

(Kudos to Sins note on her system on dropping the lbs. but share the how--you might have something there for some of us.)
Pixle's Avatar
  • Pixle
  • 07-04-2022, 10:18 PM
I will selflessly volunteer to take pictures. You know, to cut down on costs and to prevent a bunch of selfies Originally Posted by omgnametaken
That's very generous of you.

Mine are more "candid than professional", but no one has ever traded services for my work … but I've taken a lot of pictures.
You realize this thread was from like 9 years ago?
Thug4lyfefucyawife's Avatar
2000 late buddy. It's the Thug show now.