Jesus BSwine! How do you even try to justify hijacking that thread? What remote connection is there to the OP?
Methinks you're simply dreaming with visions of other guys JUNK dancing In your head!
2dogs, republicans admitting faults???? Cheney still claims he wouldn't change a thing regarding the trumped up lies he and "W" made regarding Iraq and WMD!!!! What planet are you living on????? Tens of thousands of people lost their lives over those LIES! Not to mentioned how Cheney millions of his closed, no bid contracts with Haliburton. The previous administration took deceit to a whole new level that Obama can't even begin to approach. Give me an example where his lies resulted in him or somebody in the administration to become millionaires. Give me an example where over 150,000 deaths resulted from lies. Your partisanship clouds your mind. Originally Posted by txrancher1I have been telling 2Pups the same thing for 8-10 years. Yet he still spews the same partisan bullshit. His blinders will forever prevent him from seeing the light!