Rick Perry -- Socialist!!

TheDaliLama's Avatar
No. I have a problems with double standards and people lying about racial bigotry motivating slander. Originally Posted by TexTushHog

Good grief.

Dude, the crickets you hear are in your emty head. You're never alone with a schizophrenic.

The race card is all you play when you've got nothing left to offer.
Do you call Herman Cain a racists too?

You yourself have stated before that you wished there was some one else in BO's party to challenge him in a primary. I guess that makes you a lying racists to.

Your post tells more about you and the hate that you have in your own heart than it does about Rick Perry. You Sir are the disgusting racists.

BO is also half white.

I love is black half..it's the white Liberal Socialists I can't stand.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Perry served - honorably - in the military; less can be said of Obama and Clinton (who dispised the military).

BTW; I don't think Perry is a Conservative; he is a Chamber of Commerce Republican, in the Bush model.

And Romney with his hand over his heart doesn't impress me. He is a father of five boys all military age when the Iraq/Afghanistan war was in full tilt, all of whom were pro war, but none served. IMO to have five boys in one family (a familly that was urging others into war) and not one serves is a disgrace !

At least Clinton and the other 1960s anti-war protesters were yelling stop the war and refusing to join; compared to the Romney's who were yelling "USA, USA" into war but not serving. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Did you serve in the military?
If so, what branch? If not, why not?

Where did the information that Romney's sons are all pro-war come from? Supporting our troops doesn’t mean you are pro-war. As Mormons, military age is also mission age. Which at least some of them performed.

Bear in mind that less than 20% of Americans are veterans and that our military is all volunteer. Roughly 5% are combat veterans. As our WWII veterans die off, that % is trending down. Of course that trend will reverse if our current wars continue.

Singling anybody out of the 80% as being less than the others is a farce.

PS Preemptive answer. I spent 75-78 in the 18th Airborne Corp at Ft. Bragg.
London Rayne's Avatar
How can you run for the U.S. Gov. and not even respect what it was built on? Nuff said...next!
Munchmasterman's Avatar
How can you run for the U.S. Gov. and not even respect what it was built on? Nuff said...next! Originally Posted by London Rayne
You can respect the military without joining it. America was built on ideas and principals stated, among other places, in the Constitution. The military is the servant of America. That is why it is called serving.
London Rayne's Avatar
I am not referring to the Military, but rather those thoughts, ideas, and foundations that the AMERICAN flag represents. That's like a Priest not eating and drinking of the body in the Catholic Church lol.
I can respect an airline pilot without becoming one. I can respect a great chef without needing to go to a culinary arts school. I can respect a great athlete, even though I may not have the skills or desire to follow that path. And I damn sure can respect our military and veterans without joining and having some jackoff at the top send me to god-knows-where to fight some country that may be no real threat to me. If I feel the cause is that important, I'll enlist.

As for Ron Paul, don't be surprised if he does run as a 3rd party candidate. Very dedicated followers, and quite a few of them. However, the mainstream GOP (and many independents) still see him as the crazy uncle at the Thanksgiving party, muttering his eccentricities off in a corner somewhere. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to climb a fence and break into Mexico......
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 09-24-2011, 12:33 PM
If this is the only issue you can criticize Ron for he is in good shape. Originally Posted by Laz
Actually, it's not. Ron Paul, to me, is the equivalent of a pro lifer. Ask your typical pro-lifer, who claims abortion is murder, if a 14 year old who has a back-room abortion because she's afraid of her parents should go to jail for 10 years, and they'll hem and haw until the cows come home.

In other words, it's easy to espouse your ideology....up until you're confronted with the real life consequences of that ideology. Ron Paul's non-answer to Wolf Blitzer's question is proof of that. What a pathetic display to what ultimately was a yes or no question. Firm in his beliefs, my ass.

The problem with you Libertarians is, because you're so beholden to your ideology, you think you know the answer before you even hear the question. Sorry, but that's not the way the world works, and Ron Paul got a little dose of that from Wolf Blitzer.
What I have to say about this is that I will vote for any Republican candidate over Obama. I am no fan of Mr Perry because I don't think he should have run for another term as governor. He is not the King of Texas and should not have run and after the vaccination incident I don't trust him. Those of you who throw out the "race" card all the time should seriously look in the mirror because you would then see the true racists. Yes there are obviously white racists out there - as there are black ones...oops, but we don't talk about them - but the reason I dislike Obama is because I don't believe in the way he wants to govern this country and that was the same way I felt toward Clinton, Carter, Johnson and JFK. I disliked each of them equally and yet when you say ANYTHING negative about Obama you must be a racist! The true racists are the ones who voted for the man simply BECAUSE he is black and they still support him in the 80 or 90% range when the rest of those who voted for him have dropped to something like 49%. So, please, enough of the race card nonsense. Frankly, I'd like to see Romney run because of his business background and Condi Rice as the V.P. candidate because she is intelligent and speaks well. She won't do it but I can hope. Have a good day!
TrailBlazer's Avatar
"I disliked each of them equally and yet when you say ANYTHING negative about Obama you must be a racist! The true racists are the ones who voted for the man simply BECAUSE he is black and they still support him in the 80 or 90% range when the rest of those who voted for him have dropped to something like 49%. So, please, enough of the race card nonsense."

Well said Katinsa.

That picture does not surprise me TushHog. Perry is a RINO, Bilderburger globalist, and borderline Socialist in bed with the Chinese, Mexicans, and the UN. Free college tuition for illegals but my kids will be paid with loans, grants, scholarships, and out of my pocket.
Only way I would vote for him is if he is the final Republican GOP nominee against Obama. Because at that point, he's still better than the Muslim in Chief.
I wish Allen West would run. Love to see a Allen West/Herman Cain ticket. Then we'd have true black Americans in office, not a Kenyan Muslim sympathizer and his un-American first "lady".
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 09-24-2011, 12:45 PM
What I have to say about this is that I will vote for any Republican candidate over Obama....but the reason I dislike Obama is because I don't believe in the way he wants to govern this country and that was the same way I felt toward Clinton, Carter, Johnson and JFK. Originally Posted by katinsa
In other words, you would vote for Richard Nixon or Bush II over Bill Clinton or JFK.

I think that's all we need to know.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
In other words, you would vote for Richard Nixon or Bush II over Bill Clinton or JFK.

I think that's all we need to know. Originally Posted by Doove
You forgot Johnson, Carter, Mondale, Docockus, Gore, Kerry, blah blah blah...

I think that's all we need to know to.
Ron Paul and Rick Perry are standing at attention like all good former military men.
TrailBlazer's Avatar
How is Ron Paul looking to his left .....standing at attention?
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Ron Paul and Rick Perry are standing at attention like all good former military men. Originally Posted by gnadfly

Not quite the same as the "Crotch Salute" is it?

Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 09-24-2011, 01:46 PM
Not quite the same as the "Crotch Salute" is it? Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
Aren't you the guy who said this?

With all the problems we have at home and abroad.. THIS is what you want to focus on? THIS is what you want to post and have a discussion about? Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
Come on, admit it. You are, aren't ya?