Four Swedish Cops show American cops how it's done

pyramider's Avatar
Black men? Check.
Police officers? Check.
Ends in violence, with someone shot or badly injured? Nope.

Turns out, you CAN deal with people and not have it end in bloodshed. I knew no one on here would touch this story, since it illustrates just that.

Notice how even though they're detained, they are not grinding their knees into them or otherwise trying to inflict pain on them in any way? When is the last time that was the case with american cops. When you treat people like animals, that's exactly what you get. Originally Posted by WombRaider

Wow, the video does not show how the Swedes subdued the fighters. Not much there to use as training aid. Good try. Oh and the one Swede cop had the dumbass' arm behind him exerting pressure, there was pain involved ...
So because a majority of them go well, we shouldn't mention the ones that don't? We should be excited when something goes as it SHOULD go? That says a lot about where we are as a society in this country, that we think people deserve praise for doing their job in the way it SHOULD be done.

It's not race baiting. Black people are by and large, treated differently by police in this country. I don't even think that's up for debate.

So, a video of a white cop shooting a black man in the back, is race baiting. A video of four white policemen gaining control over a situation involving black suspects, is also race baiting? Is there anything that isn't race baiting to you? Originally Posted by WombRaider
Where did I say we shouldn't mention those that don't go well? Where did I say we should be excited or give a ticker tape parade when a cop doesn't smack down a suspect?

What exactly was the point you were trying to demonstrate with the posting of this video? That NYC cops could learn from these Swedish cops how to subdue a suspect without shooting him? Why do you need to make that point? If you acknowledge that the vast majority of police interactions take place without incident, then your video is redundant.

But we both know that isn't the point of your video. You labor under the mistaken belief that American cops are inherently violent, and that interactions with the police (if you are black) are tantamount to a death sentence, and those who survive their experience do so only through luck and good fortune.

So, I repeat my original assessment. This was a nice try at race baiting, but you failed.
Where did I say we shouldn't mention those that don't go well? Where did I say we should be excited or give a ticker tape parade when a cop doesn't smack down a suspect?

What exactly was the point you were trying to demonstrate with the posting of this video? That NYC cops could learn from these Swedish cops how to subdue a suspect without shooting him? Why do you need to make that point? If you acknowledge that the vast majority of police interactions take place without incident, then your video is redundant.

But we both know that isn't the point of your video. You labor under the mistaken belief that American cops are inherently violent, and that interactions with the police (if you are black) are tantamount to a death sentence, and those who survive their experience do so only through luck and good fortune.

So, I repeat my original assessment. This was a nice try at race baiting, but you failed. Originally Posted by SinsOfTheFlesh
Some cops are inherently violent. Never said all, those are your words. Never said that interactions were tantamount to death, just a good beatdown. I realize there are many good police out there. I also realize there are some who got into it for the wrong reasons. Go back to the guy selling cigarettes that was subdued and died. That didn't have to go that way. Are you ok with minorities being mistreated by cops even SOME of the time, however small? You and everyone else act like it's just a foregone conclusion and you're willing to put up with a small percentage of it. I'm not. It makes the good cops look bad and it makes people fearful that wouldn't otherwise have any reason to fear the police. That was my point.

Why is it race baiting to call attention to an event where police mistreat a minority? Shouldn't we be against that? If we can't even have the conversation without someone calling race baiting, then how are we supposed to improve the situation. I understand that it makes white people uncomfortable, but it needs to be addressed.
Amazing how womb raider (is he an abortionist?) cannot even admit when he is wrong, again! You nailed him!! Originally Posted by DSK
Rich, coming from you.

You are the epitome of a liberal, and a hypocrite. You start a thread bashing how our police treat criminals, and then you turn right around and start treating people like this. Dou you not realize how fake and outlandish it would seem to anyone capable of rational thinking to come to the conclusion that you actually care about some black guys getting mistreated by white cops, while treating others with this level of disrespect?

