Meet n' Greet

The last week of May sounds great to me. Anyone else wish to weigh in on this or do I make the decision myself?

Also, please copy/paste this form into an email/PM to me. Make sure you fill it out of course. A lot of y'all are selective readers. lol

1. Hobbyist name:_________________________ ______________

2. Your two provider references, including their website, email address and number:
______________________________ ______________________________ _______
______________________________ ______________________________ _______

3. Dates and general locations of where you saw your provider references:
______________________________ ______________________________ _______
______________________________ ______________________________ _______

Please don't assume that I'm going to hunt down a provider's info for a reference if you haven't given me the needed information. Everyone is going to go through the same screening process, and that does include providers who I haven't personally invited.

Again, please feel free to invite others to join us (the more the merrier), but they must be screened. Anyone who shows up at the M&G and isn't on my list of OK's will be turned away.

If I seem harsh or bitchy about this, sorry. But, I've received a lot of emails where the gents aren't including needed information. This is for the protection of all of us.

I just want a nice turn out by good people and I'd like to have more ladies show up for it too.
Thursday evening, May 26th works for me. Middle of the week can be good for these types of meets, IME/IMHO.


- Jackie
kendra kayy's Avatar
Well Elena, which providers are you personally inviting?
The only people I personally have invited or will invite are a couple of touring gals from Texas that I know and that are kicking off their summer tours.

As I said a couple different times I believe, this M&G isn't by invitation. Its open for everyone who is on the board or who lurks. You can invite who you wish. Everyone will go through the screening process period, men and women alike.

The only reason I "personally invited" those ladies is because they're never been to Omaha before and I think its only fair to have more than 3 ladies there.

Why is there someone you don't want there?
kendra kayy's Avatar
Please don't assume that I'm going to hunt down a provider's info for a reference if you haven't given me the needed information. Everyone is going to go through the same screening process, and that does include providers who I haven't personally invited.

I have no issues with anyone coming.. I was just confused by your previous post is all.
jaja133's Avatar
I work M - F 3:00pm - 11:00pm most of the time So I guess I won't be there.

Why not take a day off? I'm taking a day off to get everything ready, be the hostess and clean up. There's a gent driving up from KC for it, another gent who is 300 miles away driving in for it and I'm sure the other ladies who plan on being there will be taking the evening off also.
So far I have 5 votes for Thursday, May 26th.

Anyone else want to chime in?
kendra kayy's Avatar
that day works for me!
I am in town and free in the early afternoon / evening.
That works for me if I can pass the screening process!!!
I'd love to come by, but I have no idea what my work schedule will be that week.
That works for me if I can pass the screening process!!! Originally Posted by Bw3454

You need to submit it in order to find out.
lakecat's Avatar
Alright, I sent my screening information in. I hope part of the screening process is getting a pat down from you Elena, you can never be too safe. Any idea when the date will be confirmed?

Being a guy, I can tell you one thing that may help attendance will be to keep us updated on how many ladies say they are coming. Names would be great, but if we know there will be plenty of ladies to mingle with, I'm sure the gents will show up. Of course you can't be held accountable if they don't actually make it, but just sayin.
I was under the impression we had settled on the evening of Thursday the 26th, had we not?


- Jackie