The DNC is now backing an old, white billionaire.

The DNC doesn't need an explicit quid pro quo from Bloomie - they know he will donate lots of money so they do him the favors upon that expectation.

If Bloomie becomes President, expect an impeachment for conspiracy to commit a silent quid pro quo to steal the nomination from poor Bernie.
Bloomberg got in before the baseless Ukraine bullshit happened. Bloomberg knew Biden is fucked up. Trumps polls are rising. Impeachment didn’t hurt him. But it did hurt Biden. That’s how it worked. Originally Posted by bambino
It wouldn't surprise me if the plan all along was really to hurt Biden. The DNC knows Biden is nothing but a liability.
bambino's Avatar
I'm not sure just how fucking stupid you are but the scandal broke in September of 2019 and Bloomberg entered the race on Nov 7 of 2019.

Maybe someone can explain to the the order of the months and that September comes before November.

So again...Trump is the one responsible for Bloomberg entering the race because of his improper tying Biden to got Trump impeached and Biden dirtied...and thus Bloomberg entered the race.

What fucking part of that don't you understand? Originally Posted by WTF
Look you dumbass, Bloomberg was talking about getting in far before Nov. he knew before then that Biden is a buffoon. What don’t you understand about that.
HedonistForever's Avatar
Think the Democrats will be yelling "Emoluments", if Bloomberg is the nominee? Think Bloomberg will make any money from being President? Please.
  • oeb11
  • 02-01-2020, 09:17 AM
DNC is hurting for money.
They will take every penny they can get from Bloomberg - and then:
a politician is one who can take your money with a smile, and then tell you to "Fuck Off!"

BTW - ftw - the Biden's dirtied themselves in Ukraine, China, and other places - you are correct- for a change- that the DNC sees him as a liability now - Unfortunately - the bidens did it to themselves without help from anyone else - Trump in particular. sorry to pop your little balloon - but not very!
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
DNC is hurting for money.
They will take every penny they can get from Bloomberg - and then:
a politician is one who can take your money with a smile, and then tell you to "Fuck Off!"

BTW - ftw - the Biden's dirtied themselves in Ukraine, China, and other places - you are correct- for a change- that the DNC sees him as a liability now - Unfortunately - the bidens did it to themselves without help from anyone else - Trump in particular. sorry to pop your little balloon - but not very! Originally Posted by oeb11

this begins to make sense why Obama did not endorse or support Biden. In fact, he encouraged Biden to stay out of the 2016 presidential race.
this begins to make sense why Obama did not endorse or support Biden. In fact, he encouraged Biden to stay out of the 2016 presidential race. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
So maybe if Bloomberg gains traction Biden may have an epiphany and tip toe out the door, lol.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-01-2020, 11:02 AM
Look you dumbass, Bloomberg was talking about getting in far before Nov. he knew before then that Biden is a buffoon. What don’t you understand about that. Originally Posted by bambino
Yes he talked about it you political retard. Do you remember he had discounted it because he thought he had no lane to run in....but then Trumps dumbass got caught trying to get Ukraine to make up some nonsense about Joe Biden and Crowdsource and bam...Bloomberg was in.

Please try and keep up Mr 4% plus GDP Fairy
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-01-2020, 11:14 AM

BTW - ftw - the Biden's dirtied themselves in Ukraine, Originally Posted by oeb11
The only one who has dirtied themselves around here is you.

Hunter has done no different that Jared getting a loan from Israelis interests.

I think it should be illegal what both have done but it is not.

Joe Biden can not keep his son from being hired... but there is zero evidence he used his influence to get him the job or did anything unsavory or illegal while VP.

Maybe if Bloomberg get elected he can have the Israelis open an investigation on any Trump circle who have their eyes on politics.

See what fucking tune you sing then.
bambino's Avatar
Yes he talked about it you political retard. Do you remember he had discounted it because he thought he had no lane to run in....but then Trumps dumbass got caught trying to get Ukraine to make up some nonsense about Joe Biden and Crowdsource and bam...Bloomberg was in.