If you are self proclaiming to be a racist with an agenda, carry on. If you are proclaiming to actually care about mankind, you should act like it and treat everyone EQUALLY... Originally Posted by nwarounder
He started by posting what he did. You want me to treat everyone equal? You show me some modicum of respect and decency and it will be returned in kind. If you don't, it won't. It's pretty simple.

Why wouldn't I care about minorities being mistreated by police? I treated him with disrespect because that is what he displayed in his first interaction with me. The two have nothing to do with one another. I can be a straight up dick to someone who is displaying themselves as an asshole to me and still be nice and respectful to someone who is nice and respectful to me. I'm not sure how you don't understand that. Why would I post this if I were a racist? You aren't even making sense. I treat everyone the way they deserve to be treated. You act like an asshole, you get treated like one. I have plenty of respectful and docile conversations on here with people who come correctly. They have the decency not to take my avatar and twist it into some slur, etc. Those people get treated respectfully.
  • shanm
  • 04-26-2015, 11:45 AM
Are you impressed with the Swedish Police? They can't teach NYPD jack shit. If they are anything like these Swedish Cops in this video they got dam lucky on that subway. I think NYPD needs to go to Sweden and teach them a thing or two about how to detain combative subjects.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Yeah the cops in that video pretty much suck, seemed like a bunch of untrained dummies with no experience in police work. But, as you can see, no amount of violence or resistance made them pull out their weapons and shoot. They did what was expected of them by arresting the perp instead of killing him.

As to your second statement, for the most part, it just isn't true. Our cops are a running joke in other countries. All you have to do is visit Europe and you'll find out. Most of the stereotypical jokes are around football, weight disorders and our police.

For the record, I do not especially care about black people. But, at the same time, I can't ignore the facts. Honestly, it's only a matter of time before the police are doing this to every single race/ethnicity. What's hilarious to me is to watch idiots argue otherwise, and stay blind to the fact that we have a serious problem. The police are no longer public servants, they are public oppressors.
  • shanm
  • 04-26-2015, 11:49 AM
Amazing how womb raider (is he an abortionist?) cannot even admit when he is wrong, again! You nailed him!! Originally Posted by DSK
Jesus Christ you are such a fucking ass kisser. Not a forum goes by without you gouging out someones anus with your lying-ass mouth.

Who the FUCK does that on a hooker board? I bet in real life, you are the shitty end of a human centipad.

Budman's Avatar
Rich, coming from you.

He started by posting what he did. You want me to treat everyone equal? You show me some modicum of respect and decency and it will be returned in kind. If you don't, it won't. It's pretty simple.

Why wouldn't I care about minorities being mistreated by police? I treated him with disrespect because that is what he displayed in his first interaction with me. The two have nothing to do with one another. I can be a straight up dick to someone who is displaying themselves as an asshole to me and still be nice and respectful to someone who is nice and respectful to me. I'm not sure how you don't understand that. Why would I post this if I were a racist? You aren't even making sense. I treat everyone the way they deserve to be treated. You act like an asshole, you get treated like one. I have plenty of respectful and docile conversations on here with people who come correctly. They have the decency not to take my avatar and twist it into some slur, etc. Those people get treated respectfully. Originally Posted by WombRaider

