Michael Berry Calls Out The NAACP

CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 07-11-2012, 03:40 PM
rumor has it Berry was the pivot man at Barney Franks honeymoon
MamboKing's Avatar
I can't believe this. Berry is a dangerous, shifty, tea-bagger. Absolutely no clue on how to govern.

It's easy to agree with someone when all they do is spout rhetoric & point fingers. Point out in the video where the big old mo has even ONE own original thought...
joe bloe's Avatar
I can't believe this. Berry is a dangerous, shifty, tea-bagger. Absolutely no clue on how to govern.

It's easy to agree with someone when all they do is spout rhetoric & point fingers. Point out in the video where the big old mo has even ONE own original thought... Originally Posted by MamboKing
Whether his observations are original or not, is probably not the most important issue. The question is, is he telling the truth. I believe he is. I think it's important to tell the truth on an issue where lying is the norm.

It's time that African Americans understand that most of their problems are of their own making. If you stay in school, obey the law, don't join a gang, don't take drugs, don't have babies before you get married, the odds are you'll be successful, regardless of your skin color.

Poverty is, more often than not, the result of bad choices. America does not have a moral obligation to support people who are capable of supporting themselves. We also can not afford it.
I can't believe this. Berry is a dangerous, shifty, tea-bagger. Absolutely no clue on how to govern.

It's easy to agree with someone when all they do is spout rhetoric & point fingers. Point out in the video where the big old mo has even ONE own original thought... Originally Posted by MamboKing
Are you SCARED? It's going to be ok.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Mitt Romney went off on a totally imbecile strategy.

He could have gone there and tried to build rapport by focusing on the good that both he and President Obama want to accomplish for the black community, but

What does the jive-ass honkey do instead?

Well, he swiches into the NAACP, but only to criticize the sitting President Obama of the United States!

You know, the guy who's going to whip his ass like he was his daddy come November!

. . . That dumb-shit move reminded me of Richard Pryor going into Ku Klux Klan territory and trying to lead them in a march!

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I think Romney showed some balls by going to the NAACP and telling them the truth. Obama is afraid to speak to them, and they like him.
cptjohnstone's Avatar
like blacks have a much higher unemployment and young blacks even higher, you would think they would like somebody to do something about that but no, they boo'd him

and Obamacare is going hurt them the most but no, they boo'd him

that took guts

and fast come, you remind me of this song

Fast Gunn's Avatar
You must really have some inverted circuitry in that vacuum-tube, museum brain of yours, old fart.

. . . What Mitt did was not courage of any sort, it was just down-right stupidity !

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
FastGoon, in many cases, you'd be right. Pick a Romney speech at random, and yes, an argument can be made that it is downright stupidity. This one wasn't. He didn't back down, and didn't pander, at least from what I heard, which wasn't the entire speech.

So why won't Obama speak to them?
cptjohnstone's Avatar
FastGoon, in many cases, you'd be right. Pick a Romney speech at random, and yes, an argument can be made that it is downright stupidity. This one wasn't. He didn't back down, and didn't pander, at least from what I heard, which wasn't the entire speech.

So why won't Obama speak to them? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
I think he did yesterday
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I don't think he did. Someone correct me if I'm wrong. (Like I had to ask.)
cptjohnstone's Avatar
you are right


I do not think he needs to, he has much bigger problems
Guest123018-4's Avatar
I have long suspected that Shameless Jackass Lee is an alien.
I fully believe she was sent here from her home planet, in shackles of curse, for being the dumbest creature on her planet. The funny thing is that they found creatures dumber than she i. These are the ones that have elected her as their leader.
joe bloe's Avatar
I have long suspected that Shameless Jackass Lee is an alien.
I fully believe she was sent here from her home planet, in shackles of curse, for being the dumbest creature on her planet. The funny thing is that they found creatures dumber than she i. These are the ones that have elected her as their leader. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
The demographics in Jackson's district are changing because of the construction of upper end housing in areas that were formerly blighted. The shotgun shacks are being torn down and being replaced by luxury townhomes. Since you live in Houston, you probably remember the legal battle over tearing down Allen Parkway Village so they could use the land for upper end housing. A lot of the inner city people are now living in section eight housing in the suburbs.

With any luck, we may have a shot of getting rid of Jackson eventually.
Seedy's Avatar
  • Seedy
  • 07-12-2012, 11:43 AM
Mitt Romney went off on a totally imbecile strategy.

He could have gone there and tried to build rapport by focusing on the good that both he and President Obama want to accomplish for the black community, but

What does the jive-ass honkey do instead?

Well, he swiches into the NAACP, but only to criticize the sitting President Obama of the United States!

You know, the guy who's going to whip his ass like he was his daddy come November!

. . . That dumb-shit move reminded me of Richard Pryor going into Ku Klux Klan territory and trying to lead them in a march!

Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
You really are one STUPID MOTHERFUCKER, it was the DEMOCRATES who started the KKK, how dare you put that pic up there and refer republicans or conservatives are associated with that group.. YOUR probably a member yourself you fucking blowhard.....!!!!!