What's so hard about this ?

If the provider joins in the shower it should be included in session time if not, it's off the clock. Like an earlier poster said making a gent pay for shower time is BPish and hoodish. Hygiene is important and there are all too many horror stories on here about bad odors and streaks on the sheets from both gents and ladies. It's so improtant it shouldn't be a menu item, because if a gents pays for it, it is. It should be a free and expected precursor to the fun for the comfort and safety of all involved.
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 03-16-2017, 02:07 PM
If a girl participates in the shower it should be included in the time.

A man should not be expected to tip you for getting clean before fucking you.

Every lady should want clean dick and should be able to accept a man taking five to ten mins to clean himself after work before you put your head in his ball region.

If you want extra for a man getting clean you got issues.

I tell ladies I need a shower as I did in that session. If you wanted a tip for having a shower in your hotel room or providing the Walmart equate soap. It should have be expressed in the reply to the text saying I need to shower. The reply i got was "I got a shower". No request for extra for taking the shower. The shower lasted 5 to 10 mins at the very most. After a 12 hour work day my girl wont hug me till i shower.

If you need a tip then at least guys know you're ok with stank balls. Cus a 5 min showet is just to much.

I dont think I'm the first guy to say i need a shower but I'm probably one of the first to be asked to tip for it.
If a girl participates in the shower it should be included in the time.

A man should not be expected to tip you for getting clean before fucking you.

Every lady should want clean dick and should be able to accept a man taking five to ten mins to clean himself after work before you put your head in his ball region.

If you want extra for a man getting clean you got issues.

I tell ladies I need a shower as I did in that session. If you wanted a tip for having a shower in your hotel room or providing the Walmart equate soap. It should have be expressed in the reply to the text saying I need to shower. The reply i got was "I got a shower". No request for extra for taking the shower. The shower lasted 5 to 10 mins at the very most. After a 12 hour work day my girl wont hug me till i shower.

If you need a tip then at least guys know you're ok with stank balls. Cus a 5 min showet is just to much.

I dont think I'm the first guy to say i need a shower but I'm probably one of the first to be asked to tip for it. Originally Posted by Trey
Sexy Sophia's Avatar
Damn y'all! I'm taking a fucking BEATING here! Wow!

My feelings don't get hurt easily thank God! And I'm quite intrigued by how the other side of this world thinks!

I think what I so miserably failed to say is this, NO ONE is EVER EXPECTED to leave even 36 seconds before they are ready to go when they visit me. Not ever! As I said, I respect your time as much as my own!

Yes, I do set myself 15 minutes reminder. Especially if it's an unusually busy day and I have other things scheduled in RL or this life. Prior to anyone knocking on my door this along with many other things are openly and honestly discussed! I have said to many "I don't have time to spend beyond the time scheduled. If that's not ok then maybe next visit we can make more time or I can offer you a discount of X amount to make up for this or that." It's all about being fair to my gentlemen friends. Of course it's always your option to accept or not accept. Either way, I'll try and do what's fair for both of us

I do think it's ridiculous however when a visitor shows up, is dirty, smelly in need of a shower, is yapping on their phone, stopping to take a smoke break or whatever such nonsense and EXPECTS me to allow more time because they want to act silly! It's down right rude and inconsiderate!

When it comes to taking a shower, please wash your ass before you arrive! If you want or need to take a shower upon arrival a simple text letting me know will result in a pleasant surprise for YOU! I'll have the hot water running, be naked, wet and ready to join you if that's what you want!

If you're just gross and don't like to bathe then the shower time is included in session time and that's your fault for being a funk ass. If I have to suggest you take a shower before I will touch you why should I turn around and let you stay longer than the agreed upon time? Come on! You know when you stink! Why is that my problem? Chances are after you've taken a few minutes to wash the stench off, I'll ask if I could join you, I always have and always will do everything I can to have my clients enjoy every minute of their time with me.

Lately, it seems as if many men think we Providers OWE them something. When we say no we have more idiotic labels places upon us because we have the unmitigated gall to say "I'm sorry, I can't this time. Or No."

Truth be told I' asked one gentleman to leave because he smelled horrible and I knew I wouldn't let him touch me if he bathed in Clorox. I didn't take his money but he sure as hell wasted my time! And then whined like a stuck pig on this board because I said "You stink. Get out."

