Republicans Do Not (and likely never did) Believe In the Rule of Law

It does.

What crime is their proof and evidence bill Clinton committed. And no one gets jail time for perjury in a civil case. An independent prosecutor spent 2 years searching for a crime and came up with bill lying about a blow job in a civil matter.

Hillary’s supposed crime would never end in a conviction. It wasn’t illegal to have a separate server. Everyone that sent her an email was aware she was using her own server and email address, including the members of congress that pretended to be so appalled. Moreover, you can’t be charged for having emails that lack classification when received or sent and are classified afterwards. Regardless of the lie republicans and Fox News claims, it was well explained why she wasn’t charged.

Absolutely no proof of any crime by Joe Biden. Just a bunch of pretty dumb accusations not supported by any proof. Grassley and now Comer and Trump and Guiliani before them have attempted to find a crime for Joe and can’t find a single one.

Hunter is a prostitute using junkie scammer. He likely cheated on his taxes. He scammed people by selling the illusion of access and his name. That’s actually not illegal. He might get hit for a tax charge but is likely to plead and be done.

Trump committed real crimes, then tried to get his lawyers to commit crimes to cover his crimes and help him continue committing crimes. Not exactly a way to avoid getting prosecuted. He could have simply returned the documents when requested and the DoJ would have never got involved or started an investigation. This is Trump getting himself prosecuted. Originally Posted by 1blackman1

Biggest bunch of horse pucky around. Odds of me picking winning power ticket numbers better than anything you post about Democrats being true. especially the double standards and it is pretty obvious Clinton's and Biden's actually broke real laws some bordering on treason.
You just keep spouting Falsehood after falsehood farmer. That’s a sign of true intelligence. You’ve proven over and again you’re a hack, and not even a good one.
I pretty much agree with Tiny that we shouldn't jail an Ex-President for hush money payments; the documents charges are more serious, but not sure I want to see a jail precedent set unless related to obstruction of justice or proven disclosure of secret info to a foreign operative, but a least a hefty slap on the wrist is warranted if found guilty as charged. Election interference, Ala the Georgia case is a different matter. If charged and convicted there, significant jail time is warranted...same for any Jan 6 incitement conviction, although I think that will never come to bear.
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What ever happened to the concept of "equity of outcome??"?
Equity of outcome is currently playing out in NY, Florida and soon Georgia. It's a shame the system is so slow to reach resolution. At least many if the Jan 6 idiots are finally being delivered an equitable outcome.
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I read "equity of Outcome" to mean that the Jan 6th protesters should get the same get-out-of-jail-free card given to every thug in New York, LA, Chicago, DC and every other major city administered by the progressive left.

Here in Houston TX, every official holding av major office in Harris County (Greater Houston) is under indictment and charged with flat-out bribery or some other form of blatant corruption. It now seems likely that they will all skate and be eligible for re-election.

Where is the "equity" of that outcome?
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Rule ofLaw?

Lets step back from the question of the Jan 6th participants (on both sides).and consider how the rule of law is enforced in our mjor cities today . . .since inauguration ay of 2020 anyway.

Here in Houston, every major city and county administrative post is held be a progressive Democrat. All judges are now progressive Democrats. All county procicutors are regressive Democrats.

No one is prosicuted. Frequently, police respond to a domestic abuse calland arrest some thug beating his baby-momma. He gets booked in and is released without bail before the officers have finished their paperwork . . .and the perp goe back to shoot the only one who can testify agsainst him. ame kind of thing happens for many other crimes violent or not.

My point is that here in Houston, now run entirely bey progressive Democrts, there is no rule of law.
How about Trump be charged and if convicted do time if he broke the law, like any other citizen. That equity of outcome. That’s non-political. That’s what’s fair. That’s what the rule of law requires.

If we go by the dumb version you’re pushing because it is politically favorable to you, then where do we stop it. Whites in the south literally got away with murdering blacks simply because they were racist. Should we allow blacks who kill whites to go free. Should we start doing a “crime match”, allow people to look back at disparate treatment in the past as an excuse for people to get away with crimes today.

I honestly believe conservatives, righties, republicans push the dumbest shit because, well, maybe they’re are actually just dumb.
... What was the "equity of outcome" with the use of
a bullshit "dossier" scheme by Hillary - and approved
by OBama and Biden - to hinder both the election and
continued hinderance thru Trump's Presidency??

And what's the "equity of outcome" of the government
OUTRIGHT LYING about Hunter's laptop - and surely
creating a Media "blackout" of the truth and facts??

... So much for "Respect for the Rule of Law" ...

#### Salty
None of that has to do with the rule of law. Stick to the subject Salty. Trump apparently committed a crime. Shouldn’t he be punished if it’s proven in court. That’s a simple question.
None of that has to do with the rule of law. Stick to the subject Salty. Trump apparently committed a crime. Shouldn’t he be punished if it’s proven in court. That’s a simple question. Originally Posted by 1blackman1

We already know Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden broke the espionage act, but they never got indicted because of a corrupt Department of Justice and Leaders at the FBI. There is absolutely no equal application of the law in the United States.
Bullshit as usual farmerdud. Find a link to support your statement.

I’ll wait.
ICU 812's Avatar
None of that has to do with the rule of law. Stick to the subject Salty. Trump apparently committed a crime. Shouldn’t he be punished if it’s proven in court. That’s a simple question. Originally Posted by 1blackman1

If President Trump is guilty of mishandling documents, then so is Secretary Clinton and President Biden. Evidence of their guilt has been out on public view for everyone to see. This shouldn't be a hard thing to understand.

No wonder many regular folks are convinced that the 2020 election was rigged in some way. Whether or not it actually was rigged, this sort of blatant hypocrisy and failure to enforce the rule of law equally erodes the people's confidence in the concept of The Rule Of Law.
You’re wrong. As usual. Both Clinton and Biden were investigated for mishandling documents. As was Pence. None of them were shown to have done anything even close to what Trump did.

If you can’t see these things are vastly different you’re just being a partisan hack.

Bill Barr explained it well. Chris Christie explained it well. Those are republican partisans. As they put it “all trump had to do was give the docs back when asked and subpoenaed.

Read the indictment instead of just saying dumb shit.