Obama Loses 42% Of Vote To Texas Inmate

Seedy's Avatar
  • Seedy
  • 05-09-2012, 09:13 PM
I think it proves that what we know about WV is true! Originally Posted by WTF
If you know anyone from there it is, West "by God" Virginia....lol

Now after this november, and we have a new AG, I hope the fucker has the balls to try and convict this whole fucking administration of treason. And put them ALL in Leavanworth....
Coal means jobs in WV and Obama has stated he will kill the coal industry.
Just another one of his job killing plans. Originally Posted by The2Dogs

This moron makes a false statement he can't back up with an Obama quote.

you got a thread to that? Originally Posted by ekim008
Ekim asks for proof.

Do your own research if you want to refute. LMF. Originally Posted by The2Dogs

Asswipe comes back STILL with no proof but rudely brushes off Ekim's request.

http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/...82Q0W120120327 Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

COF comes back with a link saying they are enforcing already existing carbon emission laws. These laws and regulations were know about during the Bush era but COF falsely cites (not sites) the link as if it proves Asswipes original lie.

Dont do the Lazy Mothers work for him.
It is either do you have a link to that or throwing down with the name calling.
They are leeches and not worthy. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
Asswipe sees the cited (not sited) link and thinks it says Obama "states he will kill the coal industry" when Obama actually touted revamping coal-fired power plants to process coal so that it would pass muster and qualify as what some people (including Obama) call "Clean Coal". Asswipe and COF don't realize a person who "swears to KILL" the coal industry would never use a term like "Clean Coal" if he were out to kill the entire coal industry.

Teapublicans again PROVE they are stupid and that they communicate with a lower comprehension level than that of the average sixth grader.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
you got a thread to that? Originally Posted by ekim008
This ones not difficult to find, about 10 seconds on a Google search

“If someone wants to build a new coal-fired power plant they can, but it will bankrupt them because they will be charged a huge sum for all the greenhouse gas that’s being emitted.”
-Candidate Barack Obama, 2008.

How about a video if you don't believe the written word?
I B Hankering's Avatar
This ones not difficult to find, about 10 seconds on a Google search

“If someone wants to build a new coal-fired power plant they can, but it will bankrupt them because they will be charged a huge sum for all the greenhouse gas that’s being emitted.”

-Candidate Barack Obama, 2008.


How about a video if you don't believe the written word?
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JpC4Lrs6xLg Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
Funny how Little Blind Boy chose to forget that statement.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
They are lazy and resort to name calling as soon as they cant defend their position.

Carbon dioxide as a greenhouse gas means that the EPA could regulate our breathing.
This is the absurdity of it all.
Not only does Obama want to kill the coal industry but would kill the oil and gas industry as well. Pandering to the chicken little society to garner votes at the expense of every citizen of this nation.
Who does it hurt the worst. It is the middle class.
Dont do the Lazy Mothers work for him.
It is either do you have a link to that or throwing down with the name calling.
They are leeches and not worthy. Originally Posted by The2Dogs

I've made several true statements on this board,and it has been called a lie because there was no thread to support it,and apparently they were too lazy to look it up.
I B Hankering's Avatar
I've made several true statements on this board,and it has been called a lie because there was no thread to support it,and apparently they were too lazy to look it up. Originally Posted by ekim008
CC gave you an answer -- a WELL known one, BTW, (AND there are remarks in the OP):

This ones not difficult to find, about 10 seconds on a Google search

“If someone wants to build a new coal-fired power plant they can, but it will bankrupt them because they will be charged a huge sum for all the greenhouse gas that’s being emitted.”

-Candidate Barack Obama, 2008.


How about a video if you don't believe the written word?
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JpC4Lrs6xLg Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
The gym has MSNBC, CNN, Foxnews and some of their variants on the 24 TVs. This story had no traction except a little on Fox. Originally Posted by gnadfly
That's because msnbc and CNN are pro-democrat. Fox is pro-republican. I get my news from the Internet because i don't have to hear the same mangled story over and over by repetition and there's less of a spin-factor (in most cases). Tv news repetitively spouts disinformation (sometimes) or fearmongering to keep you afraid of everything. When you are afraid, you can't do higher level reasoning as well, plus your autonomic system is going, too. It's called the "reptilian" part of your brain (medulla oblongata).

Here's an example of the stupidity on the boob tube.
I B Hankering's Avatar
That's because msnbc and CNN are pro-democrat. Fox is pro-republican. I get my news from the Internet because i don't have to hear the same mangled story over and over by repetition and there's less of a spin-factor (in most cases). Tv news repetitively spouts disinformation (sometimes) or fearmongering to keep you afraid of everything. When you are afraid, you can't do higher level reasoning as well, plus your autonomic system is going, too. It's called the "reptilian" part of your brain (medulla oblongata).

Here's an example of the stupidity on the boob tube.
Originally Posted by Can I Play Too???
While what you say is in large part true, your 'example' proves nothing unless you can provide the FOX site where this was in fact posted. Otherwise, all you've shown is how creative someone with Photoshop can be.

To really illustrate MSM stupidity you need an example -- with citation -- such as this:

CNN's Ali Velshi takes a look at the history of Iraq as he 'tries' to explain some little known facts about the country. (Factually Wrong) This show aired on August 31, 2010. Did you know the Ottoman Empire was ally to the Axis Powers during WWII? Notice where Velshi places Iraq when he says “Illinois”.

This ones not difficult to find, about 10 seconds on a Google search
Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
he may have run out of his welfare internet data program for this month

but then again clicking on a keyboard can sometimes constitute WORK, thats a dirty word to a democrat

making him do it himself would teach him to have initiative and he may fall ass backwards into being successful , then they would loose him over to the republican party and they gonna need many needy slugs out there to vote democrat in november
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I'll bet Little Stevie will be quiet for awhile, after being found out to be stupid. It's common knowledge, as has been shown here, that Obama wants to destroy the coal industry.
CC gave you an answer -- a WELL known one, BTW, (AND there are remarks in the OP):

. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Who asked for your opinion???? Oh right
he may have run out of his welfare internet data program for this month

but then again clicking on a keyboard can sometimes constitute WORK, thats a dirty word to a democrat

making him do it himself would teach him to have initiative and he may fall ass backwards into being successful , then they would loose him over to the republican party and they gonna need many needy slugs out there to vote democrat in november Originally Posted by JONBALLS

independent stupid,how many times do i need to remind you?? you right wing tea bags have attention deficit disorder.
independent stupid,how many times do i need to remind you?? you right wing tea bags have attention deficit disorder. Originally Posted by ekim008
You have NEVER one time defended any conservitive rightwing Republican ideal. You ALWAYS defend the LIBERAL DEMOCRATE ideals. What are we supposed to think?
Guest123018-4's Avatar
I suppose you could say that I am an independent but I will vote in the Texas Primary and I will vote for Ron Paul in that primary. At least I will not be voting for a prison inmate because the other guy is worse..