Good news in a bad economy

DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
Cut through the chase.........them building on or near ground zero is giving a big fat fuck you to Americans.
Who is "them" when did it truly become Us vs. Them? Who is the enemy? Ignorance is public enemy #1 as far as I am concerned,
punisher's Avatar
Who is "them" when did it truly become Us vs. Them? Who is the enemy? Ignorance is public enemy #1 as far as I am concerned, Originally Posted by RebeccaRothko
And yeah, you're one of the "Ignorance is public enemy #1..." as far as I am concerned. Have you ever served in the US Armed Forces and been to the M.E.? If you haven't, then you don't jack!
And yeah, you're one of the "Ignorance is public enemy #1..." as far as I am concerned. Have you ever served in the US Armed Forces and been to the M.E.? If you haven't, then you don't jack! Originally Posted by punisher
I don't jack? Nope not in the military here but a little background on me, I am the child of a Mexican citizen that served 3 tours Vietnam, he told me to never become a victim and to always be informed. I know that when I choose to disagree that I have done my research, I do not just stuff my face at the trough. I'm not talking out of my ass, give me some true scholarship and I could be moved, that has yet to happen.
I don't jack? Nope not in the military here but a little background on me, I am the child of a Mexican citizen that served 3 tours Vietnam, he told me to never become a victim and to always be informed. I know that when I choose to disagree that I have done my research, I do not just stuff my face at the trough. I'm not talking out of my ass, give me some true scholarship and I could be moved, that has yet to happen. Originally Posted by RebeccaRothko
I'm calling bullshit. If you were informed and had an educated opinion on this, you would illuminate us. You would be eager to share what you know and engage those who have ideas that differ from your own. Instead you fall back on the usual liberal clap-trap:

"Sarah Palin is a cunt."

"You're all ignorant."

"Tea-partiers are racists."

If this is your definition of "informed", I'm going to have to suggest you pick up a newspaper or a book or something, ANYTHING other than what you're doing now. You are the opposite of informed. You are a knee-jerk reactionary taking opposition to something for no other reason than that you heard Fox News or Sean Hannity was pissed about it.

The closest you've come to anything resembling a cogent thought on this subject is to point out that the proposed mosque isn't going to be built directly over ground zero. While your point is true, it is also self-defeating. The group's own rationale for choosing that location is precisely because its so close to ground zero that it makes a statement. Do you have anything else you'd like to share, aside from loftily peering down from your ivory tower of wisdom and knowledge at the rest of us poor, ignorant idiots whose big crime is that we don't agree with you? Please tell me this isn't it -- this can't be the sum total of your "informed" and "researched" opinion on this subject...

I'll be over here waiting for some more of your "scholarship".
I'm calling bullshit. If you were informed and had an educated opinion on this, you would illuminate us. You would be eager to share what you know and engage those who have ideas that differ from your own. Instead you fall back on the usual liberal clap-trap:

"Sarah Palin is a cunt."

"You're all ignorant."

"Tea-partiers are racists."

If this is your definition of "informed", I'm going to have to suggest you pick up a newspaper or a book or something, ANYTHING other than what you're doing now. You are the opposite of informed. You are a knee-jerk reactionary taking opposition to something for no other reason than that you heard Fox News or Sean Hannity was pissed about it.

Spare me. Originally Posted by enderwiggin
Oh babe, I'll start with this, I only brought up Palin because of the post preceding my first post in this thread. I still stand by the initial statement of Palin being an insufferable cunt.

I'll finish with the rest of your silly nonsense tomorrow, extreme willful ignorance (usually referred to as stupidity) makes my head hurt more than paying taxes!

P.S. I don't give a fuck what any political extremist says, I gather information from a variety of sources, that you doubt my awareness of bias says something about your own inability to be fair and ummmm balanced. I'm so informed I should be depressed.
Oh babe, I'll start with this, I only brought up Palin because of the post preceding my first post in this thread. I still stand by the initial statement of Palin being an insufferable cunt.

