When in doubt put it in your mouth & wipe it out!

Guest010619's Avatar
I remember reading that a provider likes if a client would change his diet (non greasy foods) before seeing her. I loved that advice and do eat salads and non processed foods. Drink more water before playing. And I lay off the tuna salads too. Because of those guidelines, I have a very good record. And get compliments from the Asian ladies as they don't have to throw a towel over my rear. I had a long dry spell this summer because of some oral surgery and some complications. But I'm almost back in the game.
DallasRain's Avatar
I remember reading that a provider likes if a client would change his diet (non greasy foods) before seeing her. I loved that advice and do eat salads and non processed foods. Drink more water before playing. And I lay off the tuna salads too. Because of those guidelines, I have a very good record. And get compliments from the Asian ladies as they don't have to throw a towel over my rear. I had a long dry spell this summer because of some oral surgery and some complications. But I'm almost back in the game. Originally Posted by ugotme10

Danielle Reid's Avatar
ahhhh that's cool my friend....but could ya make as much at another job as here...and have as much fun??

{btw---I like your showcase...would love to meet you sometime!}

as for the topic---I always have mouthwash/irish spring/combs/and plenty of fresh towels.....cleanliness is priority for both of us! Originally Posted by DallasRain
Depends on the job, porn pays $100-$3000 per scene. One scene a week at about $500 average and I'm good to go (I'm low-volume anyway)

Nude modeling pays (around here) up to about $200/hour, no sex required! (unless you're just that horny and the photographer looks like Hugh Jackman)

Or I could always join the Army...

But anyway I'm off topic (I do that a lot)
cinderbella's Avatar
I have worked as a dental assistant, nursing home and home health care aide as well as looking after children when my own child was young. I have been known to just grab a soapy washcloth and give the offender laying on my table a sponge bath. Just the caretaker in me. Some of my regular clients will just hop in my shower beforehand, because I have a great shower. ( Sold my house today, sure will miss my big bathroom).
..I will have to try the bubble-bath and sugar scrub DallasRain...who would turn that down?
Hermosa's Avatar

I have baby wipes behind the toilet FOR A REASON.
I ask each person when they first come in to go to the bathroom so you can freshen up!
There is mouth wash with dixi cups sitting right the counter next to the gum and mentos
AND IF A PROVIDER OFFERS YOU A MINT OR A PIECE OF GUM PLEASE DO NOT SAY NO THANK YOU.. There is a freaking reason we are offering......

DO YOU EVEN KNOW HOW AKWARD IT IS...when you are rolled on your stomach for me to begin my massage and you have dried up Toilet Paper all in your ass crack or the most horrific smell that is over powering the whole room. Or when in my 90 minutes session you are sitting at the end of the bed so I can use my machine on your neck and then you scoot back to lay back down and doing so you leave skid marks on the freaking sheets...SAD to say it has happened several times.

I feel so sorry for the girls that have DFK on the menu and are expected to do that then when you just can not because it is torture you get a no on the review because you did not torture yourself. Or with me when all my reviews say I give a Great ass massage but I do not touch yours because it is way less than fresh.

Bigger people I know it is harder to reach but please bend, dip lift the rolls PLEASE.
When I was in a wheel chair it was very hard but I just took my time.

Or how about the patron that kept going on and on about how he likes to kiss and would I kiss him. First of all that is not on my menu and second if it was it would not be for you. His mouth smelled worse than my paw paws bathroom in the morning after a night of steamed cabbage and red fire bean chili chased with moon shine....! but yet in still he begged for 5 times and hell I couldn't even put my head on his chest IT WAS THAT BAD AND HE REFUSED THE GUM AND MINTS,,,, I hate hurting peoples feelings ...So finally he says I know you want to you need passion too. (MY MIND SAID)) Yeah sure I want you to put that tounge in my mouth like I want a hot pepper in my eye. (my mouth said) Well we all want things we shouldn't act on.. Trying to be sweet and keep the mood....... Then he says well what would it take for 2 minutes of DFK,,,, *MY MIND SAID) Pay my car off and enjoy vomit in your mouth......Real talk his mouth smelled worse than a backed up sewer in a jail in mid July in Landry Perish.. My mouth said now honey if you do not quit asking me the same thing I am going to turn this session into a domination session and get my whip out.. If you just got off work or gym or what ever ask to shower first please please.
I have been wanting to write this for a while but boy some of these oil workers honey YOU ARE NOT SURE! Boy boy boy Originally Posted by Majichands
I find it amazing this subject comes up. For a guy to want to meet a pretty lady for some intimacy and come like he just spent a week at work without cleaning up is beyond belief. I hope you tagged him and let everyone know what happened. I have had the same experience with a provider. When we messaged and talked, I let her know I really love DATY, she showed up and took a piss, wanted to hop to it, copped a feel and when my hand got about 18 inches from my face, NO WAY!!!!! That ain't happening. I felt like I was the caboose on the train. Unfortunately for someone, once she left, she was on the phone to someone else.
Sometimes things happen, nature calls, it happens. Like the handy wipes idea. Because I like at least two hours, what a great opportunity to hop in the shower and soap each other off. Yum! Or the bubble bath. Double Yum. Sort of astounding we have to discuss this don't you think?
Chica Chaser's Avatar
pyramider's Avatar
Some people should stick with taint.
ezgoindude's Avatar
Yikes! Skid marks on the sheets. Thanks for keeping the bar low.
pyramider's Avatar
And to thinck some providers are against us taking a dump at the incall ...
Im going to waterboard myself with listerine and pour hydrogen peroxide down my asscrack after reading this thread. Nasty mfer's, wow. Haha
EWWW Gosh ! I had a funky dick today, musty only because of his hairs (I didn't know if I wanted to suck his dick or give him corn rows), I HAD to suggest we take a shower together with a massage so as to get rid of the odor.
JohnnyYanks's Avatar
EWWW Gosh ! I had a funky dick today ... Originally Posted by Eva Damita
Maybe he'll post a review and we can mock him?
Stinky is not a turn-on for anyone.
Maybe he'll post a review and we can mock him? Originally Posted by JohnnyYanks
lol... I don't think he knows about ECCIE, met me from my site...