McKinney Police Video - Did anybody see that roll?

Yes, he had lost control of his emotions. He became a fucking Nazi.

It used to piss me off to hear about people complain about the cops. Recent videos have shown me otherwise.

And it still pisses me off people don't follow cops orders. And obey the law. Shit wouldn't happen if peeps fucking obeyed the law. Then they open their mouths. Then the shit hits the fan, and its ALL the cops fault ! IF you were in that same situation, you're a goddamned liar if you think you wouldn't pull your pistol. You would be scared shitless.

I went to the Stones concert Saturday. Fun night, but fuck ! Everybody had such an attitude of confrontation, of hatred. At the security gates, people were being turned back for the size of their purses / handbags. Red faced mother fuckers saying " We bring these into the Cowboy games " Dumbass. This ain't the Cowboy game. Its the fucking rules set up by the venue. You look like, and act like a spoiled child. And they just gotta open their mouths like it will make a fucking difference. Wise up, dumbass's.

There are some fucked up cops, no doubt. But there are 100X the number of fucked up people. Idiot Rednecks, loud mouthed bitches, angry minorities, drunks, trash. People are the worst. People ARE the problem. For everything. Throw in religion and politics, stirred with the anonymity of the internet, and one can truly see the fucking fallen nature of mankind. Kinda like all the smart asses here on Eccie. Love to fuck with people and think they are comedians ! No, youre not. Not even close. Just another dickhead. Like the rest of us. Think I am wrong ? Drive down the fucking freeway and NOT yell at some idiot. They are everywhere. We are the enemy: People.
You missed the part where the kids picked up his mace canister (after he fell) and returned it to him . . . priceless.
Frique-Me's Avatar
I agree the officer was overbearing and not controlling his emotions; a guy like that is scary, but when an officer tells you to back off and shut up, you need to do it.

Also, don't put your hands on a cop when he/she is carrying a gun unless you want the officer to pull it out of the holster to protect himself or others.

It also would be a good idea to conduct yourself without the need for police to be called into your neighborhood in the first place.

I hope the officer is disciplined, exonerated or fired after a fair and impartial investigation. Originally Posted by Fawlty
Those investigations are never impartial. Time and time again we've seen example of how the system will go the extra mile to protect its own.

We dont know what prompted the need for the police to be on the scene. It could have been a case of first degree SWB (swimming while black) or simple highschooler shit that went too far. We dont know but ALL option are up for consideration. It was strange that the only perceived threats were people of color. I'm not referring to the 2 idiots who put there hands on the officer, I'm referring to the others who were several feet away and DID NOT pose an immediate threat.

And as for a cop telling ME to shut up... No, I DON'T have to take that and I usually don't.
I'm really glad this incident was caught on camera and at length. It sheds some much needed light on how the police can and do make situations worse by overreacting.

That girl may have been mouthing off (considering she's 15, I'm sure she was) but his reaction was criminal. Period. He should be charge with assault at the very least. Everyone is gonna be watching the outcome of this.

Seems the first officer heard telling the kids they shouldn't run when police show up in a calm and even tone had the right demeanor to handle what was going on. I hope they show this video for years to come in police training across the country as evidence of what can and will happen if you lose your cool.

I'm guessing this isn't the first time the officer has had an issue involving his temper. I wonder if he has a wife and kids. The way he handled that girl makes me question how he acts at home when he gets mad. Sad.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
Yes, he had lost control of his emotions. He became a fucking Nazi.

It used to piss me off to hear about people complain about the cops. Recent videos have shown me otherwise.

And it still pisses me off people don't follow cops orders. And obey the law. Shit wouldn't happen if peeps fucking obeyed the law. Then they open their mouths. Then the shit hits the fan, and its ALL the cops fault ! IF you were in that same situation, you're a goddamned liar if you think you wouldn't pull your pistol. You would be scared shitless.

I went to the Stones concert Saturday. Fun night, but fuck ! Everybody had such an attitude of confrontation, of hatred. At the security gates, people were being turned back for the size of their purses / handbags. Red faced mother fuckers saying " We bring these into the Cowboy games " Dumbass. This ain't the Cowboy game. Its the fucking rules set up by the venue. You look like, and act like a spoiled child. And they just gotta open their mouths like it will make a fucking difference. Wise up, dumbass's.