I'll finish with the rest of your silly nonsense tomorrow, extreme willful ignorance (usually referred to as stupidity) makes my head hurt more than paying taxes!

P.S. I don't give a fuck what any political extremist says, I gather information from a variety of sources, that you doubt my awareness of bias says something about your own inability to be fair and ummmm balanced. I'm so informed I should be depressed. Originally Posted by RebeccaRothko
I'll be waiting. Unlike you, I actually have done my homework on this issue and don't have to play catch-up. I'll be waiting with bated breath for you to return and "educate" me.
Tony Montana's Avatar
Cut through the chase.........them building on or near ground zero is giving a big fat fuck you to Americans. Originally Posted by DEAR_JOHN
I think that's how most people perceive it.

I hate sara palin and all the inbred redneck teabaggers just as much as the next person but a damn islam center at ground zero is just going a little bit too far.
LexusLover's Avatar
I hate sara palin and all the inbred redneck teabaggers just as much as the next person ...... Originally Posted by Tony Montana
I'll get passed the "hate" issue ..... and ask a couple of questions ...

... just how many "inbred redneck teabaggers" are there?

... isn't the phrase "inbred redneck" ..... racial?
Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
I'll be waiting. Unlike you, I actually have done my homework on this issue and don't have to play catch-up. I'll be waiting with bated breath for you to return and "educate" me. Originally Posted by enderwiggin
Ender, buddy, you would have better luck trying to teach a card trick to a chicken than you will have by trying to use logic with this one. She's so far out of her depth with you that her only hope will be to drag you down to her level, then hammer you with her experience in that netherworld of benightedness.
LexusLover's Avatar
Sarah Palin is an insufferable cunt.

The mosque/community center is not being built on ground zero. JFC, more willful ignorance. Originally Posted by RebeccaRothko
I could over look the "insufferable" part to get to the "good stuff" ...

and as to the second "fact" ... I suppose one could debate what "is" is ....

... but when a part of an aircraft crashes down into the building ..

..... I would say that is about as close to "ground zero" a bystander would want to be .... unless, of course, it was a "bystander" who just wants to quibble to make a point.

If the "mosque/community center" ....errrr... developers ... were truly interested in demonstrating their sensitivity and awareness of the impact of the attack on 911 on not only those innocent people who were slaughtered by the disgusting cowardly trash that orchestrated the event, but the hundreds who came to their rescue and have suffered or died since from the polution and contamination, ..... then they would admit that they had not carefully considered the results of their proposals, apologize for their miscalculation, and avail themselves of the opportunities offered by the Governor of New York and relocate their "community" center to a more remote and respectful location.

Compromising on their part would bode well for human relations!

Do they have the right to dance in the streets with joy over the success of the cowards on 911? Yes. Do they have the right to build a place of worship on the ground struck by the attack of the cowards? Yes.

Are those activities .... "appropriate"? No. Will it further deepen the divide between the cultures? Yes. Will it lengthen the time for wounds to heal? Yes.
Can somebody point me to the links of imans, caliphates or other Muslim leaders apologizing for 9/11, condemning fellow Muslims for their terrorism or renouncing the various groups that have declared Jihad on the US? Originally Posted by gnadfly
Anyone? Anyone? Just like I thought.

<msg sent by blackberry while waiting at airport security checkpoint>
There really is no point in trying to explain anything to people that are hell bent on regurgitating misinformation fueled by emotions and ignorance. Anyway, I posted a link to an article that gave me a chuckle.
LexusLover's Avatar
.... while waiting at airport security checkpoint> Originally Posted by gnadfly
What some guys will do to get petted ... err... patted.
LexusLover's Avatar
There really is no point in trying to explain anything to people that are hell bent on regurgitating misinformation fueled by emotions and ignorance. Originally Posted by RebeccaRothko
Posted like a true, condescending liberal.

Small wonder you believe Palin is an "insufferable cunt"!