Anybody Else Like Peanut Butter?

otrdriver's Avatar
aaaah PB and jam and Tara. maybe even throw in the bread. oh sorry my mind was wandering. lol
Did I just hear you say Nutella??? sorta???

I LOVE Nutella. There was a place near where I lived in Boston that made Nutella crepes. (mmm - to die for) Originally Posted by Crossroads

I love Nutella crepes! Where did you have them in Boston? Crispy Crepes? I lived in Maynard which is about 30 miles out of Boston. BTW, I love your Sig. I think our mothers knew each other because my mother always said "there's never an excuse for rudeness".
Illikan's Avatar
I like PB and grape jelly, with doritos on the actual sandwich in between the bread.
I'm with Poppy, mixing the peanut butter and jelly together (with or without banana)
is the way to go. It does taste better!
wackatronic's Avatar
I don't like how it get's stuck to my pubes...

Ohh Also I like it with strawberry preserves on a simple piece of soft white bread!
bigtom62's Avatar
I used to eat a lot of peanut butter sandwiches... all kinds... with banana, or jelly of all sorts... even had pb and sweet pickle once.
But these days I just bypass the bread and get a soup spoon full and be on my way... bunches faster! LOL
Personally, I make a mean Fluffernutter Pancake:

I place a bit of peanut butter on a plate and cover it with a banana pancake, place more peanut butter on top of that pancake then place another banana pancake on top of that. Instead of syrup I use marshmellow creme on top.

And you wonder how I keep my curves... I'm just saying...YUMO!!!
PoppyToyota's Avatar
Personally, I make a mean Fluffernutter Pancake:

I place a bit of peanut butter on a plate and cover it with a banana pancake, place more peanut butter on top of that pancake then place another banana pancake on top of that. Instead of syrup I use marshmellow creme on top.

And you wonder how I keep my curves... I'm just saying...YUMO!!! Originally Posted by AidanMacKenna

Yep now I know why you are so tasty. *wink*
TexRich's Avatar
jif, and with my banana.
jif, and with my banana. Originally Posted by TexRich
When I was 19 yrs. I got lock jaw when licking peanut butter off my boyfriend... I'm just saying, I've stayed away from peanut butter on body parts ever since. (true story)
SASpurfan's Avatar

So, noted - no peanut butter cupcakes!

Pearl Man's Avatar
At Market Street (grocery store) they have a nut grinder. You can put a bunch of honey roasted peanuts into it and it will spit out the best peanut butter you ever ate. I'm with Tara, give me a PB&J anytime.
Creamy Peanut Butter - a cure for Hiccups.

It's true........ Get a heaping tablespoon of creamy peanutbutter and you do your best to swallow it all at once... It relaxes the esophagus (sp)... Tada No more hiccups.

I love peanut butter but have to be in the mood to eat it. And It can only be eaten on FRESH white bread with grape jelly. And have to have a tall glass of COLD milk to drink with it.
Bestman200600's Avatar
Peanut butter and Knotts Strawberry preserves on toast for breastfast. Yum!!!
Guest062512's Avatar
Bestman, sounds like you and your avatar lady have been having breakfast together.