Trump Tells Team He Needs to Be President Again to Save Himself from Criminal Probes

Yssup Rider's Avatar
LOL. Some nutters walking around taking selfies isn’t an impeachable offense. The only reason dems are putting on their ridiculous display is because they’re afraid of Trump running again, and how many eyes will be in the ballot boxes this time. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Didn’t you claim it was a peaceful protest?
Levianon17's Avatar
If the republican senate did what they were supposed to do rather than what they thought was good for their pocketbooks and chances for re-election they would have voted for impeachment the second time around. They could have avoided all of this entirely and taken the orange clown out of the picture for good. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
What was their job, to break the Law for a bunch of vindictive punk ass Liberals?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
You make less and less sense with each thread, man.

What law were they supposed to break for whom?

Please explain yourself.
i think biden is already playing that card
Grace Preston's Avatar
Honestly-- where the hell are we as a country when the BEST we can put up are two Septuagenarians with more skeletons in their closets than a prop closet at a haunted house?

Are we all so sure that this is the BEST we can do as a nation?
texassapper's Avatar
If the republican senate did what they were supposed to do rather than what they thought was good for their pocketbooks and chances for re-election they would have voted for impeachment the second time around. They could have avoided all of this entirely and taken the orange clown out of the picture for good. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
Another Democrat getting paid by the peoples taxes self identifies. The Senate did exactly what their job was. Perhaps if the Democrats actually had some ideas that didn't come out of The communist manifesto, they wouldn't have tried to frame trump for Russian collusion and they could have allowed Trump to administer the nation as he was elected to do.

Frankly I hope Trump wins another term just to go after the corcksuckers that hamstrung his first administration with lies and fabrication. There won't be justice until THOSE people are behind bars.

They DIRECTLY interfered in the running of the nation...shit they TRIED to remove a legally elected President through lies and fraud. If that isn't insurrection, then January 6th sure as hell doesn't qualify.
HedonistForever's Avatar
If the republican senate did what they were supposed to do rather than what they thought was good for their pocketbooks and chances for re-election they would have voted for impeachment the second time around. They could have avoided all of this entirely and taken the orange clown out of the picture for good. Originally Posted by txdot-guy

What they were supposed to do? Would that apply to the OJ jury as well?

Will Democrats do "what they are supposed to do", when the President becomes un-able to perform his duties? You know like Democrats wanted when Trump was President?

President Biden should be removed right now before he does any more serious damage to our economy and foreign policy but will Democrats do what they should do?
Levianon17's Avatar
You make less and less sense with each thread, man.

What law were they supposed to break for whom?

Please explain yourself. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
The Republicans weren't obligated to entertain the bullshit Democrats were trying accuse Trump of. It was all bullshit just like everything else. If something is on Television more than 24 hours it's bullshit. Democrats have been pursuing Trump for six years and they haven't convicted him because of Republicans failed to do their job? No, it's because Democrats are vindictive assholes that make up bullshit stories. What a fucking joke.
Levianon17's Avatar
Honestly-- where the hell are we as a country when the BEST we can put up are two Septuagenarians with more skeletons in their closets than a prop closet at a haunted house?

Are we all so sure that this is the BEST we can do as a nation? Originally Posted by Grace Preston
Where are we as a Country? America is no longer a country it's a Corporation. There is no honesty, integrity and no one tells the truth.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
There is no honesty, integrity and no one tells the truth. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Thank you Donald Trump!
Levianon17's Avatar
Thank you Donald Trump! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
You're Welcome Sleepy Joe. Now get off my lawn.