Whadday drink? (not what you think)

searchme's Avatar
Wine or water.
Does Lemon Aid count under fruit juices? Does mix drinks count under hard liquor?
Why isn't iced tea on the list? Originally Posted by AngelOK
Tried to put it on after it was first mentioned, but polls don't let you modify them.
jughead1171's Avatar
Water, ice tea or soft drink and in that order of preference
coast_encounter's Avatar
I was in Buffalo New York about 15 years ago and I ordered unsweet tea with my meal and got hot tea. I was puzzled at first and figured I made a huge assumption. No grits to be found anywhere up there in the restaurants we went to. Plenty of home fries though. Didn't bother asking for french dressing/catalina for my pizza either.
Red wine...because I like it!
I was in Buffalo New York about 15 years ago and I ordered unsweet tea with my meal and got hot tea. I was puzzled at first and figured I made a huge assumption. No grits to be found anywhere up there in the restaurants we went to. Plenty of home fries though. Didn't bother asking for french dressing/catalina for my pizza either. Originally Posted by coast_encounter
Years ago, I had a friend traveling in Canada (nothing disparaging, Lauren, just a critical part of the story). He was staying in an upscale hotel, having breakfast. He wanted a refill on his coffee and told the waiter to "warm up" his cup. The waiter looked at him quizzically, took the coffee cup and saucer, and then brought it back with the same amount of coffee in it. He had done what the customer wanted: he "warmed up" the cup.
Unsweetened tea with noncal sweetner, diet cola, water in that order. I don't like to eat before a bcd encounter, but as an intermission between bcd times is another story,
I would love to enjoy a nice bottle of wine with my gentleman.... I'm sure we would both enjoy that. Then, later, we'll be thinking about dessert...
Actually, I might have one drink-- say a gin and tonic, and then share a bottle of wine. Can't have too much though. Just the right amount.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
I was in Buffalo New York about 15 years ago and I ordered unsweet tea with my meal and got hot tea. I was puzzled at first and figured I made a huge assumption. No grits to be found anywhere up there in the restaurants we went to. Plenty of home fries though. Didn't bother asking for french dressing/catalina for my pizza either. Originally Posted by coast_encounter
Just go for wings and beer in Buffalo.....lots of beer! Thats about the only thing they are really good at there.
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
Red wine :-)
Iced tea with lime and fresh mint. If there isn't mint I'll have a Diet Coke with very little ice.
DarthMaul's Avatar
Iced Tea if it's just dinner. If BCD activities are planned...Either a Grey Goose or Tito's Martini..(Dirty of course).

A martini gives me just enough of an edge where I am relaxed.
kendra kayy's Avatar
I prefer sweet tea or soft drink... not much of a drinker these days but occasionally will enjoy a glass of wine.