Do you believe in FATE? Ever had coincidences happen?

Still Looking's Avatar
I believe! I also think there is SHIT everywhere! I just try really hard NOT to step in it!
......LMAO.. .I think that just the destiny and fate of being SL......sorry couldn't resist....
I believe! I also think there is SHIT everywhere! I just try really hard NOT to step in it! Originally Posted by Still Looking
simpleton's Avatar
Kim Cattrell was supposed to be on the Pan Am flight 103 but missed the flight due to shopping. There was also a dude who missed the flight because he was drinking at a bar in the airport and lost track of time. I had a friend that was close friends with a flight attendant that died in the bombing. So I have always paid close attention to the details of the bombing. But I have always wondered about those two people and how close they were to death and at the time had no idea.
pmdelites's Avatar
everything that you have experienced, are experiencing, and will be experiencing IS HAPPENING ALL THE TIME. it's just that our minds are not completely capable of seeing that everything IS. and whether we label it good, bad, so-so, mean, joyous, fate, karma, interesting, weird, disagreable, disgusting, or even discombobulating, just remember that it is OUR labeling of it. everything just IS!!

so, when you do see coincidental events, do like anaximander wrote - just enjoy it for the event it is. [great story, btw!!].

[side note - a church in my area had this quote in ther roadside marquee ...
"Whenever you see a coincidence, it's just God's way of staying anonymous."
not sure i totally agree w/ that, but it's a good way of looking at it]

like i say in my signline below --- it's always afternoon!
I believe! I also think there is SHIT everywhere! I just try really hard NOT to step in it! Originally Posted by Still Looking
I'd rather you step into a warm tub with me than step in shit LOLOL
I am a firm believer in karma and things happen for a reason and although at the time I may not understand why it does become clear later....i believe in doing the right thing and while i am human I try not to hurt anyone and when I do I own it and apologize...we all have choices and what happens depends on the choices we yes I believe in fate and destiny.... Originally Posted by Irish Vixen

I totally am a believer in karma and the golden rule. I suppose what I meant by not believing in luck or coincidence are not the same as believing in fate and destiny because THOSE are the reasons ( and to me not luck, random, coincidence, or change) that things hapen. :P
Still Looking's Avatar
I'd rather you step into a warm tub with me than step in shit LOLOL Originally Posted by alluringava
LOL Promise you'll be gentle with me!

I totally am a believer in karma and the golden rule. I suppose what I meant by not believing in luck or coincidence are not the same as believing in fate and destiny because THOSE are the reasons ( and to me not luck, random, coincidence, or change) that things hapen. :P Originally Posted by alluringava
I've always believed in the "golden Rule". He who has the gold, makes the rules! Damn Mods! LOL

anaximander's Avatar
No, I've decided I don't believe in fate. I never really have. Everything good and bad that's come to me are by the choices I have made and things that I have done. I don't think any of it is predetermined. Originally Posted by Shayla
Explain then particle track memory.
Particle placement in living atomic matrixes
is a delicate thing to say the least.
That it happens googleplexes of times
each second is brain numbing.

If the particles that compose us have a
predetermined place.
Why in the Verse would we not?

That few of us can discern the patterns
does not negate the reality.
HiTechguy's Avatar
Fate and karma are two different things. Karma is action and the result is karma-bhal or the fruit of your action, just like Newtons third law. So you may believe in karma but fate....
I think we resonate with certain things, to be honest Tia only your 4th tale struck me as a bit unusual.

I definitely think most of the clients I've met have been for some particular reason that has not been the ostensible reason, we've been placed in our paths for no other reason than to exchange energy in some way, nothing to do with escorting. It's been a moment of peace and safety to get a life path sorted out. (I wish I could say it was mine - I'm pretty clear about mine! The only time a client's affected that path has been when I've fallen in love. Ouch.)
Kim Cattrell was supposed to be on the Pan Am flight 103 but missed the flight due to shopping. There was also a dude who missed the flight because he was drinking at a bar in the airport and lost track of time. I had a friend that was close friends with a flight attendant that died in the bombing. So I have always paid close attention to the details of the bombing. But I have always wondered about those two people and how close they were to death and at the time had no idea. Originally Posted by simpleton
Yes I know people who have missed trains or whatever in London and Bali and missed bombings and lived to tell the tale.

In one case (Bali) they were very clear about feeling bad about the beach that was bombed the day before, refused to return there the next day, day of the bombing, despite it being a very expensive holiday. Too late in the night to be supplying details right now..
anaximander's Avatar
I think we resonate with certain things, to be honest Tia only your 4th tale struck me as a bit unusual.

I definitely think most of the clients I've met have been for some particular reason that has not been the ostensible reason, we've been placed in our paths for no other reason than to exchange energy in some way, nothing to do with escorting. Originally Posted by Leah Ireland
Indeed you are seeing the edge of the Real.

An exchange of energy is as good a way of
putting it as any other.
Escorting in this case was merely a
means to an end.

What is the purpose?
Why does this all repeat?

God likes reruns too?

ooh look the greeks landing at Illium
this is a good one....seen it before