Please try and keep up Mr 4% plus GDP Fairy Originally Posted by WTF
He was always getting in. I started a thread about it 8 months ago. He doesn’t care about Iowa or NE. His plans were always to make a splash on Super Tuesday you retard. He didn’t want to get in early.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I wonder how much the Bloomie contributed to the DNC so he can be in the debates? They changed the donor rules for him to appear. Will Bernie point this out? The moderators?


#Walkaway Originally Posted by gnadfly

according to the article i posted a mere 300k got him in. pocket lint for Bloomtard. of course that's what we know of, how much he really pumped into the DNC could be much more.

this begins to make sense why Obama did not endorse or support Biden. In fact, he encouraged Biden to stay out of the 2016 presidential race. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm

Obama told him not to run in favor of his hand picked successor Clinton. and Obama knows better than anybody what an idiot Biden is.
Yes he talked about it you political retard. Do you remember he had discounted it because he thought he had no lane to run in....but then Trumps dumbass got caught trying to get Ukraine to make up some nonsense about Joe Biden and Crowdsource and bam...Bloomberg was in.

Please try and keep up Mr 4% plus GDP Fairy Originally Posted by WTF
You are the fucking retard you fat asshole.

Bambino could kick your ass....and I wish he would
according to the article i posted a mere 300k got him in. pocket lint for Bloomtard. of course that's what we know of, how much he really pumped into the DNC could be much more.

Obama told him not to run in favor of his hand picked successor Clinton. and Obama knows better than anybody what an idiot Biden is. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Obama didn't even endorse Sleepy Joe....that's a fucking insult right there.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Obama didn't even endorse Sleepy Joe....that's a fucking insult right there. Originally Posted by friendly fred

actually that's a savvy move by Obama. the man is a traitorous asshole but he's not stupid. as i've posted before, he's not going to risk making an endorsement now. if he does and that candidate doesn't get the nomination he looks like a fool and it taints his eventual endorsement of the actual nominee whoever it may be. in true partisan politics he'll wait till after the DNC Convention and immediately endorse the DNC ticket no matter who gets the nod. even Bernie. he'll do it just to bolster the Dems against Trump.

i'd rather see what Mitteats does. will he endorse Trump? for the good of the Republicans he should but will he? hard to say. i doubt he'll endorse the Dem nominee. but what a riot it would be if he did yeah? fucking traitor. but like Obama he's not that stupid and certainly too savvy as a seasoned ex-Gov and now Senator to outright betray his own. but if he did you know Trump will beat him about the head and shoulders with video clips of him pandering for Trump's endorsement in 2012. while Mitteats would in general be a viable pick for Sec. of State i'm convinced Trump played him like a chump by summoning him to dinner to kiss Trump's papal ring and getting some photos to prove it.

here's Mitteats kissing the Emperor's ass ...

"After a dinner meeting with Donald Trump at Jean-Georges restaurant in New York, Mitt Romney delivered a glowing review of the president-elect’s leadership during the transition.
Mr. Romney, who was invited to the dinner purportedly for a follow-up interview for the job of secretary of state, described it as a “wonderful evening” and said that he was “impressed” with Mr. Trump’s handling of his upset victory in the election."


what a two-faced asshole Mitteats is.
lustylad's Avatar
Hunter has done no different that (sic) Jared getting a loan from Israelis (sic) interests. Originally Posted by WTF
Hey you dumbfuck, what are you blubbering about now?

Jared had over a decade of experience in commercial real estate BEFORE he started working at the White House. Hunter's only experience was snorting (forbidden topic), ordering lap dances, and getting kicked out of the Navy.

The truth is Jared actually put his family business interests in jeopardy by participating in politics. Here's what the NYT said:

"Lenders continue to hesitate or retreat from doing business with the company, cowed by the scrutiny that other financial partners have received."

Here's the link, you twaddletwat. Notice there is nothing about any loan from "Israelis (sic) interest". His company made a bad investment when it overpaid for that NYC building at 666 5th Avenue back in 2007 and they wound up paying dearly for that mistake!

You really are a stupid fuck. There is no false comparison that is too ridiculously far-fetched for you to make in your eagerness to justify libtard corruption and misbehavior.