Now imagine if the situation were reversed! You show up, you have 60 minutes and I'm fixing my hair, playing on my phone, taking a shower, or whatever I can do to milk the clock. Would you stay? Of course not! Would you give me my full fee for less time? Of course not! Would you stay, pay the fee and be late retuning to wherever because I was unprepared for your arrival even though I knew hours, days ahead of time you were coming? Of course not! You would leave! I wasted your time and you would never see me again!
Right? Then why the double standards?

I have also had instances where the gentlemen scheduled an hour, shows up and says he only has a half hour to spend. Am I supposed to be upset? I blocked off and entire hour for him. I Could have made another appointment or planned my day around that but I don't get upset or demand payment for the hour he originally requested! I say ok, maybe next time we will have more time! End of story! It would be ridiculous for me to place DEMANDS on another persons time. But it seems to me that more and more, we the providers, are EXPECTED to do whatever the gentlemen wants without question or objection. And many women will because they are afraid of bad reviews or being called nasty names. I'm obviously not one of those women. I've been called BP tacky, a NASA Clock and compared to a WhataBurger all because I said I set myself a 15 minute reminder! It's almost laughable!

I replied to this post originally because;

A) it's hilarious to me that anyone would have the audacity to ask for a tip for a shower.

B) to say if my visitors show up unprepared for our naked meeting then I will do everything I can to accommodate them, even if the time goes over. Except in situations where he flat out is EXPECTS me to do so without ASKING me if I can or will.

To me, EXPECTING and ASKING are two very different ways to get what you want from me. You WANT to stay an extra 20-30-45 minutes? Great! Say so! Chances are I'll ageee and EXPECT NOTHING MORE THAN THE PLEASURE OF YOUR COMPANY! But the second anyone gets angry because I say "I'm sorry, I can't this time. Or, We only have X amount of minutes left, will you need the shower? Or If would have known you needed an extra few minutes for XYZ, I would have been happy to accommodate, unfortunately I can't this time." Is the second I am going to make sure you do leave when the time is up. And at that point there will never be an occasion that I would see you again. It goes both ways in that respect. I've never been afraid to lose an inconsiderate client. I prefer to lose them in fact.

C) to simply say we could and should all be respectful of each other's time and money. Time is money in EVERY business. I will continue to value each and every person I encounter in this industry. I will continue to do my level best to ensure they feel like they've spent their time and money and gotten more than they expected. I will continue to be me! And if being me isn't good enough for you so be it!

So, if being conscientious of time makes be a WhataBurger Jr or BP tacky then I'll wear those labels. That's the opinion of many and I'm done defending myself. I'll never be able to change anyone's mind! So that's enough of that!

I won't pretend I'm doing things right 100% of the time.
I will think about the other side of this and the opinions I've read today. And I will make adjustments how I see fit.

So, I've taken a beating but if I can say or do things in way that improves my day to day interaction with others then the written beating has been well worth it!

Now, I'm going to take my BP tacky ass back to the business of being 'Curator of Cock'!
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 03-16-2017, 03:37 PM
Just as any man here I work for my money. I work in an office up to 12 hours a day. Im no stank ass but I still think its just respectful after a long days work to shower and be clean before fucking you.

I have a SO I cant go home, shower, leave to fuck you, come home and shower again. Again I can't be the only guy or first guy with this issue.

So ladies you tell me after working should guys just not see you? Should guys just not shower and save you the 5 or ten precious minutes? Should I now tip you because you have a shower?
pyramider's Avatar
I guess some ladies like our stincking butts ...
I cannot speak for every guy but like Trey above, I work in an office so I don't stink too terribly bad. Probably not at all. But then again, I've never had my face between my own legs? I also have a SO.

I ALWAYS shower upon arrival to my chosen Playmates incall and just prior to leaving.

When I am with a new Playmate, I always make sure that both showers and fun activity happen within the time that I am paying for.

If there is good chemistry between myself and my chosen Playmate, then I will repeat. As we get more comfortable with one another through repeat visits, time isn't an issue. My showers happen and we both have enough fun to satisfy us both. I have had a few tell me during the session that time didn't matter at all this time. I even had one tell me that I couldn't leave as she wasn't finished. It comes down to chemistry developed over repeat visits.

For the guys that are always looking for the next best thing and never repeating with a chosen Playmate, what else do you expect. You are simply $ to them. However, once you develop some chemistry through repeat visits, the good quality Playmates look forward to you as a repeat visit. They get familiar with you and some even look forward to their time with you as it is so much more appealing to them than having to screen another unknown and then not know what to expect will be walking through that door.

