What is the policy of Coed ads/threads? What is the actual intended purpose of Coed?

Well posting ads in Coed is certainly one way to avoid having to get Verified Provider status before pitching the members.
I guess we only have 4 more days of your contributions to the Austin coed board???

sixx Originally Posted by sixxbach
Haha, you guys are a cake walk compared to the Houston boys! I think I might stick around Austin Coeds, if its ok with you??
Stick around if you want , but check you're lame ads at the door !
A number of ladies I have seen BCD started out with a simple post or thread in coed that allowed me to get to know them enough to make a decision one way or the other. I agree if you don't like them don't open them. I'm always happy to see who's in town or who has a menu improvement via coed as I rarely venture in the WW, P Ads or Weekend Lineup. The last thing I want is for coed to turn into a total sausage fest, where's the fun in that.
If it's all lame ass ads , where is the coed DISCUSSION ?
VictoriaLyn's Avatar

Excuse my earlier post
CodyBeast has posed the question as to the "OFFICIAL ECCIE POLICY ON threADS"??

This question has been asked and answered (like many others) many times, but in response to the members questions, I thought that I would post it once more:

Hey gang, on occasion I've seen staff take action on what is referred to as a "threAD" as though there was actually some sort of rule on this site disallowing it.

Well, there's not....and that's not an oversight.

ECCIE is threAD friendly: what this means is that no staff is to take action against any post or thread that someone considers to be a threAD. Don't move it. Don't point or suspend the poster. Don't warn the member in any way...PM or in a post. If someone RTMs a post referring to it as a threAD, simply let them know that we do not take action on those types of posts and if they want to let the OP know in a respectful way, go ahead.....but again, I do not want any warnings coming from staff unless instructed to do so.

With that said, if the members want to express their distaste on a thread that they feel is blatant advertising, let them...within reason. Just don't let it get out of hand, meaning insults or other violations of forum guidelines.

Thanks for your cooperation,

St. C

Some key words to consider, "let the OP know in a respectful way" , "within reason". The subject of handling threADS is very clear from the Owners, however the handling of responses to threADS is somewhat subjective and left to the interpretation of local Staff.

I am not saying I agree or disagree because what I think doesn't really matter. There has been some very good advice posted here with regards to members and how they handle/react to threADS. As always, a good rule to follow is "if you don't have something nice to say, you should probably not say it"!!

And if our forefathers had just kept their opinions to themselves , because they didn't have anything good to say about King George , Where would we be ? Voicing opinions , even if unpopular is the only way the status quo changes !
And if our forefathers had just kept their opinions to themselves , because they didn't have anything good to say about King George , Where would we be ? Voicing opinions , even if unpopular is the only way the status quo changes ! Originally Posted by DIE HARD

No one said that you (all of you) were not entitled to your opinions on ths matter and that you couldn't voice them!! I think you (DH) have at least3 threADS of your own going, on this subject!! I was just trying to answer the question as asked by the OP.

Since you raised the subject of the good King George, did you know that if the same thing were to happen today, the revolutionaries would be arrested as there are now laws against forming a militia in protest of the Government.

While protesting threADS is not against ECCIE Guidelines, observing the Guidelines with regards to disrespect and insults are a requirement when making said protests. By checking that little box "I agree......." when you log in, you accept the Owner's Posting Guidelines and agree to abide by them as a condition of membership here.

Since you raised the subject of the good King George, did you know that if the same thing were to happen today, the revolutionaries would be arrested as there are now laws against forming a militia in protest of the Government. Originally Posted by Spacemtn
Standing together we would out number all government , military , and law enforcement , hundreds of thousands of times over , and they wouldn't have a say in anything , ask King Louie and Marie Antoinette . Viva Le Revolution !
DH stop being so crotchety. Let the ladies roam free and spread their joy. Come one come all, just be ready to chat once you post your threads or ads.
ztonk's Avatar
  • ztonk
  • 09-15-2012, 10:30 AM
Just to be clear... if a Verified Provider uses Coed Discussions to circumvent the Ad Posting Guidelines, she is subject to some negative moderator attention. Thus if her post is something like:
Hey guys, my kids are gone for the week so I'm free from 8-5pm near the Domain. PM me or give me a call at 512-555-1212. I'm waiting for you!
That's an AD (in my opinion) and belongs in Provider Ads or The Weekend Lineup.

Keep in mind that if a lady is not a Verified Provider, and she's already made her introductory post in the Welcome and Introductions forum, this is pretty much the only local posting area where she can draw attention to herself. Hence why I think ECCIE is "threAD friendly".

Again, it doesn't matter if I agree or disagree... we enforce the guidelines as directed by the owners.

homer quit being a sniveling wuss ! The ladies aren't buying this new softer kinder homer , they've read the real thoughts ! Once typed their there forever .
Oh yeah how the hell did we change roles ?
Oh boy. Do I need to break out the popcorn?

Space thanks for clarifying. That's all I wanted to know. Although it has been clarified in the past I apparently missed those threads.

I don't mind leaving the thread open just to see varying perspectives from both sides on the issue.

Like I stated initially, I really don't lean either way on the topic although the posts are usually pretty annoying. Of course if all providers did the same then ISO and Sandbox would be the only forums worth visiting IMO.

DH rather than get upset at them perhaps you should simply have fun calling them out in a respectful manner of course.

"Ok so you really want our opinion about using your clit vibrator, you love snow balling and drinking several guys at once and you're a virgin to toys?
It's really hard to imaging why your phone obviously isn't ringing".

Better yet rather than sarcasm just totally ignore the mindless intent of the post and ask them a question of depth requiring a great deal of thought. Make them work for the ad.
AngeLisa's Avatar
DH stop being so crotchety. Let the ladies roam free and spread their joy. Come one come all, just be ready to chat once you post your threads or ads. Originally Posted by homer13

Got my Popcorn Ready!!!