Grammar and punctuation, does it matter that much?

Donnie Brasco's Avatar
Hard to believe that all of the posters are contributing positively toward the thread and keeping it civilized. Maybe the reason people care about punctuation and grammar is because it's part of who we are. The ability to express ourselves and communicate properly is what separates us from uncivilized animals, minus the spellcheck.
Oh yeah, sex and more sex makes us animals.
However, that aspect is best kept BCD. Hobby on people.
cheatercheater's Avatar
The responses have shed some light on why some guys find grammar so important. Back to one of my original questions, does it make that much difference that it should be pointed out in each thread? You already know you won't pay the lady a visit due to your personal preferences.

Sometimes rather than make us appear smart, it tends to give a condescending appearance. I know a college degree doesn't automatically make a person smart. I have several including an MBA and am in no way the brightest bulb in the box. And for the record, never once have I been laid on the merits of my edumacation.
In regard to my post (which was jumped on because the HTML scripting didn't automatically format the post), I figured out what the problem was. I did a clean restart on my computer to see if that would help my FPS in a game that seemed to be very sluggish, and apparently this had an effect on automatic HTML scripting in forum posts. Go figure. Anyway, someone decided to take it upon himself to point out that my post was a hot mess (while I was already in the process of going back and putting the format tags in myself) and try to make me look like an idiot. Completely unnecessary in my opinion. Especially since anyone that's ever read a post by me before knows I'm usually very good about those things. Good post, cheatercheater.
Well I am meeting her to have sex with her so punctuation comes second or third.
If you are going to pass on someone because of their typing or spelling skills you will probably wind up a very lonely man.

Oh , and Traci my comp does the same thing.
No matter what I do to format my posts on here they always come out as one long line unless I break them up as you did..
I don't know which bothers me more: Poor punctuation / grammar, or improper holding / use of dining utensils...

This keeps me awake, and somewhat agitated. No more so than small provider pics.
Bloodhound's Avatar
Improper holding and use of dining utensils?
ca1962's Avatar
A few typos or grammatically incorrect usages are no big deal, but sometimes the posts are so bad they are incomprehensible. Also, if it is a long rambling 20+ line paragraph that doesn't get to the point in the first couple of sentences, I don't even bother with it.
  • hd
  • 04-21-2011, 11:44 AM
The handling of utensils are directly related to the skill at which she handles yourself know
I dont let grammar issues affect who I see, just what I read. Sometimes its just a language barrier. Who I choose to see depends on comfort and hygiene. Grammar really plays no part.. besides, if I am doing my job right, the only grammar that should be being used is "oh God", "yes" and "Fuck yaaa". My grammar issues are exactly what ca1962 stated and purely just about what posts I read. I do not usually call it out, however, since we all have a fault or two.
I will try to remember this very post, when there is a guy carrying a perfectly good conversation with me, while staring at my boobs the entire time. Originally Posted by lisa.lisa0302
I call that multi-tasking.

Command on the language, written and oral (English, not speaking to greek, french, russian) is important to me. Am I going to see a lady who fails in her attempts at written communication? Probably not. Punctuation, spelling, etc. all add up to whether the lady and I will click.

That said, Traci, I saw your original post, and the 1st reply. I started to make a comment, and then decided that it was not appropriate for me to reply. (My comment would probably had a little less sting to it.) When I refreshed my screen, you had corrected your post and it was of course quite legible at that point.

For what it is worth, I make a lot of typos when I type. Never took typing, and my thumbs are too big for the dang keyboard. (Banging a thumb with a hammer makes it permanently swell to a large size. Tempted to try other places, but haven't worked up the nerve...) I generally will hit the submit button, then re-read my answer and start the corrections. (note - only saw one real concern to correct on this post after I submitted it...)
berkleigh's Avatar
Yes. Just because I'm also attracted to intelligence. Originally Posted by ThinWhiteDuke

Its a pet pieve of mine and I cant stand to see that crap.

How on earth are you going to advertise yourself if you cant spell or puntuate?

If its a grammar issue, I can let that go.
(even though there is spell check on most computers)

What I cant let go is someone who misspells my name. UGH!

Sometimes their posts look like run-on sentences...or paragraphs.

Not cute

Its annoying and really shows lack of education and their age IMO.

But, I know firsthand most Men dont read ads...they only look at pics!
  • hd
  • 04-21-2011, 01:24 PM
Yes, pics get us to look, but I always look at the info for rates, times, etc.

Since there have been a number of poorly done ads, it's entertainment to read how bad they really are. That's some of them, not all. Most are very well done and tell me what I want to know about her.
Anyone else get aroused when berkleigh types? Her avatar and her straight forwardness in her typing makes me wanna carry a chain wallet and sport a justin beiber haircut.... hotness !
berkleigh's Avatar
Anyone else get aroused when berkleigh types? Her avatar and her straight forwardness in her typing makes me wanna carry a chain wallet and sport a justin beiber haircut.... hotness ! Originally Posted by LusciousLacy

I love your B( o )( o )Bs!
  • hd
  • 04-21-2011, 02:06 PM
makes me wanna carry a chain wallet
I have a chain wallet, I'll let you carry it if I can keep it hooked on my belt? and we both can go see berkleigh!