This doesn't mean I try to repeat with every playmate I encounter. I have seen over 50 in the past 18 months and have only found 5 that I desire to repeat with. But those 5 are fun and enjoy me as much as I enjoy them!! They do not watch the clock with me. But I also do not try to abuse the clock either. If I pay for an hour, then I might actually be in the incall and hour and 15-20 minutes. Our conversation is good while I am showering. It gives us time to catch-up verbally before we catch up physically.

I have had those 5 tell me that the clock wasn't important on some visits and I have also had them tell me we needed to keep an eye on the time as they had to have time to adequately prepare for their next appointment.

They respect & value me and I respect & value them!!

I will also add that you need to try to be aware of the type of Playmate you have selected to spend your time with. There are the higher volumn Playmates who might schedule 30 minutes in between guys. They don't have time for you to go over. It is more about the income to them. There are also the low volumn Playmates who might see 1-3 guys per day. It is more about the chemistry and repeat visit of select guys. They honestly enjoy the passion and the joy of two bodies getting the most out of each other. There are also those somewhere in between. There is a need for all of them. They all play a vital role in what some of us are looking for. The important thing is to decide what type you are looking for, research through reviees, and PMing different guys to get their input ... then choose wisely!!

I have a SO I cant go home, shower, leave to fuck you, come home and shower again.

So ladies you tell me after working should guys just not see you? Should guys just not shower and save you the 5 or ten precious minutes? Should I now tip you because you have a shower? Originally Posted by Trey
I am a sex worker, i do not want a client to
go home and fuck his S.O or his wife, fuck buddy etc.

If he goes home he might fuck his
S.O then I won't make any money.

Guys come see me as soon as you
get off from work and take a FREE shower with FREE soap included (not the hotel soap)

There is no way i'd cut my own throat
from making my 'hourly' pay and have a
client go home first and shower.

It's part of my job to provide an 'EXCELLENT SERVICE'
and for me to provide that service to ensure we both
have an 'EXCELLENT' time, it is a must
that he get into the shower and scrub his tool box 3 times
at my incall so i can do my job.

I"m not sure how some women can do a session if
both parties are not freshly showered right at the beginning
of a session. More power to yall is all i can say.

The shower time is on me and i'm not joining you!

No tipping required!!!!
good point clients shower before paid sessions with pros. Originally Posted by yitzchak
Yitzchak = Fancy Lady!!

Okay, okay ladies...calm down...we get it. You would prefer that the men shower before seeing you or include the shower time in the session or pay you extra for the extra time. Got it!!

If this is the sort of thing you think you need to tell the men that you see, you should seriously think about upgrading your clientele...just sayin'

By the way, I'll be seeing Seeking ~P before any of you because SHE gets it!!
I know some of y'all seen my posts and I'm a little laid back and comical.
But when it comes to business there is NOTHING to play about. Especially if we are doing this.

-Message the girl on eccie
-Send send her a reference if asked
-ask specific questions BEFORE hand. Don't expect her to do what's on your mind. Lol. No one is a mind reader.
-COMMUNICATE if you're going to be late
-If you need to shower INCLUDE that in your session if you're not tipping.
-If the girl is manicured to the T you should be as well.
-No one wants to be treated as a John or a prostitute. So if the girl is being nice and taking extra request that's not usually in her session BE NICE TO HER.
-Remember there's always a cause and effect in every situation.

You get more out of people when you come correct.

There is nothing hard about having a little etiquette

P.S. maybe the girl isn't rude. Just very uncomfortable with the clients approach Originally Posted by Madeline Tze
Etiquette trying to make dollar like rest of pros in business.Etiquette sugar coated word for paid hookers.Pay to play.No free sessions.Lucky day for hookers when get hourly rate and tip.All clients like hookers Manicured to the T.Plus it business expense for hookers.Good marketing on board.Welcome to March madness Indianapolis.Indiana this weekend.
So, on a scale of designer perfume to a sack of onions, how stinky and revolting is the average man?
I guess this thread
a guys preferred body wash
would be of no relevance to
the OP

I guess we all run our business different.
It's my own personal crazy issues i guess but a shower is mandatory at the beginning or its no session taking place. Shower time isn't included in the session time, it starts after the shower.

IDK, maybe i've been doing it all wrong ? Originally Posted by Seeking ~P
I'm sorry, but your time starts when you walk in the door, not when you get out of the shower.
^For your sessions. I run what's happening over here!
^For your sessions. I run what's happening over here! Originally Posted by Seeking ~P
Lol, and I run what's happening over here!