OK here's what it costs to operate a sailing yacht

loveitdou's Avatar
If I was to win the Lotto I would lease a Yacht
with the hoist Male Crew I could get and sail the seven seas
for a year ... I'v known a few Yacht Owners over the years and seen what it takes to run it
I love the Ocean ... Originally Posted by LustyBustyGina38FF
Hi Beautiful
You'd love my 2 deck hands, they are both about 28 single, one is 5'10' the other 6', both blonde haired and are in great shape, lots of muscles in the right places. Both make nice salaries as I pay 20% above scale and both save their money, except when we are in Barcelona, Paloma, Sardinia, Greece, Turkey, Cannes France and Italy there they are Mongers. LOL O both are Swiss and have German accents.
Am I missing something?How exactly does this sorry excuse of a non-hobby related thread prove anything?

Lucas McCain's Avatar
Am I missing something?How exactly does this sorry excuse of a non-hobby related thread prove anything? Originally Posted by NubianPrince
You're not missing anything. Now this clown has fake employees he overpays on his fake yacht and is talking about their bodies. Who the fuck would actually do that if they had a yacht? Rule #1 when you really have money, you never talk about it. And you certainly never disclose the value of any of your assets on a whore board. It's tacky. It's offensive to people who aren't blessed with money to talk about your money. I learned that at a very young age. Most people with money know that. The OP is full of shit...

Everyone who is reading this bullshit should ask themselves a simple question - would you be on a yacht in Brazil like the clown OP claims he is and even think about posting on a whore board in coed Houston with all of the fine ass ladies there if you were really rich? Of course you wouldn't, I just answered the question for you.
dearhunter's Avatar
Ok I admit it.......I don't have a canoe......is it so wrong to just want to fit in?
Lucas McCain's Avatar
^^^ The OP doesn't have one either. Don't feel badly about it. You can always just say you have a yacht too. It sounds a lot better than a canoe so just go with that
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Both make nice salaries as I pay 20% above scale Originally Posted by loveitdou
I'm just going to have some fun with the OP because I am bored and can't sleep. How do you know you pay 20% over market? Do you pay extra to stare at your fake male beautiful crew? How do you know that your fake deck hands save money? Be careful with your bullshit, I asked this shit for a reason

I have more than 80 people who work under me at my firm. I do not know what they spend their money on, nor do I care. It's none of my business. How the fuck do you know what 2 fake ass deck hands spend money on and where? Trust me, these are trick questions. Your answers will make absolutely no fucking sense if you are stupid enough to try to answer my questions. Please try though. It will be fun for me
LexusLover's Avatar
This posting reminded me of the old joke with the punch line:

"If it flies, floats, or fucks, rent it."
Lucas McCain's Avatar
This posting reminded me of the old joke with the punch line:

"If it flies, floats, or fucks, rent it." Originally Posted by LexusLover
I highly doubt anyone remotely gives a shit about what "this posting" reminds your old ass about. Thanks for sharing though, but nobody cares for horrible overused old jokes that are not even funny old man...
  • pxmcc
  • 01-27-2018, 05:35 AM
^dang Lucas, you grumpy as fuck..ha ha.

OP, I believe you cause I've seen how you roll on the Board for a while now. But you know the rule on social media in the age of Instagram..pics or it didn't happen. ha ha.
if you're able, can we see some pics from Brazil and/or your boat, or maybe a link to your Instagram if you have one? (I don't do any social media though. f that noise..)
Lucas McCain's Avatar
^dang Lucas, you grumpy as fuck..ha ha.

OP, I believe you cause I've seen how you roll on the Board for a while now. But you know the rule on social media in the age of Instagram..pics or it didn't happen. ha ha.
if you're able, can we see some pics from Brazil and/or your boat, or maybe a link to your Instagram if you have one? (I don't do any social media though. f that noise..) Originally Posted by pxmcc
I'm not grumpy. I just fuck around with fools on this board. The OP will not be showing any pics. You can't take pics in Fantasy Land.
LexusLover's Avatar
I highly doubt anyone remotely gives a shit about what "this posting" reminds your old ass about. Thanks for sharing though, but nobody cares for horrible overused old jokes that are not even funny old man... Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
Does that pertain to the size of "your firm" ... also?

Seems like "yachts" and "firms" on a hooker board go hand in hand!
LexusLover's Avatar
Am I missing something?How exactly does this sorry excuse of a non-hobby related thread prove anything?

Originally Posted by NubianPrince
Does that pertain to the size of "your firm" ... also?

Seems like "yachts" and "firms" on a hooker board go hand in hand! Originally Posted by LexusLover
"Firms" ...
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Does that pertain to the size of "your firm" ... also?

Seems like "yachts" and "firms" on a hooker board go hand in hand! Originally Posted by LexusLover
How many people do you think actually work at firms and how many people do you think actually own yachts on this fucking board? Don't waste your time trying to be smarter than me. I was not kidding the last time I told you that my Ivy League ass loves dealing with pea brains like you on this board. Please continue. Do you even know what a firm is? Don't google it old man. Just state what you think a firm is...

Edit: I get that you are an old weirdo who is just being a smart ass. But I am serious about whether an ancient simpleton like you even knows what a firm is now.
Fancyinheels's Avatar
I have a yacht.

Okay, it's really a dinghy with a little pony (not even close to actual horsepower) motor, but the chihuahuas think it's a yacht.

All about perspective.
How is this hobby related?