The "JV Team" strikes again:

God Damn Admiral Cornhole is already giving up on the Marines. Originally Posted by WTF
Yep. Says he served with them but apparently has no idea about how they operate. First he's giving them up, so he can blame Obama when they're captured. Then he wonders if they can protect themselves. If I were a marine, I'd kick his ass. Hell, I'd like to kick his ass anyway
If we do decide to engage ISIS with troops on he ground, we have to be willing to live with the consequences of what happens if any are captured.

The American Public is not ready to see a US Soldier burned alive on a YouTube.
If we do decide to engage ISIS with troops on he ground, we have to be willing to live with the consequences of what happens if any are captured.

The American Public is not ready to see a US Soldier burned alive on a YouTube. Originally Posted by Jackie S
YOU don't have to live with the consequences of shit. Obama and their commanders have to live with it. Which is why people are so ready to just throw them over there. They think it's like a video game and it's not. Putting troops on the ground isn't a decision to be made lightly. If he does decide to put troops on the ground, someone will be captured eventually and they will be made an example of and then people will lose their shit over that, asking why were we there in the first place and shitting all over THAT decision. He can't win.
LexusLover's Avatar
They think it's like a video game and it's not. Putting troops on the ground isn't a decision to be made lightly. If he does decide to put troops on the ground, someone will be captured eventually and they will be made an example of ..... Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
#1, Obaminable acts like it's a video game .... he's playing ...
#2. The guy burned in a cage wasn't one of the "troops on the ground" ...

A U.S. gunship was just deployed in close ground support to thwart the attack.

Is there some reason you think someone on a gunship (or plane) can't get captured?

Particularly since it was a pilot who was burned to death?

I guess you voted for Obaminable 2x's. Right?
This JV "punches above it's weight." Remember that chestnut?

In watching the newcasts there were US military and intelligence talking heads reporting that "we were caught by surprise."
#1, Obaminable acts like it's a video game .... he's playing ...
#2. The guy burned in a cage wasn't one of the "troops on the ground" ...

A U.S. gunship was just deployed in close ground support to thwart the attack.

Is there some reason you think someone on a gunship (or plane) can't get captured?

Particularly since it was a pilot who was burned to death?

I guess you voted for Obaminable 2x's. Right? Originally Posted by LexusLover
You have to put words in my mouth. I never said an airman couldn't be captured. You have a bad habit of employing either/or scenarios ; I mentioned that ground troops could be taken hostage. That doesn't mean I think airmen can't be taken hostage. You've created that, not me. There are infinite possibilities depending on many factors. Don't be such a victim of binary thought. If just makes you look ignorant.
LexusLover's Avatar
You have to put words in my mouth. I never said an airman couldn't be captured. You have a bad habit of employing either/or scenarios ; I mentioned that ground troops could be taken hostage. That doesn't mean I think airmen can't be taken hostage. You've created that, not me. There are infinite possibilities depending on many factors. Don't be such a victim of binary thought. If just makes you look ignorant. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
Actually my "bad habit" is revealing your bullshit ....

.. you whining about U.S. "troops" getting captured if they were ordered into combat with the TERRORISTS who attacked the base on which they were ordered to remain as a justification for not sending them into combat ..

as the U.S. population having no "stomach" for it ... is remarkably ludicrous and lacking in any comparative logic .... Example: John McCain was NOT a "boots on the ground" soldier ... neither was the Jordanian PILOT ....

.. but if we don't want U.S. servicemembers to get captured ....

why are U.S. servicemembers flying sorties and assisting "coalition" troops with gunship cover during TERRORIST attacks?

Hopefully we will not have to endure (or anyone else) any videos of the recent U.S. female civilian's demise, either before they decided to kill her or her execution .. but it wouldn't disable me with nausea ... it would just further piss me off that YOUR MAN in the White House was putting on a green somewhere not giving a shit while they were entertaining themselves with her!

