Odds makers in Vegas were right on the 2016 election and now the odds in the 2020 election are not looking good for ol'joe and his hoe!!

winn dixie's Avatar
Only fools would vote against big "T" !

Munchmasterman's Avatar
That's what you want to hear.
The smart money is on Biden.
Only fools would vote against big "T" !

2020 Originally Posted by winn dixie
  • oeb11
  • 09-18-2020, 10:54 AM
poor mm - looking for the DPST 'safe place' from reality???
Join the conservatives - you will find reality is best viewed not with the filtered view of comrade XiNN - but taken straight-on and dealt with .

Try it snowflakes - you might find yourself actually growing Up!
Munchmasterman's Avatar
WTF are you babbling about? This thread claimed the vegas odds makers said trump was the favorite to win.
The website cited proved the OP was wrong. Now you ignore that the OP is wrong and try to change the subject.
I feel safe in the place I am.
You're afraid of the truth. You aren't a conservative. You're a trump wingnut.
You constantly talk about your heroes...except trump. You have already started to back away from him.

In this simple thread, one that has been shot down, you're afraid. Instead of following a link, your sad self blathers away. Not defending the OP and only accepting the lies of the trump reality.
Remember you had nothing to say other than your standard bullshit.
Stop trying to hijack the thread.
Stay on topic or STFU.
poor mm - looking for the DPST 'safe place' from reality???
Join the conservatives - you will find reality is best viewed not with the filtered view of comrade XiNN - but taken straight-on and dealt with .

Try it snowflakes - you might find yourself actually growing Up! Originally Posted by oeb11

I feel safe in the place I am.
Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
Floating in a bottle of booze...
Chances of bitten winning the debates...ZERO!!
  • oeb11
  • 09-18-2020, 02:22 PM
DPST safe place - a bottle of whisky and Biden's basement.

Guaranteed to never, ever have anything of substance arise.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
looks like munchy misses WTF
Munchmasterman's Avatar
What could be better.
First, proving your long winded blather is just that.
You were flat out wrong. Again.
Then, because you're afraid of looking like the puts you are, you fall back on what you know best (other than being an asshole).
Drinking and being wrong.
Strange that you claim I drink but you are the guy too drunk to respond.

You were wrong. Stop elevating your level of shame.
You have been bested....again.

Anything else to prove you're a spare part?

I'm sure you'll say something.
Floating in a bottle of booze...
Chances of bitten winning the debates...ZERO!! Originally Posted by bb1961
We saw you crumble. But you knew better than to try to defend your OP. Now you try to change the subject.
When have you ever been right?
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Once again. It's not arrogance.
It's contempt for the best you can do.

Your next stroke will be your last. It won't just be misspelling "the" this time.

DPST safe place - a bottle of whisky and Biden's basement.

Guaranteed to never, ever have anything of substance arise. Originally Posted by oeb11
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
looks like munchy misses WTF Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm

Yssup Hoe Hummer Rider made parole today. is the libtard geek squad back in action?
  • oeb11
  • 09-19-2020, 10:28 AM
place YR and its' alternate ID hh on ignore- it certainly cleans up the Forum!
HoeHummer's Avatar
More fake news Ramboebsy.

Yous got nothing, other than a poor grasps in reality. Typical racists WSND.

HoeHummer's Avatar
Only fools would vote against big "T" !

2020 Originally Posted by winn dixie
And only assholes are unable to process reality.
  • oeb11
  • 09-19-2020, 11:47 AM
On Ignore - poor deluded DPST!
matchingmole's Avatar