San Bernardino Shootings

BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 12-03-2015, 01:09 PM
Whatever the reason my heart is heavy for the families it's an awful tragedy And lives are forever changed Originally Posted by Jessika Sweetz
tortpicker's Avatar
Yeah I'm not feeling the gun argument either. I'm sure plenty of unstable people legally have guns. Wtf does it matter at this point.

Here's what I personally am thinking about (and call me a bigot or what the fuck ever because I couldn't care less), here's what I think: there's a Muslim daycare I drive by on my way to work nearly everyday and even before Paris or San Bernadino I would think to myself, "self, wtf are they teaching the kids in that daycare?"

The moms all drive minivans and dress in full head to toe garb. The little girls are covered too. The boys are dressed like normal boys. Deep down in my conscience I feel bad for worrying about this place but in reality I don't feel bad at all.

I'm not a gun owner and I don't think that gun laws have anything whatsoever to do with causing the problem or with solving the problem but I am certainly more and more compelled to own a gun the more this goes on. I think clinging to our guns is just a false sense of security and until we figure out how to stop this underground movement it's only going to get worse. But yes in the meantime, a gun will make me feel safer. Originally Posted by thathottnurse

Everyone should own one and be proficient at using...God forbid any of us ever have to use it in such a manner. There are lots of classes you can take that will familiarize you with owning and handling a handgun me if you want some help on this.
mtabsw's Avatar
Maybe it's time to reenact the 2nd Militia act of 1792...
The second Act, passed May 8, 1792, provided for the organization of the state militias. It conscripted every "free able-bodied white male citizen" between the ages of 18 and 45 into a local militia company. (This was later expanded to all males, regardless of race, between the ages 18-54)

Militia members, referred to as "every citizen, so enrolled and notified," "...shall within six months thereafter, provide himself..." with a musket, bayonet and belt, two spare flints, a cartridge box with 24 bullets, and a knapsack. Men owning rifles were required to provide a powder horn, 1/4 pound of gunpowder, 20 rifle balls, a shooting pouch, and a knapsack.
This is the kind of gun control I'd like - not only allow - but REQUIRE - everyone to own a long gun - AND to serve in the local militia.... get a decent amount of training (and weed out the nut jobs) then take your turn providing armed presence at public events
This gun control bullshit is so fucking stupid. If you take gins away, you'll only be disarming us law abiding citizens who regard the law (I know, this is an ironic statement seeing what site this is). The crazy fucks in these shootings could care less about "our" laws.
LargeBreastFan's Avatar
For events like this, I don't pay much attention to the news for about the first 6 hours. Most of the facts or what they know, turns out to be in error, and they are just trying to be the "first" to report information.
AlluringStacy's Avatar
That's so sad :/
cheatercheater's Avatar
Prayers for the injured and families of those lost.

These nuts knew exactly what they doing and had it planned out. The argument at the party was nothing more than a feeble attempt to give liberals an out for the motive. Can't be terrorism this way. There are plenty of gullible people who will buy the workplace violence theory.

They weren't afraid to walk in shooting. It was a " gun free zone". No one else would have a weapon to return fire.
Chung Tran's Avatar
the FBI is finally admitting this is a terrorism incident.. meanwhile the killers' families have a Lawyer who says they didn't do it..
doug_dfw's Avatar
Obama's DOJ Lynch going to prosecute those who decry Terrorists.

Sure hope this nation wakes up before we are in Communist Rusio/Chino.
Maybe if someone had a gun they could've put a bullet through mooshi's head! America needs to snap out of the Obama "Fuck America" Tour and saddle up.
Chung Tran's Avatar
what really nags at me is Obama's attitude.. that guy won't give an inch, he will never admit he was wrong, miscalculated, misjudged.. he is always right.

his response to the FBI's verdict that this was terrorism? silence.. oh, and a Justice Department investigation to see if "Clock Boy" can compile reasons to stick the City of Irving for $15 million.

I find myself paying much more attention to the Primaries this season.. I am so eager to see a new President.
TexTushHog's Avatar
I'm bundling for Hillary, Chung, (though I really wish Bernie could win. You want to make a contribution?
I'm bundling for Hillary, Chung, (though I really wish Bernie could win. You want to make a contribution? Originally Posted by TexTushHog
of course the self loathing Jew, wants the Muslims to win.....but this is just a opinion of mine......don't want to get banned.....just wondering why some jews side with the Muslims that want to kill them?? I really am at a loss? am I missing something?
johnniewalkerblack's Avatar
Maybe it's time to reenact the 2nd Militia act of 1792...
The second Act, passed May 8, 1792, provided for the organization of the state militias. It conscripted every "free able-bodied white male citizen" between the ages of 18 and 45 into a local militia company. (This was later expanded to all males, regardless of race, between the ages 18-54)

Militia members, referred to as "every citizen, so enrolled and notified," "...shall within six months thereafter, provide himself..." with a musket, bayonet and belt, two spare flints, a cartridge box with 24 bullets, and a knapsack. Men owning rifles were required to provide a powder horn, 1/4 pound of gunpowder, 20 rifle balls, a shooting pouch, and a knapsack.
This is the kind of gun control I'd like - not only allow - but REQUIRE - everyone to own a long gun - AND to serve in the local militia.... get a decent amount of training (and weed out the nut jobs) then take your turn providing armed presence at public events Originally Posted by mtabsw
I'm a liberal, but I actually agree with this because I am getting tired of this radical Muslim shit. You gotta fight back. Make them think twice before trying something like this.

I'm also getting tired of President Obama's lack of leadership. His response to this was to mention gun control laws. Really??? Responding to this with policy!!! If gun control laws actually worked, I suppose these two radical Muslin idiots wouldn't have a small armory of weapons at their disposal. Also, the city of Chicago wouldn't get shot up every weekend.
Remote's Avatar
The first day of news is about being first and getting their narrative out there. The political class will push their agenda. 2nd day slowly some facts will come out. Do not believe the crap the media puts out about anything. Do not trust the politicians. If you don't like guns. Don't buy one. If you think guns laws will protect you think about this. Boston, Paris and Calif all have very restrictive gun laws and laws against own/making bombs. Bad guys blew up and/or shot people anyway.

All religions encourage peace and harmony except Islam which tells followers to kill those that don't believe like they do. All the players in theses killings were devout Muslims.

If you do not plan on protecting yourself and your loved ones yourself then you are letting your fear of being politically incorrect, or being called names, or whatever place you and your loved ones at risk.

As the people in California found out when seconds count the police or only minutes away.

The man and his wife who killed his coworkers planned this in advance and were devout Muslims. The people that died were not prepared.

I do not think this will be the last time this happens.