Wanting help with typing a lease agreement

So you are a lawyer? Licensed in Oklahoma? Got a Bar Number? Feel free to PM your number to me. I'll PM mine back to you.
I forgot, you have a Legal Background. Ignorant as I am, I don't know what that is. Enlighten me, please.
I live in Louisiana, and Iam not a Practicing Lawyer. Who are you calling ignorant Mother Fucker. I was a JAG Officer in the Navy thats where I got my Law Background from, ok.
Not a practicing lawyer? No shit? I would never have guessed. Judging from your posts I thought must be an expert in the laws of Louisiana, Texas, Oklahoma, and surrounding states, so maybe you are a law school professor?
Not a practicing lawyer? No shit? I would never have guessed. Judging from your posts I thought must be an expert in the laws of Louisiana, Texas, Oklahoma, and surrounding states, so maybe you are a law school professor? Originally Posted by sgtbilko
From your user name and some of your posts and your choice of words, I would say you're not a Lawyer at all but a smart ass wannabe cop.
JAG Officer? Which law school did you graduate from? Was that JAG Law School?
Like I said, PM me your bar number, I'll PM you mine. Your problem is you don't have one.
Was your graduate degree titled Law Background?
Or maybe Doctor Law Background?
Or maybe Super Duper Law Background?
Or maybe Clerk Specialist?
Or maybe Clerk Specialist? Originally Posted by sgtbilko
I am not a Lawyer, so therefore I don't have a Bar Number. Neither do you. You're just a SAC.
I get so tired of reading what wannabe lawyers say on this site. If you are not a lawyer, you truly don't know what lawyers know. I don't mean that to put anyone down, but it's true. Lawyers don't know everything, but we do mostly know what we DON'T know. And that is at least as important as what we DO know. Shysterjon is a big poster here and a very smart lawyer. He would no more give advice on a subject or state that he is not familiar with than he would french-kiss a billygoat.

If you are not a lawyer, don't try to give legal advice. You only make yourself look stupid It doesn't matter what you have heard, or even what your experience has been. If you want to help someone with legal matters, refer the person to a lawyer you trust.
What is a SAC?
I'm sorry for ranting so much, but I see these posts that aren't based on any real knowledge, and they can be dangerous, on this thread for someone's property interest. If you don't know for sure what you are talking about, leave it alone. If you post about something you don't know about in order to make yourself look smart, it is a losing proposition.

Oh well, ain't life grand.