"you have something like 2.4 trillion people in the uni...err world that live on $2 a year"...Don't be an idiot. She obviously just misspoke.
Hmmmm doesn't seem like rhetoric to me. Especially when the actual number hovers around the exact same...except in billions.
Sounds more like an ignorant bitch who didn't pay enough attention in school.
She clearly has no idea what the human population is....2 Trillion? Jesus Christ. Seems like she just read the statistic somewhere and it didn't even register with her how utterly absurd TWO TRILLION sounds.
A rock could probably tell you better. Originally Posted by shanm
Saying "tirllion" when you mean "billion" is just a slip of the tongue, not a real belief.
She was probably thinking of our astronomic national debt and "trillion" just naturally slipped out.