I know I am chasing an adrenaline rush by hobby activities, and so far have not caught a disease or been arrested or otherwise been found out. I want to quit now and try to figure out why I need to do this and is there a healthy way to quit.
Originally Posted by Bjornofthenorth
The hobby is great when you use your big head. There is risk in everything that you do. Covers will keep you safe percentage wise, always use them. Do your homework when searching for providers. Seek reputable providers who have independent websites. You will have to upgrade but it’s worth it. Your chances of visiting uncle Leo will be minimum. One quality provider a month is better than three risky ones. To slow down the adrenaline…I don’t know, hand jobs, cold showers, and limit your porn use to once a week.
“or otherwise been found out” However, If you have a significant other then this is how you are going to caught. IMO