May be if more people in this country actually observed the shit that was being done to those people over there (U.S. and otherwise) then even you would get pissed ... and support the effort to track down every last one of them and dispose of them ... until they quit and went home.
LexusLover's Avatar
YOU don't have to live with the consequences of shit. Obama and their commanders have to live with it. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
We all have to live with it. There is probably few, if any, U.S. citizens who have not been affected by the decisions and indecisions of our Presidents and "their commanders" at one time or another and in one way or another.

Just because some people don't "wear it on the sleeve" and whine about it, doesn't mean they still don't feel the pain and anguish. Each person deals with it in his or her own way .... some "resolve" it, others never do. Some blab about it, others are silent. But do not dismiss the everlasting scars.
Just because some people don't "wear it on the sleeve" and whine about it, doesn't mean they still don't feel the pain and anguish. Each person deals with it in his or her own way .... some "resolve" it..... Originally Posted by LexusLover
Just as the Patriarch of the Idiot Klan, errr Clan, chooses to bitch and moan endlessly!
YOU don't have to live with the consequences of shit. Obama and their commanders have to live with it. Which is why people are so ready to just throw them over there. They think it's like a video game and it's not. Putting troops on the ground isn't a decision to be made lightly. If he does decide to put troops on the ground, someone will be captured eventually and they will be made an example of and then people will lose their shit over that, asking why were we there in the first place and shitting all over THAT decision. He can't win. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
You said that like I have no idea what it is like to be sent to a foreign land to fight a war we should have never fought in the first place.
Actually my "bad habit" is revealing your bullshit ....

.. you whining about U.S. "troops" getting captured if they were ordered into combat with the TERRORISTS who attacked the base on which they were ordered to remain as a justification for not sending them into combat ..

as the U.S. population having no "stomach" for it ... is remarkably ludicrous and lacking in any comparative logic .... Example: John McCain was NOT a "boots on the ground" soldier ... neither was the Jordanian PILOT ....

.. but if we don't want U.S. servicemembers to get captured ....

why are U.S. servicemembers flying sorties and assisting "coalition" troops with gunship cover during TERRORIST attacks?

Hopefully we will not have to endure (or anyone else) any videos of the recent U.S. female civilian's demise, either before they decided to kill her or her execution .. but it wouldn't disable me with nausea ... it would just further piss me off that YOUR MAN in the White House was putting on a green somewhere not giving a shit while they were entertaining themselves with her!

May be if more people in this country actually observed the shit that was being done to those people over there (U.S. and otherwise) then even you would get pissed ... and support the effort to track down every last one of them and dispose of them ... until they quit and went home. Originally Posted by LexusLover
You're all over the fucking place. I made a comment. You call it whining. I was referencing fighting isis, not the Yemen situation. And then you give me two examples of hostages. Two. And one isn't even American. That's it for you. On the ignore list you go. You take what I say and twist it till is what you want to hear. I'm done. And the irony of it all is I drive a Lexus. Later, chicken dick. Have fun circle jerking with your buddies
This JV "punches above it's weight." Remember that chestnut?

In watching the newcasts there were US military and intelligence talking heads reporting that "we were caught by surprise." Originally Posted by gnadfly
Iraqi Freedom... Remember that chestnut? Mission Accomplished... I could go on.
Iraqi Freedom... Remember that chestnut? Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
Remember Obama couldn't or wouldn't get an agreement with the Iraqis for a residual force? Even though the top brass warned him about the inevitable outcome that he's dealing with now?

Mission Accomplished... I could go on. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
Newflash: Saddam and his sons are still dead!

Yes, please go on! I think even Obama and most of the top Democrats regret that you do. Perhaps you can change your handle to "NotFullyThoughtThrough."
Just as the Patriarch of the Idiot Klan, errr Clan, chooses to bitch and moan endlessly! Originally Posted by bigtex
Says BigKotex who will take his Bush Derangement Syndrome to his grave.

Kettle! Black! Out Damned Spot!

(Bigkotex smilicons added for emphasis)
Kettle! Black! Out Damned Spot! Originally Posted by gnadfly
IBIdiot called for the "JV Team" and look who reported for duty!

Buzz - Buzz - Buzz!