
Wile E Coyote's Avatar
I would like to thank the mods for keeping this sticky at the top of the forum and open for discussions. After 10 months, here is a reflective view from the cheap seats on this new rule of insults and harassment policy:

After about 5 months of this particular directive really not working, then another one came down from the owners, . Still, 5 months after that new sticky, while many of that bullshit has gone away, mainly due to many of those trolls not posting anymore in the main forums/inactivating their accounts altogether, it is still prevalent in the ones remaining. According to that "ZERO TOLERANCE policy" of bullying and harassment (which essentially is tied to this thread of the insulting of others), save for one or two, I do see the trolls who are still posting their misinformation and being a cyber bully to others not really effected with the noted infractions at all, as they are supposed to be immediate bans, not just "between the member and staff" points.

In conclusion, while it is still a work in progress, as far as the new rules go, the site has improved some and come along way from the free for all and all day every day drama site it was and had been for years.
CG2014's Avatar
Thank you for bumping an old thread that many of us here have forgotten, Coyote.

Slow Sunday at the Road Runner chasing office?

motor's Avatar
  • motor
  • 10-27-2019, 11:58 AM
what a tool
CG2014's Avatar
Hey Coyote.

You have been chasing the Road Runner since 1949 in 49 different cartoons.

How come you haven't caught him yet?

By the way, are you ACME best customer?
winn dixie's Avatar
I would like to thank the mods who have banned the coyote in the past! Maybe next time can it be permanent?
Fanasty's Avatar
Yes Sir THANK you