bojulay's Avatar
Would ya'll rather have Sarah or Hillary, uh hum, in any situation?

Say even maybe if you were trapped in an embassy somewhere with
radical Muslims outside watching videos on their Chinese made laptops.
(Thanks Uncle Han)
Would ya'll rather have Sarah or Hillary, uh hum, in any situation?

Say even maybe if you were trapped in an embassy somewhere with
radical Muslims outside watching videos on their Chinese made laptops.
(Thanks Uncle Han) Originally Posted by bojulay
Good one Uncle Han & boujulay

Sarah or Rick would have sent a cruise missile, at least. Of course they would not have ulterior motives.
Would ya'll rather have Sarah or Hillary, uh hum, in any situation? Originally Posted by bojulay
That's 20/20 hindsight. You have no idea how badly Palin could have fucked things up if she had been Secretary of State.

And what kind of shitty choice is that? Why does it have to be Sarah vs. Hillary?

How about Sarah vs. Mitch Daniels, or Chris Christie, or Ted Cruz, or Marco Rubio, or any one of a hundred more intelligent Republicans?

She is an ignoramus.
bojulay's Avatar
That's 20/20 hindsight. You have no idea how badly Palin could have fucked things up if she had been Secretary of State.

And what kind of shitty choice is that? Why does it have to be Sarah vs. Hillary?

How about Sarah vs. Mitch Daniels, or Chris Christie, or Ted Cruz, or Marco Rubio, or any one of a hundred more intelligent Republicans?

She is an ignoramus. Originally Posted by ExNYer
Because I said so.
It has to be Sarah or Hillary because being the whore fuckers we all are, we would much rather hang with a beautiful woman than a crone.