There are some fucked up cops, no doubt. But there are 100X the number of fucked up people. Idiot Rednecks, loud mouthed bitches, angry minorities, drunks, trash. People are the worst. People ARE the problem. For everything. Throw in religion and politics, stirred with the anonymity of the internet, and one can truly see the fucking fallen nature of mankind. Kinda like all the smart asses here on Eccie. Love to fuck with people and think they are comedians ! No, youre not. Not even close. Just another dickhead. Like the rest of us. Think I am wrong ? Drive down the fucking freeway and NOT yell at some idiot. They are everywhere. We are the enemy: People. Originally Posted by crashkopf
You really need to re-watch the video- tell me first what crime was committed except being black in America? It was a freaking pool party of adolescents- there was no fights going o, no burglaries, none of the kids had weapons- yet the officer rolled onto the scene(literally) as if this was some combat battle. Yes, I agree the two kids should have never touched the officer, but pulling out your gun on someone unarmed are you freaking kidding me? Isn't that what the police Baton is for? There are some incidents where people are in the wrong, but this isn't one of them.
Some police officers think that whatever they demand you must follow- I understand the police telling you back away If you are too close to their operation- I get that- but a police officer telling you to shut up or take your ass home doesn't have to be obeyed by a civilian.
Study the video where the two teen males approach the officer, look close and imagine the point of view from the officer when the teen in tan shorts has his right hand near his back pocket. How would you react differently?
Frique-Me's Avatar
You really need to re-watch the video- tell me first what crime was committed except being black in America? It was a freaking pool party of adolescents- there was no fights going o, no burglaries, none of the kids had weapons- yet the officer rolled onto the scene(literally) as if this was some combat battle. Yes, I agree the two kids should have never touched the officer, but pulling out your gun on someone unarmed are you freaking kidding me? Isn't that what the police Baton is for? There are some incidents where people are in the wrong, but this isn't one of them.
Some police officers think that whatever they demand you must follow- I understand the police telling you back away If you are too close to their operation- I get that- but a police officer telling you to shut up or take your ass home doesn't have to be obeyed by a civilian. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
And who was the guy in the tan-ish shirt and jean shorts??? He was hovering over the young lady and in VERY close proximity to the cop as he had her on the ground. Why wasnt he asked to step back or get on the ground
wellendowed1911's Avatar
And who was the guy in the tan-ish shirt and jean shorts??? He was hovering over the young lady and in VERY close proximity to the cop as he had her on the ground. Why wasnt he asked to step back... Originally Posted by Frique-Me
Yes you are correct.. Why is he allowed to walk around, intervene and at one point seem to put his hands on a kid to "assist" the officers. This has Really bothered me, well guess when you are a certain color you get away with it.
Take race out of it & think how any parent would react to see their daughter pinned to the ground with a knee to the back of their head. I dont know all the facts but it looked like the cop was doing more to escalate the situation then diffusing it. Most of the kids were not being disrespectful or yelling they looked to be confused & just wanted to know why they were being ordered to leave or sit down. This was a pool party & guess what teenagers at a pool party will be loud there will be screaming & laughing & maybe the music will be too loud also. This often happens when teenagers get together to have a good time. Ive watched the video a few times & the cop yelling & cursing seemed to be more upset that he was hot & had all that gear on then he was at kids having a pool party. If you dont wanna wear 30 lbs of police gear or dont wanna be out in the heat then maybe you should find another line of work.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
Study the video where the two teen males approach the officer, look close and imagine the point of view from the officer when the teen in tan shorts has his right hand near his back pocket. How would you react differently? Originally Posted by Dr Olney
There were other officers on the scene- the white guy in the shorts who we still have no idea who he is and for some reason was allowed to be up close on the action and never told to get back- was next to the officer. The officer has a baton, mace- you tell me how you feel if you get a weapon pulled on you? I have had a gun pulled on me before and trust me it's no laughing matter.
You also tell me how a 15 year old female who probably weighs 110 lbs soaking wet in a bathing suit with flip flops is somehow a threat to this police officer- to the extend where he throws her down to the ground and puts both needs in her back- tell me how she must have felt?????
Not only have I had a gun pulled on me by a cop, but the same cop fired a shot that grazed me when his shake down went south. My crime was walking down a street in Poipet.

Doesn't change my question that I posed above, I not taking trying to take a side here.
Those investigations are never impartial. Time and time again we've seen example of how the system will go the extra mile to protect its own.

We dont know what prompted the need for the police to be on the scene. It could have been a case of first degree SWB (swimming while black) or simple highschooler shit that went too far. We dont know but ALL option are up for consideration. It was strange that the only perceived threats were people of color. I'm not referring to the 2 idiots who put there hands on the officer, I'm referring to the others who were several feet away and DID NOT pose an immediate threat.

And as for a cop telling ME to shut up... No, I DON'T have to take that and I usually don't. Originally Posted by Frique-Me
I read in another article that there was a white woman who had approached the black kids and told them to go back home to Section 8.

And from there, it all went downhill.

I don't know how racism is McKinney, but I have experienced the previous attitudes by being the only black household in an upper class white community.

It's sad and disgusting.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
Not only have I had a gun pulled on me by a cop, but the same cop fired a shot that grazed me when his shake down went south. My crime was walking down a street in Poipet.

Doesn't change my question that I posed above, I not taking trying to take a side here. Originally Posted by Dr Olney
If you think that police officer was level headed and couldn't have handled the situation in a more professional manner than please get your eyes checked.
And who was the guy in the tan-ish shirt and jean shorts??? He was hovering over the young lady and in VERY close proximity to the cop as he had her on the ground. Why wasnt he asked to step back or get on the ground Originally Posted by Frique-Me
Wouldn't be suprised if he was the one who called the cops . . .
bojulay's Avatar
Pool parties and cute girls in yellow orange bikinis.

Well someone has to stop the madness.

Never ceases to amaze me when you see one of these cop gone wild
videos nun of the other cops ever pull the guy to the side and say
[hey Jim buddy boy, you are going to get fired if you keep going with this,
did you happen to notice the guy over there videotaping]

It always seems to look like they are just thinking [Yeah, we all knew this
day was coming with Jim, even when he started back in the academy]

Seriously looks like sometimes the other cops are enjoying seeing one of
their own unravel and flame out
Frique-Me's Avatar
I read in another article that there was a white woman who had approached the black kids and told them to go back home to Section 8.

And from there, it all went downhill.

I don't know how racism is McKinney, but I have experienced the previous attitudes by being the only black household in an upper class white community.

It's sad and disgusting. Originally Posted by Adrienne Baptiste
I live near the community pool where the madness happened. I wasn't home at the time so I don't have a first hand account. As a member of the community I have access to the pool and have had the police called on me. To this day I have no clue why they were called. My assumption is since I was new to the area some of the neighbors questioned my right to be there and called the police

That was 7 years ago...

Disgusting? Yes but its the game we have to play babe