My apology!

austinkboy's Avatar
Wow, what drama! I don't know why you are apologizing, except that you have been in Houston instead of Austin. I am sorry about all of this for your sake. The guy obviously has some deeper issues. You know that we love you in Austin, so stick close to home!
Katrina...Sorry to here about your problem with the clinger. That is not right for him to purposely try to slander your reputation so that others will not want to see you. His actions should be reported to the mods and an alert to other ladies should be posted. Hope you get that resolved soon.

As far as your nc/ns or lack of appointments while in Houston...If you keep up with the boards you can see that that is not typical behavior for us Houston guys. If you only made a few appointments out of 90 requests with a couple of nc/ns or cancellations, I would chalk it up as a couple of off days in the Houston area. Not that you got or had a bad rep. With as many requests as you got I am certain that if you had called or pmed some of those that were not lucky enough to get scheduled they would have eagerly jumped at the chance to come see you in place of those cancellations. Please don't get discouraged from visiting Houston again very soon. I have met you and I am sure you will become one of our popular visitors.

For those that nc/ns or canceled or just weren't lucky enough to get an appointment, I can tell you that this young lady is amazing. We have met in the Austin area on one of my many trips and we had a great time. Beautiful girl, amazing body, great personality. Those that did not make your appointment...well you just missed out. Those other 80 something that expressed interest lets encourage her to come back.
  • romab
  • 06-28-2010, 09:10 PM
Hate NSNC, drives me crazy. Either provider or guy. Things happen but in this day and time text, e-mail, voice mail, hell do anything but name your son Sue!

Even worse is some a-hole who does crap like this behind the cover of darkness. Got a problem with a provider - put the problem out for us to see. If legit it will stand on it's own legs. If not, then get you flack jacket on and take your lumps.

Being a older gent I go for a more mature type but if I was 20 years younger - oh yeah.

flowerflower1's Avatar
if you ever drive through college station on one of your road trips i would love to meet you....
Flower I am sure that we can get her to come over