I Can't Breathe ...

boardman's Avatar
Shouldn't this be in the political forum?
Carry on and start your own post with info from that sorry conservative website.
kerwil62's Avatar
I'm just here to witness the ignorance......
I'm just here to witness the ignorance...... Originally Posted by kerwil62
Same Here.
"I Can't Breathe" was spoken over and over again by Eric Garner [...] If you can talk above a whisper you can breathe.
Originally Posted by BDD
So what should he have said?

"Excuse me officer, but you're hindering my ability to inhale. I feel myself becoming light-headed from the oxygen deprivation my brain is experiencing."
So I guess none of you are into choking as a fetish? I would have cum at least three times before passing out. I have often feared death by orgasm.
People die from autoerotica.Difference is they asked for it. And for those who say Garner should have known better I guess you would say the same thing about a provider that is raped by a client.
I tend to deal with tragedy using morally offensive humor. We are all at different stages of grief here. Let me grieve free from harsh judgement on a SHMB.

But while we're at it, I would never let my relatives with heart disease or high blood pressure on a rollercoaster.
pyramider's Avatar
People die from autoerotica.Difference is they asked for it. And for those who say Garner should have known better I guess you would say the same thing about a provider that is raped by a client. Originally Posted by ilikefun

That is a big stretch ...
chicagoboy's Avatar
People die from autoerotica. Originally Posted by ilikefun
Three Sides merely went blind.
WoodieTx's Avatar

People die from autoerotica.Difference is they asked for it.

Kung Fu - David Carradine died from accidental asphyxiation. He was found dead in the closet of a Bangkok hotel room with a cord wrapped around his neck and genitals. This was an autoerotic act but he was trying to get off not kill himself or asking to get killed.

And for those who say Garner should have known better I guess you would say the same thing about a provider that is raped by a client.

Nope. I hope that if you ever happen to walk into a sting or LE situation while hobbying that you would know better than to get aggressive or it could be an unhappy ending.
Originally Posted by ilikefun
mr666's Avatar
  • mr666
  • 12-11-2014, 11:45 PM
Saw a couple Sacramemto players on the bench with that on their t shirts during the game.
  • BDD
  • 12-12-2014, 07:39 AM
So what should he have said?

.... Originally Posted by Lauren Mayfair
I have found that when dealing with LE they expect to control the situation. If you understand that then YOU have the ability to prevent things from escalating. When first approached put your hands where the officer can see them and speak in a calm and non-aggressive manner. I sincerely doubt we would have ever heard the name Eric Garner in the national news if he had done just that.

Cops have to make an arrest or no arrest decision. Once they have made the arrest decision there is seldom any turning back for them. Help them make a no arrest decision by not causing an escalation from the get go.
Dorian Gray's Avatar
If only he had read this thread....
http://eccie.net/showthread.php?t=449810&highli ght=

.... then maybe his heart, lungs, & other organs could of handled the strain his non-thinking brain put it in.
Stromprophet's Avatar
Just saw a bunch of idiots on TV...who obviously could breathe...because they were busy chanting "I Can't Breathe" over and over again on TV in NYC...

My response when standing face-to-face with Mister Policeman or Miss Policewoman is a whole lot of polite "Yes Sir", "No Sir", "Yes Ma'am", "No Ma'am" responses. This has always worked out in my favor...

Dumb fucks who intentionally escalate things with cops tend to get slammed to the ground rather harshly based on what I have witnessed on TV and in the RW... Originally Posted by BDD
1) NYC law is NYC law. The choke hold is not allowed by officers. But it's nice to know we can be bothered to enforce laws about selling cigarettes but not chokeholds.

2) saying "do whatever an officer tells you" just ignores the simple question.

Is there a problem (systemic, broadly) with police forces treatment of citizens. Is that treatment disparate among groups?

3) Cops. Are. Instigating. Shit.

This is what social media has done. Video after video of cops reacting way out of line for the situations they are handling.

4) the system to correct violent behavior of officers is broken. The public office works with cops, so you don't get the court system to do a thing. The long standing policy is IA or self policing and that doesn't work. Of millions and millions of filed reports of police abuse action is taken *less than 1% of the time*

Officers know little will happen to them. And the courts won't find against them. Human psychology 101. They have authority and no consequences. Are we seriously going to deny the basic truth?

5) FBI data shows the generations coming up are the least violent since the 1940/1950s. Assault rate on officers is near all time recorded lows. Social media/camera evidence everywhere is reducing rates.

Low assault rates/modern equipment/tech/methods mean the "danger" factor of being a cop has never been lower. It's almost like cops are bored so they are trying to get their macho on by stirring shit up.