Islam - The Religion of Peace

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  • CJ7
  • 09-29-2013, 05:53 PM
Wrong, because Obama refuses to open up all federal lands for drilling...I can only type it out for you, I can't make you read or comprehend. But keep on pretending we are drilling on all available federal land and that there is just no one in America that can figure it out, as Iran has. Originally Posted by nwarounder

Ray Perryman, the economist hired by TransCanada to assess the economic benefits of the pipeline, said the effect would be "modest" and likely "swamped by the day-to-day factors that impact market prices."

No, we drill our own oil and don't sell it to other countries and build the keystone pipeline and get surplus, if needed, direct from Canada. The price of gasoline in Iran is 30 cents a gallon despite this world market you speak of. It's a difficult concept to grasp, I suppose. Originally Posted by nwarounder

If you could talk a oil company into that you will be a millionaire in 30 days All oil is sold on the world market no oil company is going to sell only in the US at a loss.
Ray Perryman, the economist hired by TransCanada to assess the economic benefits of the pipeline, said the effect would be "modest" and likely "swamped by the day-to-day factors that impact market prices."

Right. Originally Posted by CJ7
Maybe so, my point was that if we do not buy oil from muslim countries, what reason would they have to bomb us?

Yes, muslims are evil people by nature, but we never had a single terrorist incident on American soil before we started buying oil from them, that's a fact.
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  • CJ7
  • 09-29-2013, 06:11 PM
Maybe so, my point was that if we do not buy oil from muslim countries, what reason would they have to bomb us?

Yes, muslims are evil people by nature, but we never had a single terrorist incident on American soil before we started buying oil from them, that's a fact. Originally Posted by nwarounder

you cant be serious..

oh wait
If you could talk a oil company into that you will be a millionaire in 30 days All oil is sold on the world market no oil company is going to sell only in the US at a loss. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Last time I checked, there was not always a global market and American companies simply drilled and refined and sold it to consumers. Go back to that model and any company that does not want to participate simply does not get a permit to drill on federal lands.

Not sure why everyone here is so scared of the big bad global market? You guys make it sound like it is a living entity that will kill us all if we don't buy from the muslims.

you cant be serious..

oh wait Originally Posted by CJ7
Very. Typically, you share no solutions. Can we expect the same this time?
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  • CJ7
  • 09-29-2013, 06:33 PM
Last time I checked, there was not always a global market and American companies simply drilled and refined and sold it to consumers. Go back to that model and any company that does not want to participate simply does not get a permit to drill on federal lands.

Not sure why everyone here is so scared of the big bad global market? You guys make it sound like it is a living entity that will kill us all if we don't buy from the muslims. Originally Posted by nwarounder

who the hell is scared? you're the idiot trying to pretend theres no global market

oil has been traded on the market just like gold/silver/corn/sugar for sooooo long you prolly can't believe it ..

but hey, stop buying oil from the muzzies and they'll quit bombing us..

aint republitards a hoot?
who the hell is scared? you're the idiot trying to pretend theres no global market

oil has been traded on the market just like gold/silver/corn/sugar for sooooo long you prolly can't believe it ..

but hey, stop buying oil from the muzzies and they'll quit bombing us..

aint republitards a hoot? Originally Posted by CJ7
I'm not a republican and haven't voted for one in decades.

Let's see some of those CEO skills in action, propose a solution to the problem...Show us how smart you are and how stupid every one but you and Odumbo are...This is going to epic
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  • CJ7
  • 09-29-2013, 08:05 PM
I'm not a republican and haven't voted for one in decades.

Let's see some of those CEO skills in action, propose a solution to the problem...Show us how smart you are and how stupid every one but you and Odumbo are...This is going to epic Originally Posted by nwarounder

you tell us sport, if we stop buying oil from the mid east, the price goes down and muzzies stop bombing us BAAAWWWAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA

always is a long time, so Im curious when was the last time you checked the commodity market? 1848 when it started trading?

consumption controls the price of oil and gas, so the sloution to lower prices is pretty simple ... should I explain that to you too?

epic? no its simple ... too bad you cant fathom simplicity.
Why do Obama, McCain and many other politicians support a Muslim Brotherhood revolution? Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
It's about the natural gas pipelines to supply eastern Europe. Will it be Russian or Saudi/Qatar and the U.S. Dollar as the global reserve currency.

We are FUCKED and we better start drilling any and all. Including Canadian oil sands and the Keystone pipeline.
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  • CJ7
  • 09-29-2013, 08:15 PM
could be YOU are the one that's fucked... think about it Shakespeare
could be YOU are the one that's fucked... think about it Shakespeare Originally Posted by CJ7
This is not Shakespeare, you knucklehead...

You ought to feel shame in your hearts, you great gruff asses' heads.
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  • CJ7
  • 09-29-2013, 08:26 PM
This is not Shakespeare, you knucklehead...

You ought to feel shame in your hearts, you great gruff asses' heads. Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
and Keystone isn't the answer ..

[T]here's nothing to prevent more Canadian oil from coming into the U.S. right now, should Canada be able and willing to send it. Existing cross-border pipelines already have much more capacity than they are using. Those pipelines have the capacity to bring in more than 1 million barrels per day of additional Canadian oil, according to a study produced for the U.S. State Department by EnSys Energy & Systems Inc. of Lexington, Mass., in December 2010. And the study predicts that surplus capacity will persist at least until the year 2020, even if the Keystone is never built (see table 3-4). The 700,000 barrels that McConnell refers to is the additional surplus capacity that the Keystone's northern leg would provide. [, 3/30/12]
consumption controls the price of oil and gas, so the sloution to lower prices is pretty simple ... should I explain that to you too? Originally Posted by CJ7
Consumption controls pricing? I thought you said OPEC controls pricing? I obviously need a refresher in economics. By all means, please give us your solution to end terrorist attacks on our soil and explain?
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  • CJ7
  • 09-29-2013, 08:35 PM
Consumption controls pricing? I thought you said OPEC controls pricing? I obviously need a refresher in economics. By all means, please give us your solution to end terrorist attacks on our soil and explain? Originally Posted by nwarounder

Opec controls volume that has an effect on pricing ... study up!

there isn't an answer for terrorism on any piece of soil in the world