One Year

  • Chloe
  • 08-04-2010, 10:35 PM
I have many people who tell me I am overly "out there" . . . a risk taker, an in the moment woman, a do it now because you never know about tomorrow type girl . . .

I believe the consensus is correct when I say that most of us would live differently if given that knowledge . . . what if you don't know and it happens . . .are we prepared (Family wise) and have we done or are we living our lives as we choose to RIGHT NOW?

A close person recently out of the blue was gone. A young healthy woman with a small child and a husband. Died in a car accident and I remember having a conversation with her when she said "Well all those things we talked about I will do someday . . . right now I am going to work and come home to my daughter try to pay rent and save . .."

What if . . . .

We took out a loan to go to Disney World . . .

We bought that car we couldn't quite afford but was longing for forever . . .

We decided to taste the hobby/provider world and the swingers world . . . .

What if you blew off work/school/ obligation to BE in the moment and fully love those in it . ..

What if you risked social appropriation to be who you are . . .hmm lol I think most of us already have . . .

It just saddens me...the lies...the inability to be who you are . . . the apprehension to do things due to money or risk . . .

Anyone can off themselves and believe me if I knew it would be pain and suffering I would too . . .but before then . .. You better believe I would live it up!!!
ben dover's Avatar
You come up with some very deep thought subjects... I had a cousin that died 2 weeks ago. She was given 2 weeks back in December, but lived 6 months. I visited her often and you never would know she was sick except for the effects of the massive doses of drugs she was on. We laughed a lot, she joked about not wanting to start a jigsaw puzzle because she wouldn't be around to finish it. She IS an inspiration to me and other friends and family.

I can't say how i'd react given a year, I kinda do what I want now. I enjoy what i'm doing, travel a lot, meet and take photos of beautiful women, drink a beer now and then and eat too much. I'm single and no kids so not much to worry about there. I'd most likely run every credit card to the limit, visit with a lot more lovely ladies and work on my bucket list.......BD
remix's Avatar
  • remix
  • 08-05-2010, 05:40 PM
I think it's time for a check-up....
try and 'hook up' with Chloe
HlavinKitheri's Avatar
"What if (the doctor) says I'm gonna die at the end of the month? That would ruin the rest of this month for me!" - Grandpa Freeman, The Boondocks
brutusbluto's Avatar
try and 'hook up' with Chloe Originally Posted by buzzbomb
365 times!!!
when I do kick, still remember Chloe...
offshoredrilling's Avatar
try and 'hook up' with Chloe Originally Posted by buzzbomb
365 times!!! Originally Posted by jymie
Ok what you going to do the next nine months?
I really don't know offshore, but what touched me about Chloe's thread was that she was feeling down, and that has bothered me..I only spent a short time with her, but will never forget how beautiful and full of life she is and how special she made me feel...can't think about me when she is feeling sad........
what touched me about Chloe's thread was that she was feeling down, and that has bothered me..I only spent a short time with her, but will never forget how beautiful and full of life she is and how special she made me feel...can't think about me when she is feeling sad........ Originally Posted by buzzbomb
Dear friend, few people in my life have touched me the way Chloe has touched me. I like to think I was one of the charter members in the Chloe Fan Club. I say the following not out of disrespect to Chloe because I share your essential concern...

You may not be ready for this hobby.

I'm just saying that the providers live their lives with the people they love in their lives.

On the best days, hobbyists should have a great temporary relationship and let that relationship go as the door shuts and they head home.

It is a tough lesson for many to learn.

I'm not intending to call you out either although I'm quoting you. This is a warning for all newbies to the hobby and to some of the older softies among us that have sex with their heart as well as their cock and tongue.


This advice has been taught me by several experienced, quality providers and it seems like it is the consensus opinion on their side as well. This is their job. Its what they do and not who they are.

I don't know though... I think that's what I've heard from several fine women over time. I can be pretty dense at times and may have misunderstood what I was being told.

Happy Hunting.
Appreciate your input as always...Been around this for 20 years...well aware of the relationship between client and provider..havn't seen, or contacted Chloe for two years, but have empathy for someones feelings....and at times having those same thoughts myself can understand how that can get you down..If you came on here and expressed something that i could personally relate to, id feel the same way... except i dont want to fuck you ...But Chloe, if by chance i saw her today, it be a diffrent story, for a diffrent page..Except, id be slower today cause Mary injured me last night...
I was just muttering to myself.

Never mind. (-:
think you always have great insights, so dont stop 'muttering', at least where im concerned..I need your experiance... your right, most providers will rrruunn from sentiments like that..And if youve ever had that occassional gal that rings your phone more than you want, that kinda talk can come in reeaall handy, shell run for the hills, instead of bothering you about when the next appointment will be..thx!!
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 08-13-2010, 07:08 PM


This advice has been taught me by several experienced, quality providers and it seems like it is the consensus opinion on their side as well. This is their job. Its what they do and not who they are. Originally Posted by NormalBob
Sage advice. I would only add that we hobbyists shouldn't try to excuse our own behaviors by blaming them on the girls being providers.