Jesus loves yall ❤️

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Well, well well, a delusional religious idiot. Kid, on your very, very best day, you could not match wits, knowledge, or critical thinking with me on my very, very worst day. Originally Posted by Look-at-Stupid

What proof do you have that mocking religion causes bad luck? Oh yea, NONE!! Yet another of your shit delusional beliefs. I have been mocking laughable religion for 50 years and I have led a charmed life.

No spin kid, try turning over someone's table anywhere today and see what it gets you. House of god? What a frickin' joke. What proof have you ANY gods exist? Oh yea, that faith bullshit. Faith is by definition a belief with no proof. Faith makes people like you gullible. I have lived a great life with NO faith.

Fact that jeeebus existed? Provide your proof kid? RUN FORREST RUN!!!!!!

If your god can really see the future, would he not have known his "kids" were going to disobey? Why would a perfect being ever be angry, jealous, or vengeful? Hmmm, sounds like emotions of MEN, the one who created this god and about 5400 more over the years.

Religion is for people far too stupid to understand science. Now run off foolish little boy, you're in way over your uneducated head.

And why do I know for a fact you'll run like a pussy from answering any of my questions?
Originally Posted by Look-at-Stupid

One more thing old manslut boy....what does your BUYBULL say about fornication outside of marriage? Cheating on a wife here? LOL!!!!!!!
A religious dumbass on a hooker board, what a freaking laugh riot!!! Originally Posted by Look-at-Stupid

It’s almost unbelievable how ‘witty’ you are, but if it wasn’t here as proof in black & white I might not have believed such wit existed!

Umm, where did I say, “…mocking religion causes bad luck”?…What I said was it wasn’t a good look and boasting that you’ve been proud to be doing it for 50 yrs kind of cements my statement…You’re not very good at ‘spin’, but keep trying, you’re ‘witty’, so you may figure it out.

’Witty’ you would think I would ‘RUN’ from your commentary when you are the one who evades & spins my points?

Why do I need to turnover tables in churches, I don’t go to church, I quit going when I was about 10 with my Mom’s permission because I had issues with the lack of true spiritualism being raised Catholic and I don’t believe organized religion is necessary for a higher afterlife or an Earthly spiritual Life.

I can prove Christ existed more easily than you can prove he didn’t, there are multiple written records about him. But, what makes it is easy for me to believe he exists was all he really was was he was a holy man who professed good, and Love, and for us to live a more spiritual life, not a religious life. Why did this man deserve to be hated? My answer is because that is how this evil world is, it has to tear down GOOD. Just look at Abraham Lincoln, Mahatma Gandhi, etc…

But, how do I know God exists (I prefer to call him the Omnipresent LifeForce)? Have you ever seen your child born? Have you ever felt the Power of Humbleness or Mercy or Giving? Have you ever felt in your soul the beauty in good music or the shear joy in children laughing?

I don’t know why the Creator allowed a Rejected Angel or a Serpent in the Garden of Eden to exist in his Great Creation, maybe it’s because he just wanted to create a Grand Test of Will & Spirit, but Good & Evil exists, just like Right & Wrong does. I just like to believe in Goodness & Love and one of Christ’s messages that we should live to be Servants, not Masters.

Oh ‘witty’ one, I am not married (I divorced both my exes for being unfaithful in the marriage. Both cases were brought on by their insecurities & jealousies. I have NEVER cheated on a wife or girlfriend, EVER. How about you?) and Christ is very clear about the legitimacy of the Adultery Commandment. But he also breaks it down even further to sexual immorality, which I am probably guilty of since I first jacked off to Playboy’s Girls of the Pac10 issue and realized there is a gratification in Lust!

I disappear from this site and escort ad sites when I get into dating relationships.

I didn’t come on this thread to ‘preach’, but I am very good about defending myself and pointing out the stupidity and disrespectfulness in certain ‘witty’ logic!

The OP of this thread made a very simple statement, one that should be prevalent in every parent/child relationship- that your Mom & Dad love you with every part of their being, and would die for you!!

I absolutely LOVE that the OP had the courage to post his message, and Christ’s, his belief in all of us, even on a Hooker Board!

(drops mic, exists stage right)
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 04-17-2023, 04:51 PM
The talk of any religion has no place where EVERYONE is nutting in whores, same goes for politics!
No Bucky, you cannot prove jeebus existed. And asking me to prove jeebus did not exist is like me asking you to prove pink flying elephants do not exist.

You are sadly lacking in the IQ department Bucky by asking someone to prove a negative.
The talk of any religion has no place where EVERYONE is nutting in whores, same goes for politics! Originally Posted by BLM69
Amen brother!!! But politics is so much fun. Can't we butt heads over that?