Proud Boys getting justice

VitaMan's Avatar
How many hours of January 06 missing phone log records are there now from the White House phone logs ?

Trump was with them all the way. Then after January 06 didn't work out, he changes his tune. Is it sad that we have to keep reminding Trumpites of what really took place ? Or are they better off just believing his lies ?

Exactly what he does to his investors also. Compete wipe out of Atlantic City investors. And what does he have to say about that ?

"I made a lot of money in Atlantic City."
... Wouldja look at that! ... WHATABOUTISM!

### Salty
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Why is Vita and the loony left okay with people being locked up in prison (in sub average conditions) for a year and only now having their day in court? Then there are those that are getting acquitted after a year in prison. A real liberal would be up in arms over this abuse but the Biden administration and violation of constitutional rights. I guess it's true. Vita and our lefties are only liberals on TV.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
How many hours of January 06 missing phone log records are there now from the White House phone logs ?

Trump was with them all the way. Then after January 06 didn't work out, he changes his tune. Is it sad that we have to keep reminding Trumpites of what really took place ? Or are they better off just believing his lies ?

Exactly what he does to his investors also. Compete wipe out of Atlantic City investors. And what does he have to say about that ?

"I made a lot of money in Atlantic City." Originally Posted by VitaMan
You brought it up. What exactly was the plan for January 6th? Who was to do what? What was the goal? How was it to be achieved?
VitaMan's Avatar
Donald Trump Jr. spelled a lot of that out in his messages.

Also Peter Navarro talked about it on tape. But he is too AFRAID to honor a subpoena.

And the missing White House phone it 7 hours worth ? Which just happen to be missing from January 06. It functions well on all other days except this one.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Can't or won't answer the questions?

FYI, those missing hours...turned out to be a hoax as breathlessly broadcast by the media. Didn't you get the memo?
VitaMan's Avatar
Donald Trump Jr.
Peter Navarro

They answered your questions.
All of the trumpy cartel think trumpy gave them privilege lol n omg n lots of criminal activity. Ivanka jumped off that titanic family and filled in a lot of what was not recorded.

Dah... mucho attempts to cover up crimes by trumpy n his corrupt cartel. They want to drag it out until election time so they can scream political investigators. The cartel will eat that shit up again. Which gop party has the best chance trumpy or McDonald's gop lol n omg n wtf

The "proud" lol boys are also throwing each other under the bus Holy smokes