Ruger LC in .45

O'Mike's Avatar
I've decided I'm going to track one down. Need to see if binary trigger will fit in it. Originally Posted by bigwill832

Don't think that either of the two primary companies that make those offer one.

However, due to recent court victories the forced reset triggers are not prohibited. If you can consider an AR pattern weapon, those are now available again. From my experience you can achieve as high fire rate (and it's easier) as a binary, at a fraction of the cost.

These guys have a new, much lower priced trigger group that should fit your needs.

I am currently working with a local dealer to stock these. That way no one has to order one from the manufacturer and face the chance of the BATFE showing up at your door demanding it back and threatening prison time, as recently happened with the other guys. My guy does not keep a record of who buys his products with cash. 100% legal transaction for a 100% legal to own product in Texas (unlike what some other member posts and brags about).

Read more about the federals heavy handed attempt to infringe on our rights regarding this type of trigger here:

DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
Did you consider the 10mm version of this carbine?
, Originally Posted by O'Mike

Found this just now.