Why do you require others to treat you with respect for you to show them respect but you expect the police to always show respect and restraint when dealing with someone who is disrespectful, combative and in many cases trying to attack the police? Many of the police issues would be eliminated if the person being questioned or detained would just comply with the instructions given by the police. You are correct that not all cops are good cops but please tell me what group of people are comprised of only perfect humans. Bad cops should be prosecuted but many of these instances are brought on by the perp not the cops.
Why do you require others to treat you with respect for you to show them respect but you expect the police to always show respect and restraint when dealing with someone who is disrespectful, combative and in many cases trying to attack the police? Many of the police issues would be eliminated if the person being questioned or detained would just comply with the instructions given by the police. You are correct that not all cops are good cops but please tell me what group of people are comprised of only perfect humans. Bad cops should be prosecuted but many of these instances are brought on by the perp not the cops. Originally Posted by Budman
Respect on here and the interactions between a cop and citizen aren't the same thing. Are there instances where a suspect needs to be detained with excessive force? Sure. We've also seen too many instances where that level of force wasn't required but was used. Then we see a video of a deranged white man running AT a cop begging to be shot, and he isn't. Ask yourself honestly how that situation would have been different if he'd been black. Considering a cop shot a man running AWAY from him, you have to at least wonder. We have to have the conversation. I know it's uncomfortable but it needs to happen.
Budman's Avatar
My thought is if the same cop that shot the black man in the back was confronted with the situation involving the white guy the white guy would have been shot. Just like the cop that didn't shoot the white guy wouldn't have shot the black guy. You always want to inject race in the scenario when there isn't any indication race played a part.

Respect on a hooker board and the interaction between the police and the public is different but you need to try and look at their situation. If the suspects in these circumstances had only acted civil and followed instructions they would not have been shot or had their ass kicked. Respect is something that plays a part in all aspects of our lives and determines how we are dealt with in most situations. It is so easy to play the Monday morning quarterback with all the time in the world to tell us what should have been done. These guys are placed in dangerous situations and have to make decisions in seconds. I believe the vast majority of police are good guys and do a tremendous job under extremely tough circumstances. You want to paint with a very wide brush and act like a high percentage of police are bad. That's just not the case. The only videos that make the news are the ones showing a confrontation that ends up badly. It is even better if it involves a black man because people like you can try and make it a racial matter regardless of the facts. Michael Brown is a perfect example. That cocksucker got exactly what he deserved and yet we still have idiots going around saying "hands up, don't shoot". Where is your criticism of those morons. Where is the criticism of the race baiters like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson. They do a hell of a lot more damage to the black community than the police.
He started by posting what he did. You want me to treat everyone equal? You show me some modicum of respect and decency and it will be returned in kind. If you don't, it won't. It's pretty simple.

Why wouldn't I care about minorities being mistreated by police? I treated him with disrespect because that is what he displayed in his first interaction with me. The two have nothing to do with one another. I can be a straight up dick to someone who is displaying themselves as an asshole to me and still be nice and respectful to someone who is nice and respectful to me. I'm not sure how you don't understand that. Why would I post this if I were a racist? You aren't even making sense. I treat everyone the way they deserve to be treated. You act like an asshole, you get treated like one. I have plenty of respectful and docile conversations on here with people who come correctly. They have the decency not to take my avatar and twist it into some slur, etc. Those people get treated respectfully. Originally Posted by WombRaider
I don't care if you treat everyone equal or not. I'm just saying no one believes you when you talk out of both sides of your mouth.
"Ohh, these poor little minority criminals that are being picked on by the mean ol white racist cops, I care about every minority that is so mistreated by them and I want to help end these horrible atrocities" (my interpretation). And then
"retard-sandwich eating cum guzzlers like you are amazing. You come on this board, which is for political discussion, and drop your little comments, like anyone gives a good goddamn. Savor? Like you savor a good dick in your mouth? Go get one of these whoooores to take care of you. I ain't getting paid to listen to your bitching and moaning."

Do you not see why it is hard to believe that you are actually capable of caring?

It's the same mentality as protestors marching, then looting, and burning other people's property because they supposedly care about the minority that got killed?...Huh? No one takes them seriously.
Some cops are inherently violent. Never said all, those are your words. Never said that interactions were tantamount to death, just a good beatdown. I realize there are many good police out there. I also realize there are some who got into it for the wrong reasons. Go back to the guy selling cigarettes that was subdued and died. That didn't have to go that way. Are you ok with minorities being mistreated by cops even SOME of the time, however small? You and everyone else act like it's just a foregone conclusion and you're willing to put up with a small percentage of it. I'm not. It makes the good cops look bad and it makes people fearful that wouldn't otherwise have any reason to fear the police. That was my point.

