NAFTA’s Impact on U.S. Workers

You're a day late and TRILLIONS of dollars shot, ya lyin lib ! The "Blame Bush " chant of you "progressives" hasn't been in the talking points for over 3 years now ! Who ever is paying YOU to spam the board ought to doc your pay for not keeping up. YOUR boy has been in office for 7 1/2 years to date and DOUBLED the national debt. HE INCREASED THE DEBT IN 7 1/2 YEARS TO THE AMOUNT THAT 43 OTHER PRESIDENTS BEFORE HIM HAD PUSHED IT TO !!! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
Ok, let’s work with the facts here. Clinton made some other mistake like giving China “Most favorite Trading Nation status” (which I think was one if worst mistakes). His crime bill caused a lot of people to go to prison for extended sentences for small mistakes (which one of the issues we are dealing with now). He is the reason that the United States lead the world now in the number people in prison for the most reason and for the longest time. I will give him points for admitting to some of his mistakes. The Bush family has never admitted to any of theirs. It was Neal Bush (George W brother) that was involved in the S&L crisis of the 80 & 90 that cost the America tax payer almost 2 billion dollars (which would be 42 billion in today’s economy). Neal Bush was charge with a fine of 50K and barred from ever banking again (the Republican Party paid the fine). He approved over 100 million dollars in loans to his outside partners and told no one. He did not go to jail because of his name (just like Clinton). George H. Bush did not get reelected because of how he destroyed the economy. Then George W. Bush got us into a war that was costs the American tax payer 80 billion dollars a month. The estimate is that the war has cost us over 2 Trillion dollars. His Vice Dick Chaney was behind how Haliburton screwed us during the war. While Dick Chaney was Secretary of Defense under George H. Bush he did away with all of the Combat Service Support units in the military. Guess who provided us with Combat Service Support during the Iraq war at an enormous price inflation. It was Haliburton the company that Dick Chaney had received all these stocks from while severing on their board prior to becoming Vice. Did you ever hear of a bid for the contract being sent out? Bush got a tax break for the rich that costed the economy 300 million dollars a year. If you want to talk about Budgets. Bush got us into a war that destabilized the Middle East (that he did not admit that he was wrong about). If we had left the Iraq president in office Iran would not be doing what it is doing now because they would be dealing with him. ISS would not be in Iraq because he would have taken them out early on.
Ronald Reagan had the largest deficit of all the previous presidents combined. Ronald Reagan failed policies in Afghanistan was what put the Taliban into power in the first place. What I am saying is that from Ronald Reagan on mistakes have been made but Clinton was the only one to admit to his mistakes and if you start talking about his time in office. The economy was doing so well the military could not meet their recruitment goals because everyone had a job. People were looking for worker and that was the last time that pay went up to match the cost of living for the middle class. Not only did we not have a deficit but we had a surplus. I hear Republican say that it was not because of him that we were doing so well. Then if it was not because of him we did so well than why is it because of Jimmy Carter that we did so poorly.
I heard Jeb Bush say that at least his brother kept us safe. Tell that to the family of the service men who died or their life’s were destroy during a Nation Building war in Iraq, I lived it. More people died directly from terrorist acts under George H and his son George W then in all of the history or the United States. George H did not keep us any safer than Obama he just kept us focused on something else. Last point Obama care is the worst shit I have ever seen. The biggest problem I have with Obama is that he is a poor manager because he surrounds himself with stupid people and he never make them pay for their stupidity.
Ok, let’s work with the facts here. Clinton made some other mistake like giving China “Most favorite Trading Nation status” (which I think was one if worst mistakes). His crime bill caused a lot of people to go to prison for extended sentences for small mistakes (which one of the issues we are dealing with now). He is the reason that the United States lead the world now in the number people in prison for the most reason and for the longest time. I will give him points for admitting to some of his mistakes. The Bush family has never admitted to any of theirs. It was Neal Bush (George W brother) that was involved in the S&L crisis of the 80 & 90 that cost the America tax payer almost 2 billion dollars (which would be 42 billion in today’s economy). Neal Bush was charge with a fine of 50K and barred from ever banking again (the Republican Party paid the fine). He approved over 100 million dollars in loans to his outside partners and told no one. He did not go to jail because of his name (just like Clinton). George H. Bush did not get reelected because of how he destroyed the economy. Then George W. Bush got us into a war that was costs the American tax payer 80 billion dollars a month. The estimate is that the war has cost us over 2 Trillion dollars. His Vice Dick Chaney was behind how Haliburton screwed us during the war. While Dick Chaney was Secretary of Defense under George H. Bush he did away with all of the Combat Service Support units in the military. Guess who provided us with Combat Service Support during the Iraq war at an enormous price inflation. It was Haliburton the company that Dick Chaney had received all these stocks from while severing on their board prior to becoming Vice. Did you ever hear of a bid for the contract being sent out? Bush got a tax break for the rich that costed the economy 300 million dollars a year. If you want to talk about Budgets. Bush got us into a war that destabilized the Middle East (that he did not admit that he was wrong about). If we had left the Iraq president in office Iran would not be doing what it is doing now because they would be dealing with him. ISS would not be in Iraq because he would have taken them out early on.
Ronald Reagan had the largest deficit of all the previous presidents combined. Ronald Reagan failed policies in Afghanistan was what put the Taliban into power in the first place. What I am saying is that from Ronald Reagan on mistakes have been made but Clinton was the only one to admit to his mistakes and if you start talking about his time in office. The economy was doing so well the military could not meet their recruitment goals because everyone had a job. People were looking for worker and that was the last time that pay went up to match the cost of living for the middle class. Not only did we not have a deficit but we had a surplus. I hear Republican say that it was not because of him that we were doing so well. Then if it was not because of him we did so well than why is it because of Jimmy Carter that we did so poorly.
I heard Jeb Bush say that at least his brother kept us safe. Tell that to the family of the service men who died or their life’s were destroy during a Nation Building war in Iraq, I lived it. More people died directly from terrorist acts under George H and his son George W then in all of the history or the United States. George H did not keep us any safer than Obama he just kept us focused on something else. Last point Obama care is the worst shit I have ever seen. The biggest problem I have with Obama is that he is a poor manager because he surrounds himself with stupid people and he never make them pay for their stupidity. Originally Posted by theotherguy1
You still cannot ignore the facts contained in the article linked to in my last post. Did you even read it? Many of the policies Bush had implemented were already in place when Obama took office. You say Obama surrounds himself with stupid people. Well, in a way, this is true, because the GOP currently has control of the House and Senate. Another reason the deficit has grown is due to the tax cuts, namely, the Bush tax cuts. Although Obama went back to the Clinton tax rates, it wasn't until a couple of years after he took office. He kept the tax rates where Bush had them for the first two years of his term, I believe. So the deficit is not completely due to his spending; a lot of it is due to the Bush tax cuts, or decreased tax revenue. Obama increased tax rates in 2013 as follows:

If you read the entire article, you will see why the deficit ballooned under Bush. It was mostly because of the tax cuts.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Only a stupid person would imagine that applying the brakes to slow a train headed into a cataclysmic wreck is a stupid idea.
Only a stupid person would imagine that applying the brakes to slow a train headed into a cataclysmic wreck is a stupid idea. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Hell ! SS thinks that the coal stoker ought to be shoveling faster !
You still cannot ignore the facts contained in the article linked to in my last post. Did you even read it? Many of the policies Bush had implemented were already in place when Obama took office. You say Obama surrounds himself with stupid people. Well, in a way, this is true, because the GOP currently has control of the House and Senate. Another reason the deficit has grown is due to the tax cuts, namely, the Bush tax cuts. Although Obama went back to the Clinton tax rates, it wasn't until a couple of years after he took office. He kept the tax rates where Bush had them for the first two years of his term, I believe. So the deficit is not completely due to his spending; a lot of it is due to the Bush tax cuts, or decreased tax revenue. Obama increased tax rates in 2013 as follows:

If you read the entire article, you will see why the deficit ballooned under Bush. It was mostly because of the tax cuts. Originally Posted by SassySue

300 million in tax cuts alone for the rich. Same thing that Reagan tried at first it was called Trickle Down Economic. It did work than but it actually had a better chance of working then. If you give the rich additional funds to invest and they put it into Ford stock as an example. Then Ford takes that extra influx of cash and build a plant in Mexico it does nothing for the American economic except make the CXO bonus larger. I hate to say this but for me personally I like tax breaks. It does nothing for the country but it help my bottom line. Sometime I get in a turmoil about needing to help to poor but the greedy pig in me want to keep it all for myself. I earned it and they didn't.

Bottom line is that the RNC needs to let dead dog lie and don't attach Hillary to what her husband did because if you look at the economy we were doing very well under him.

Jeb Bush being from Texas got Florida to pass the Stand Your Ground Law. If you put Open carry and Stand Your Ground together; you know what you have? The Old West, whoever is better with a gun state the other person pull their gun first. Actually it is not the Old West. Most town in the Old West did not have Open Carry within the town limits.
It does nothing for the country but it help my bottom line. Sometime I get in a turmoil about needing to help to poor but the greedy pig in me want to keep it all for myself. I earned it and they didn't.

