p411 down temporarily

cyborg's Avatar
Not just kissin' ass (well, maybe a little), but I've been a fan for a long time, sir.

Gina Originally Posted by GinaXXX
You've been a fan of mine? Gina, I'm not the one whose website saves literally thousands of happy lives a day. I'm not the one who stood up and gave people a safe place to pursue their hobby.

I'm not jack shit compared to you, but I am so friggin' flattered that I literally printed off that comment and am going to Hobby Lobby to get a frame for it right this second.

You just made my 2013. You let me know if there's anything, and I do mean anything I can do to help. I would never attack your most awesome site and will happily go to war if you need it.

And yes, that's a statement I'll make publicly


You have more fans than you know of. I would be happy to help you frame that comment in a purdy border or somethin'.

On topic, sort of, can anyone PM me what happened to puzz? We miss it!

Cyborg is awesomesauce and I wanna sop him up with a biscuit, I am just sayin'. Lots of us are indebted to you. Let me one of the first to publicly say thank you, to YOU!!

....especially for all you have done to help me. I owes you gumbo and baked goods and big, big hugs

P411 is back up and running thank you for your patience
Dandito's Avatar
It went down again, a few hours later. Still down now.....
I bet they'll have it back up and running this morning.
cotton1's Avatar
it is up
Generalissimo Francisco Franco is still dead.