The best ever!

My first kiss – Very excited
Getting elected cheerleader – Elated then almost immediately disappointed. The world can be so full of haters.
Passing my driver’s test and getting my license - Giddy
Loosing my virginity – Very nervous
Getting married the first time – What the fuck am I doing???
The birth of my daughter – Beyond anything I could ever have imagined. I was even so exhausted, that when I looked down to see if my baby was a boy or a girl (I didn’t find out before hand.), I though the umbilical cord was a boy part. Really!
Getting my first big promotion – See cheerleader comment. Wait, then I saw my raise: very disappointed. Lol
Watching my daughter’s first step; hearing her first word; loose her first tooth; receive her first accolade; get into the G & T program; go on her first date; and on and on – Very tender and proud
Buying my first German luxury sports car – Stoked! Then I got all those tickets and had to buy high risk auto insurance. That made me feel stupid
My first trip to Europe – Waaay cool.
Getting my first big check after starting my own business – Wow!
Getting my first unsecured line of credit – Um, this is for real! Scary!
These are the things that really stand out in my mind.
Congrats on all those events. Granted, lucky guy who got that first kiss. I'm jealous.

PS: Which German car?

My first kiss – Very excited
Getting elected cheerleader – Elated then almost immediately disappointed. The world can be so full of haters.
Passing my driver’s test and getting my license - Giddy
Loosing my virginity – Very nervous
Getting married the first time – What the fuck am I doing???
The birth of my daughter – Beyond anything I could ever have imagined. I was even so exhausted, that when I looked down to see if my baby was a boy or a girl (I didn’t find out before hand.), I though the umbilical cord was a boy part. Really!
Getting my first big promotion – See cheerleader comment. Wait, then I saw my raise: very disappointed. Lol
Watching my daughter’s first step; hearing her first word; loose her first tooth; receive her first accolade; get into the G & T program; go on her first date; and on and on – Very tender and proud
Buying my first German luxury sports car – Stoked! Then I got all those tickets and had to buy high risk auto insurance. That made me feel stupid
My first trip to Europe – Waaay cool.
Getting my first big check after starting my own business – Wow!
Getting my first unsecured line of credit – Um, this is for real! Scary!
These are the things that really stand out in my mind. Originally Posted by OliviaHoward
Congrats on all those events. Granted, lucky guy who got that first kiss. I'm jealous.

PS: Which German car? Originally Posted by SR Only
LOL - Don't be jealous of that boy. I'm sure it was the worst kiss he ever got!

BMW 328i with a standard transmission. I've only ever had one automatic transmission car in my whole life.
LOL - Don't be jealous of that boy. I'm sure it was the worst kiss he ever got!

BMW 328i with a standard transmission. I've only ever had one automatic transmission car in my whole life. Originally Posted by OliviaHoward
I guess your kissing has gotten better over the years.
sure makes me think of doggie
Me too, I've given 3 copies away and plan on giving another away. I love doggies! Originally Posted by anova444
I guess your kissing has gotten better over the years. Originally Posted by SR Only
I love, love, love to kiss. Necking should be on the list, but I don't remember the first, on the couch, necking. I looked for a smily face, but I couldn't fine one the expressed the wanting more feeling of necking and petting on the couch!
Tussling like teenagers is so much fun. The excitement in anticipation of what is to come is awesome.

(note to self, gotta get down to Houston).