Why is it race baiting to call attention to an event where police mistreat a minority? Shouldn't we be against that? If we can't even have the conversation without someone calling race baiting, then how are we supposed to improve the situation. I understand that it makes white people uncomfortable, but it needs to be addressed. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Here's the deal. Yes, there are bad cops out there. They do bad things and hurt people. What is even more egregious is that too many times, their fellow officers cover their asses rather than hold them accountable. Its a problem.

My problem is that the media, and people like you only give a shit if the victim's skin has a little extra melanin.

Lets have a look at some cases around the country, shall we?

In Chicago, a white suburban mother is arrested for DUI. She is shoved into a holding cell so hard, that her face is shattered on the concrete bench. She underwent several facial reconstruction surgeries, and now has a titanium plate for a cheekbone.

Did CNN cover the story? Nope. How about MSNBC? Again, no. Her story never made national headlines. The story never made it any further than local news coverage in the Chicago area.

So what happened to the officer in the case, Michael Hart? The last update to the case, more than a year ago, was that he was charged with assault, and entered a plea of not guilty. His next court date was scheduled for Jan, 2014. No further information is available. If he was convicted or took a plea deal, not even the local media could be bothered to keep up with the story to report on the outcome.

By the way, it took more than 6 months before charges were brought. The incident occurred in March 2013. Charges were filed in Oct. 2013. In September, the woman's attorney released surveillance footage of her client being launched into the concrete bench.

Now lets move onto New Mexico, where David Eckert, a 63 year old white male was stopped for rolling through a stop sign. After the officer noted that Eckert appeared to be clenching his buttocks, a search warrant was obtained for a body cavity search. Over a 12 hour period, Mr. Eckert was digitally searched multiple times, given a total of 3 enemas and forced to defecate in front of doctors and police, subjected to X-rays, and finally, involuntarily anteshtetized and subjected to a colonoscopy. No drugs were ever found.

To date, no officer has been fired. The judge who authorized the search warrant is still sitting on the bench, and the doctors who performed invasive procedures against Mr. Eckert's objections still have their licenses.

The city settled a lawsuit for $1.6 million. Yay for Mr. Eckert. He got justice. But the officers who violated him are still on the force. Meanwhile, where is Al Sharpton? Where is the media? Did CNN jump on this story? Nope, Did MSNBC? Nope. Hell, even FOX ignored this story.

The point is that police over reach is not limited to race or ethnicity. When race baiters like yourself stop giving a shit about the skin color of the victim, then I will stop calling you a cheap, two bit, race baiter.
My thought is if the same cop that shot the black man in the back was confronted with the situation involving the white guy the white guy would have been shot. Just like the cop that didn't shoot the white guy wouldn't have shot the black guy. You always want to inject race in the scenario when there isn't any indication race played a part.

Respect on a hooker board and the interaction between the police and the public is different but you need to try and look at their situation. If the suspects in these circumstances had only acted civil and followed instructions they would not have been shot or had their ass kicked. Respect is something that plays a part in all aspects of our lives and determines how we are dealt with in most situations. It is so easy to play the Monday morning quarterback with all the time in the world to tell us what should have been done. These guys are placed in dangerous situations and have to make decisions in seconds. I believe the vast majority of police are good guys and do a tremendous job under extremely tough circumstances. You want to paint with a very wide brush and act like a high percentage of police are bad. That's just not the case. The only videos that make the news are the ones showing a confrontation that ends up badly. It is even better if it involves a black man because people like you can try and make it a racial matter regardless of the facts. Michael Brown is a perfect example. That cocksucker got exactly what he deserved and yet we still have idiots going around saying "hands up, don't shoot". Where is your criticism of those morons. Where is the criticism of the race baiters like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson. They do a hell of a lot more damage to the black community than the police. Originally Posted by Budman
Sharpton and his ilk are detrimental to blacks. I completely agree. They have only their own interests in mind, not what is actually good for black people. When I'm stopped, of course I treat them with respect. And their might be merit to your contention about each cop acting the same regardless of the race of the individual, but the videos of it happening to minorities just keep coming. I know not all cops are bad. I know it's a thankless job. But even if it's a small percentage, they need to be dealt with.
Here's the deal. Yes, there are bad cops out there. They do bad things and hurt people. What is even more egregious is that too many times, their fellow officers cover their asses rather than hold them accountable. Its a problem.

