Totally offensive

You call them traitors, some call them freedom fighters. All a matter of perspective. The English considered the colonists to be traitors - but they won their war, so now we call them heroes. They would have hanged if they lost - and been called traitors by Englishmen. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
The winners write the history.

You realize, of course, there wouldn't have been a war in the first place if not for the traitors of the Confederacy, right?
Originally Posted by ExNYer
Replace the word "Confederacy" with "Irish Republican Army"... nyCPTBGer
Replace the word "Confederacy" with "Irish Republican Army"... nyCPTBGer Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
The IRA fought in the Civil War, toof-less?
You call them traitors, some call them freedom fighters. All a matter of perspective. The English considered the colonists to be traitors - but they won their war, so now we call them heroes. They would have hanged if they lost - and been called traitors by Englishmen. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
So the PLO and Hamas are freedom fighters? Check.
RedLeg505's Avatar
I'm not a Obama fan, but I find this totally offensive and disrespectful. Originally Posted by satexasguy
Yeah, those RACIST, gun-toting, REDNECK, hicks in the south.... what's that? This is New Hamshire? In the New England, Liberal part of the country? Whoops.. never mind.
I B Hankering's Avatar

You realize, of course, there wouldn't have been a war in the first place if not for the traitors of the Confederacy, right?
Originally Posted by ExNYer
There would have been no need to divert five regiments from the war front if it weren't for the New York City mick-traitors lynching blacks from lamp posts in the city, you ignorant Yankee asshole exiled in Dixie!
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
So the PLO and Hamas are freedom fighters? Check. Originally Posted by ExNYer
I know you are smart enough to get the point, so I can only conclude you are purposefully being an asshole.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
The IRA fought in the Civil War, toof-less? Originally Posted by ExNYer
Your pathetic, Dixie air mouthbreathing arrogant exile self can comprehend an analogy, can't you?
Yes, you can - so once again you are just being a prick.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Just as we all thought, JL is Sybil
rioseco's Avatar
I'm not a Obama fan, but I find this totally offensive and disrespectful. Originally Posted by satexasguy
I am damn sure not an Obammy fan. I find it offensive for a p.o.s in a suit to hold the highest office in the land. That is what he is and nothing more. He is a higher educated Al Sharpton with more connections and a better hair style. Obama hates America as it stands, love to kiss ass with muslims and is the biggest liar ever to shit between two shoes. When this piece of shit was born, they should have bitch slapped his white trash mama. All you people need to get past the "N" word as you like to refer to it. "NIgger", there it is said. It is NOT a definition of color, more of a definition of lack of class and personal character. I be's seeing plenty of WHITE niggers out there. So get over it. No one should be so stupid as to let a word assume the definition of your skin color. By jumping to take offense you only embolden the word used against you.
I am damn sure not an Obammy fan. I find it offensive for a p.o.s in a suit to hold the highest office in the land. That is what he is and nothing more. He is a higher educated Al Sharpton with more connections and a better hair style. Obama hates America as it stands, love to kiss ass with muslims and is the biggest liar ever to shit between two shoes. When this piece of shit was born, they should have bitch slapped his white trash mama. All you people need to get past the "N" word as you like to refer to it. "NIgger", there it is said. It is NOT a definition of color, more of a definition of lack of class and personal character. I be's seeing plenty of WHITE niggers out there. So get over it. No one should be so stupid as to let a word assume the definition of your skin color. By jumping to take offense you only embolden the word used against you. Originally Posted by rioseco

Nice to see you are not a closet raciest.
There would have been no need to divert five regiments from the war front if it weren't for the New York City mick-traitors lynching blacks from lamp posts in the city, you ignorant Yankee asshole exiled in Dixie! Originally Posted by I B Hankering
You inability to understand cause and effect is expected, moron.

Ask yourself: which came first? The start of the Civil War by the Confederate traitors? Or the lynchings in NY?

So, I repeat:

You realize, of course, there wouldn't have been a war in the first place if not for the traitors of the Confederacy, right?
Your pathetic, Dixie air mouthbreathing arrogant exile self can comprehend an analogy, can't you?
Yes, you can - so once again you are just being a prick. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
Actually, it is not an analogy. Read his original post. How can you put IRA in that sentence about the Civil War and the Confederacy being traitors and have it make any sense?

He is just changing the subject.

And, for the record, the IRA were trying to overthrow a system of oppression, not prolong it like the Confederacy.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar

Actually, it is not an analogy. Read his original post. How can you put IRA in that sentence about the Civil War and the Confederacy being traitors and have it make any sense?

He is just changing the subject.

And, for the record, the IRA were trying to overthrow a system of oppression, not prolong it like the Confederacy.
Originally Posted by ExNYer
It makes sense when you use both parties, the IRA and the Confederacy, as insurgents against what they perceived as an oppressive government, whether it meets the modern definition or not.
I've never really understood the hatred between the English and the Irish. The only thing different about them is that the English tend to be slightly more polite, until you get to know them, then they can be total assholes, too. Also, both sides have produced great men, and beautiful women.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Though the link fortunately doesn't have any real comments from the perp I did hear his comments on the radio. His explanation (if you want to acccept it) is that there is a difference between "black" people and persons he categorizes with the 'N' word. A thought that has been echoed in film, TV, and popular culture. One group is law abiding, responsible, and a positive credit to society and the other group acts like Justin Bieber, Eminem, 50 Cents, and Mike Tyson. So you can accept his explanation or not but you would have to condemn a lot of people who are escaping notice.
I heard the same comment frequently when I was in the navy from black sailors who were making the service a career. They were usually describing someone who may not survive even four years without an arrest.

This has nothing to do with the Confederacy or the Union. Both sides had people with little regard for intellectual capacity of freed slaves despite ample evidence to the contrary.