10:1 <- This Can't Be Right! Really?

Twice a year is a regular? Gee with that factor I am a regular of alott of providers. I guess I would call a so called "regular" is a client that visits 3 to 4 times a month. Originally Posted by Woody of TX
If twice a year is regular, then the wife is one.
It is a matter of quality and discretion.
No one can provide consistent high quality (IMHO) with that many clients. I have had providers tell me it taxes (my word) their limits physically and emotionally. They will burn out, and I do not want to experience another burned out lady. Originally Posted by randyrogue
This is absolutely spot on accurate! Every provider has that volume level that she can manage and still do her job consistently well. Some push it to make more quick money or because they dont want to turn away any business or admit shes already booked. But in my opinion, providers who push their limits too far for too long will burn out...physical and mental exhaustion... Taking on too much business gives them more $ at the moment but less $ in the long run because the guys wont come back. Girls have to learn to pace themselves and not be afraid to tell a guy that shes unavailable that day. Tell him when you ARE available and he will probably appreciate it!

And theres nothing wrong with taking a few days off or going on vacation!
caramelqtee mila's Avatar
+1 @ Tracey P i totally agree!!!
I think part of the reason guys beat down my door when I was new on aspd (2006) was because I was booked almost 2 weeks in advance.
Not because I saw 5 guys a day, but because I wouldn't see more than 2 per day unless I was touring or unless the other 2 were FBSM appointments.

Now I politely refuse to see anyone in my home turf and only play when I go back to Houston.
For me a regular would be someone I still remember vividly after not seeing them for the past 16 months I've been in the army! :P
(and yes, I DO remember!)
MaxiMilyen's Avatar

A lady who sees one gentleman a week would be considered low-volume. A gentleman who sees one lady each week would be considered high-volume.
Originally Posted by HoneyRose
IMO...A lady who only sees one gentleman per week may be considered low volume, but she is also considered totally deprived! I wouldn't mind it being one gentleman, but sure hope it would be more than once a week!
I agree and believe if a provider is going to be able to "maintain" in this biz....she should have presence of mind to schedule clients far enough apart that they are not running into each other at the door at the very least. Good Grief! Sorry you experienced that. We all need time to regroup after playing in such a vigorous manner.

I have never been high volume, by choice, but there are weeks when it seems the phone rings off the hook and then there are weeks when I keep having to check to see if it's still working. LOL The hobby can be a fickle B****. I would imagine that many providers experience this and feel they have to take as many appointments as they can when they can. It's not like we have a guarantee that a gentleman will schedule every time we are available and need to work. Those with a good biz sense and are able to handle it will keep a few dollars in their pocket in order to get through the "slower" times, rather than becoming high volume ladies who experience burn out and have to leave. Originally Posted by M A X

Thanks MAX for the followup.
STATISTICS can be manipulated to 'say' almost anything. I doubt anyone would seriously seek to define a mean, median, mode, standard deviation or other STATISTIC from the website's data -- So how can anyone consider the 'problem' a problem? They can if they are confused by the numbers. Ignore the numbers of this 'problem.' It is not a problem unless you are in session with a burned out provider.

I do not look at a provider as a statistic, but as a person. I am apt to engage her in conversation to get acquainted, and to discern her state of mind. One certain provider was once lovely and desired, but has become erratic and frantic -- certain signs of burnout or other 'dis-ease.'
She will not hear from me again. I sympathize with her, but cannot help her and will not subject myself to her drama, nor the risk of becoming a victim.

Play safely.
Stay safe.


Bestman200600's Avatar
If I see one provider 3 times a week, what does that make me???
If I see one provider 3 times a week, what does that make me??? Originally Posted by Bestman200600
An addict?
niceguy's Avatar
If I see one provider 3 times a week, what does that make me??? Originally Posted by Bestman200600
Going steady!
The ratio I look at is 1,337 premium access to 766 verified providers.
Bestman200600's Avatar

You have 698 more reviews to do.
I'm trying as hard as I can.