My problem is that the media, and people like you only give a shit if the victim's skin has a little extra melanin.

Lets have a look at some cases around the country, shall we?

In Chicago, a white suburban mother is arrested for DUI. She is shoved into a holding cell so hard, that her face is shattered on the concrete bench. She underwent several facial reconstruction surgeries, and now has a titanium plate for a cheekbone.

Did CNN cover the story? Nope. How about MSNBC? Again, no. Her story never made national headlines. The story never made it any further than local news coverage in the Chicago area.

So what happened to the officer in the case, Michael Hart? The last update to the case, more than a year ago, was that he was charged with assault, and entered a plea of not guilty. His next court date was scheduled for Jan, 2014. No further information is available. If he was convicted or took a plea deal, not even the local media could be bothered to keep up with the story to report on the outcome.

By the way, it took more than 6 months before charges were brought. The incident occurred in March 2013. Charges were filed in Oct. 2013. In September, the woman's attorney released surveillance footage of her client being launched into the concrete bench.

Now lets move onto New Mexico, where David Eckert, a 63 year old white male was stopped for rolling through a stop sign. After the officer noted that Eckert appeared to be clenching his buttocks, a search warrant was obtained for a body cavity search. Over a 12 hour period, Mr. Eckert was digitally searched multiple times, given a total of 3 enemas and forced to defecate in front of doctors and police, subjected to X-rays, and finally, involuntarily anteshtetized and subjected to a colonoscopy. No drugs were ever found.

To date, no officer has been fired. The judge who authorized the search warrant is still sitting on the bench, and the doctors who performed invasive procedures against Mr. Eckert's objections still have their licenses.

The city settled a lawsuit for $1.6 million. Yay for Mr. Eckert. He got justice. But the officers who violated him are still on the force. Meanwhile, where is Al Sharpton? Where is the media? Did CNN jump on this story? Nope, Did MSNBC? Nope. Hell, even FOX ignored this story.

The point is that police over reach is not limited to race or ethnicity. When race baiters like yourself stop giving a shit about the skin color of the victim, then I will stop calling you a cheap, two bit, race baiter. Originally Posted by SinsOfTheFlesh

I would think that my outrage at it happening extends to everyone it happens to. It just seems to happen disproportionately to minorities. I'm not concerned as much with the race as I am with it happening, period.
Budman's Avatar
Sharpton and his ilk are detrimental to blacks. I completely agree. They have only their own interests in mind, not what is actually good for black people. When I'm stopped, of course I treat them with respect. And their might be merit to your contention about each cop acting the same regardless of the race of the individual, but the videos of it happening to minorities just keep coming. I know not all cops are bad. I know it's a thankless job. But even if it's a small percentage, they need to be dealt with. Originally Posted by WombRaider

I agree that when it happens it should be dealt with by the courts. The problem I see with many is the jumping to conclusions long before the facts are known. Michael Brown is the perfect example. Trevon Martin is another example even though it did not involve a cop. Many jumped to the conclusion that GZ was guilty of stalking TM and shooting him in cold blood. A 15 second video doesn't show the entire scene and for you and many others to automatically assume that the police are wrong and that it must be because they are racist is part of the problem. I take it by your post that you are black. You say you treat the police with respect. Have they ever pulled you out of your car and whipped your ass just for the hell of it? Probably not. Treating the police with common courtesy and not doing stupid shit will go a long way to solving the problems.
Budman's Avatar
What about other being charge with accessory to attempted murder?
Tampering with evidence?
Look like you have motive + evidence? Originally Posted by mikeA77
What are you talking about?