Bottom line is that the RNC needs to let dead dog lie and don't attach Hillary to what her husband did because if you look at the economy we were doing very well under him.

Your words speak volumes! Thanks for sharing. The super rich simply want to keep more to themselves, period. They could afford to pay a little more in taxes, just don't want to. It's called greed. I, myself, would have no problem paying the highest amount of taxes, even for capital gains, if I were in the top 1 percent of wealthiest Americans. I have no problem with raising the minimum wage. I honestly believe that the extra money from taxes can be put back into the economy in a useful way to benefit the whole of society. The extra revenue from taxes can be used to help the other 99 percent become less dependent on the government by helping them rise out of poverty (i.e, providing affordable housing, more public transportation, higher minimum wage). This, in turn, helps poor people get off food stamps and welfare. It's a win-win situation. The reason people are on food stamps right now is because wages are so low, not because they are lazy and don't want to work. A lot of these minimum wage jobs are only part-time. So, even if one is able to land a part-time job, after paying rent and other expenses, they still need food stamps for food. Some are lucky and are able to find two part-time jobs. I tried doing that, but was unable to (couldn't get any sleep)!!! Sometimes, I think people that are rich and have never been poor must be wearing blinders!
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
If you read the entire article, you will see why the deficit ballooned under Bush. It was mostly because of the tax cuts. Originally Posted by SassySue
It was not the tax cuts that caused the deficits, Congress had a spending problem and increased spending when they didn't have the funds to cover it which lead to deficits.
It was not the tax cuts that caused the deficits, Congress had a spending problem and increased spending when they didn't have the funds to cover it which lead to deficits. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
But with the lying liberals, it's NEVER a spending problem, it's a lack of taxing-the-shit-out-of-the-middle-class problem.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
But with the lying liberals, it's NEVER a spending problem, it's a lack of taxing-the-shit-out-of-the-middle-class problem. Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
well its part of that. I thnk something like 40% aren't paying their taxes.
well its part of that. I thnk something like 40% aren't paying their taxes. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
That 40% must include obammy's " advisor on how to stage riots and blame whitey " , Al Sharptongue.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
That 40% must include obammy's " advisor on how to stage riots and blame whitey " , Al Sharptongue. Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
I think that would be prolly 15% of the 40%.

not sure of the break down, 40% includes all income ranges.
It was not the tax cuts that caused the deficits, Congress had a spending problem and increased spending when they didn't have the funds to cover it which lead to deficits. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Partly true, during the Bush administration, Congress spent a lot on the Wars, namely, military industrial complex and national security, more than was actually needed; they spent a large amount on the bank bailouts (which over half of Americans did not want). The other part, that tax cuts did not cause the deficit is not true. The Bush tax cuts are largely a part of the deficit we now have. If you don't believe that, then you are not very good at math.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Partly true, during the Bush administration, Congress spent a lot on the Wars, namely, military industrial complex and national security, more than was actually needed; they spent a large amount on the bank bailouts (which over half of Americans did not want). The other part, that tax cuts did not cause the deficit is not true. The Bush tax cuts are largely a part of the deficit we now have. If you don't believe that, then you are not very good at math. Originally Posted by SassySue
you're so hard up for more tax increases aren't you, in spite of the fact that no one in congress is interested in following a balance budget regime.

this is simplistic way of saying it....

Obama under Democrats
Democrats + taxes increases + more spending = increased deficits
"Cut" is not in their language...

Obama under Republicans
Republicans + no tax increases + less spending = less deficits (not as much
this is the sequester thing.
Obama if had his way, would spend more, leading to increased deficits.

Bush W under Republicans
Democrats + no tax increase + more spending = increased deficits
Republicans + Tax cuts + more spending = increased deficits.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Partly true, during the Bush administration, Congress spent a lot on the Wars, namely, military industrial complex and national security, more than was actually needed; they spent a large amount on the bank bailouts (which over half of Americans did not want). The other part, that tax cuts did not cause the deficit is not true. The Bush tax cuts are largely a part of the deficit we now have. If you don't believe that, then you are not very good at math. Originally Posted by SassySue
you're so hard up for more tax increases aren't you, in spite of the fact that no one in congress is interested in following a balance budget regime.

this is simplistic way of saying it....

Obama under Democrats
Democrats + taxes increases + more spending = increased deficits
"Cut" is not in their language...

Obama under Republicans
Republicans + no tax increases + less spending = less deficits (not as much
this is the sequester thing.
Obama if had his way, would spend more, leading to increased deficits.

Bush W under Republicans
Democrats + no tax increase + more spending = increased deficits
Republicans + Tax cuts + more spending = increased deficits.

keynesianomics has been bad for this country.